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New Warframe Confirmed (Mirage) Megathread


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NEXT FRAME IS... infested frame????




EDIT: Old Cabal concept art which is kinda similar looking




if cabal is morphed into that, i go to Canada and start throwing feces. not the vegetarian ones.

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It seems strange that people are negating typhus as a possibility because maybe the new frame will be female (we don't know a single thing for certain yet): correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't zephyr a male in concept art and a female in the game (ash too)?

Maybe the new frame will be a kind of infested she typhus...

Edited by Zuijin
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It seems strange that people are negating typhus as a possibility because maybe the new frame will be female (we don't know a single thing for certain yet): correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't zephyr a male in concept art and a female in the game (ash too)?

Maybe the new frame will be a kind of infested she typhus...


You're right, Zephyr was male in the original concept. See it here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/121272-warframe-concept-zephyr-the-wind-elemental-artwork-included-resolved/

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It seems strange that people are negating typhus as a possibility because maybe the new frame will be female (we don't know a single thing for certain yet): correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't zephyr a male in concept art and a female in the game (ash too)?

Maybe the new frame will be a kind of infested she typhus...


But it's very clear that the official Zephyr was at least inspired by the fan concept.


I see zero of Typhus in whoever this new frame is.

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But it's very clear that the official Zephyr was at least inspired by the fan concept.


I see zero of Typhus in whoever this new frame is.


The fleshy parts on her arm seems a lot like the pictures of typhus after being damaged, with chunks of his armor ripped off (one of the most peculiar ideas of RedSkittlez, if I'm not wrong).

BUT we don't know a single tiny thing for certain yet. The female frame on the mods could even be an infested nova and all this hype would be for nought.

Edited by Zuijin
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