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Update 14 Hype Megathread... U14 Has Been Released!


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PWE doesn't do non-controlling shares. it's 51%+ with them or not at all. 


If, *IF*, DE somehow pulls off the coup of the century and manages to keep a controlling interest in the game, it may turn out ok. I somehow doubt that's what's going to happen, though. 

Where in the world did you here PW doesn't do non controlling shares....just stop please. Most everyone's already running around like the WF servers are gonna get shut off, you throwing around lies isn't helping.


Seriously, people, just stop. Nothing is going to happen. This is a move to get Warframe released for the Xbox One in China most likely. Nothing is going to happen to Warframe or DE. Just take some time and read some of the factual and or sensible posts people have made in the megathread or elsewhere, don't pull that TLDR. You'll find that there is absolutely nothing to worry about. Just reading the actual business proposition made by PW in the megathread you can see that there is no attempt at a "takeover" of DE.


ANYWAYS, U14?!?! Ships?!!? New helmets?!?! QUESTS?!?!?!

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Where in the world did you here PW doesn't do non controlling shares....just stop please. Most everyone's already running around like the WF servers are gonna get shut off, you throwing around lies isn't helping.


Seriously, people, just stop. Nothing is going to happen. This is a move to get Warframe released for the Xbox One in China most likely. Nothing is going to happen to Warframe or DE. Just take some time and read some of the factual and or sensible posts people have made in the megathread or elsewhere, don't pull that TLDR. You'll find that there is absolutely nothing to worry about. Just reading the actual business proposition made by PW in the megathread you can see that there is no attempt at a "takeover" of DE.


ANYWAYS, U14?!?! Ships?!!? New helmets?!?! QUESTS?!?!?!

Firstly, we don't know they are trying for a take-over, however we also don't know that they are not trying for a take-over.  That's the reason for this incredible storm.  A lack of information.  If we knew one way or another, things probably wouldn't be as bad.  Depending.  I guess they could be.  Who knows...


Secondly... How could you forget the Kubrows?  Really?!?!

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Firstly, we don't know they are trying for a take-over, however we also don't know that they are not trying for a take-over.  That's the reason for this incredible storm.  A lack of information.  If we knew one way or another, things probably wouldn't be as bad.  Depending.  I guess they could be.  Who knows...


Secondly... How could you forget the Kubrows?  Really?!?!

You've got a point, but why would a company be dangling out a majority of there shares for another company to buy in the first place (unless they are actively trying to sell). It would make sense that DE owns a majority of its own shares, while putting out whatever amount they want in the remaining minority for people to invest in.


And also, nowhere, in official documents or press releases, do the words "acquisition" or "merger" appear, only the purchase of outstanding shares. If a merger/acquisition was the purpose here, they would have said so, especially on the statement from the Hong Kong Stock exchange.


And yeah, I forgot Kubrows, those will be interesting to have. I wonder how we'll go about getting them though.

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I like the fact that they are starting to design planets based on area of space, surface and distance to the sun. - I found this rather annoying originally but now I've gotten use to it... I guessing the Ice planet is either Uranus or Neptune, though it could be Pluto... though that's not even a dwarth planet anymore.

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Where in the world did you here PW doesn't do non controlling shares....just stop please. Most everyone's already running around like the WF servers are gonna get shut off, you throwing around lies isn't helping.


Seriously, people, just stop. Nothing is going to happen. This is a move to get Warframe released for the Xbox One in China most likely. Nothing is going to happen to Warframe or DE. Just take some time and read some of the factual and or sensible posts people have made in the megathread or elsewhere, don't pull that TLDR. You'll find that there is absolutely nothing to worry about. Just reading the actual business proposition made by PW in the megathread you can see that there is no attempt at a "takeover" of DE.


ANYWAYS, U14?!?! Ships?!!? New helmets?!?! QUESTS?!?!?!



let's talk about my 'lies'. Show me where, on there, any entities PW owns a minority stock in sit? 


Let's play a game I like to call 'find the gaming companies we know they've had business dealings with'


Both cryptek, makers of STO, and Runic games, the guys behind Torchlight, are either entirely or majority owned. 


Yes, so far, it's non-binding, but that's the only hope we have right now, and It sure as hell doesn't look good with DErebecca saying she's awaiting official comment or info. 


And, for the on topic? Hype? meh. we'll see what happens. 

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I like the fact that they are starting to design planets based on area of space, surface and distance to the sun. - I found this rather annoying originally but now I've gotten use to it... I guessing the Ice planet is either Uranus or Neptune, though it could be Pluto... though that's not even a dwarth planet anymore.


There's been no indication of where the Ice planet tileset will be, so anything as of late is pure speculation. My personal opinion on where I think it's most likely to end up is either on Europa or Pluto; leaning towards Europa.


I see Europa as the most likely for a couple of reasons. The first being practicality from a gameplay standpoint. What I mean by that is, DE generally tries to tackle the planets that need love first before tackling the high traffic areas. This is why Eris is getting the new infested tileset, even though they could have put it anywhere on the starchart they wanted to - because its a low traffic area that is otherwise unused and uninteresting. Same thing goes for the shipyard tileset before it. DE's goal is to try and get us to return to all those planets and moons across the starchart long after we've grinded through them the first time, and go back as often as possible. How often do you find yourself just jumping on and picking out a random mission on Sedna or Europa or what have you? I know personally if there weren't alerts on those planets, I'd never bother touching them.


The other reason goes back to what you were first saying about anatomical features. Planets like Neptune and Uranus are gas/liquid giants, and based on the concept art we've been shown of the ice tileset, I would find it odd they'd gravitate towards that. No pun intended. Places like Pluto and Europa however are both rocky and icy in real life, making them perfect candidates for such a tile set.


And lastly, the reason I wouldn't say Uranus is because Uranus is actually a Grineer controlled planet, even though a fair amount of it is covered in Corpus at the moment on PC. And the reason I wouldn't say Neptune is because that's Corpus home base - and I have a feeling that DE has a much more grand and extravagant tileset planned for the home planet of the race that idealizes profit.


But of course as I said before, pretty much everything I said is speculation and it could easily turn out to be entirely 100% wrong. 

Edited by DJ_Redwire
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I know it's gonna seem like a silly question, but what is your profile picture of?



If friday's livestream, and we are in Update 13.9.1 will be Update 14 next week?

Possibly. We will know, apparently.

Edited by AdunSaveMe
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I need it!!! I am not on the hype train because of the PWE bull hockey but I want an update to cheer me up WHERE IS IT!! JUST GIVE ME THE NEW WARFRAME!! AT THIS POINT I COULD CARE LESS ABOUT THE UI UPDATE!!!!



Srsly, you want a Bugs++ update or a Fun++ update?

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I need it!!! I am not on the hype train because of the PWE bull hockey but I want an update to cheer me up WHERE IS IT!! JUST GIVE ME THE NEW WARFRAME!! AT THIS POINT I COULD CARE LESS ABOUT THE UI UPDATE!!!!


First of all: You may rest now

Second: There's still a week (or two, or three) left. They can't possibly drag this on much longer! (they freakin' can and i think they freakin' will)

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Srsly, you want a Bugs++ update or a Fun++ update?

I LOVE MY CAPS!!! and the bugs are strong in every update, granted that I usually like for the devs to take their time sorting it out and fixing the game breaking ones but I would like some content soonish and a new warframe sounds perfect for the july break I get. 

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