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Update 14 Hype Megathread... U14 Has Been Released!


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Well they said no in the Devstream. However, i saw one of the team mention that a very minor fix would roll out with U14, even though it was something that would normally be done in a minor update or hotfix, which leads me to think that U14 may be this week.

However DE has never said When u14 would be released and have been relatively straight up about when its not, so to say that its overdue is incorrect. If they had done the U13 thing and had a countdown which flopped, then yeah.

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Dont make me paste some Dr. "Notionphil" on you. I thought we were all done calling for "Better AI" it does not mean anything when you actually think about what AI means and what can actually change fight to fight in game. You want more mechanics for enemies and better ways to interact with enemies.  Still not arriving in Update 14 and I doubt Kubrows will help that.


*snerk* Haha, what?


"Oh no, mommy!  The bad man's going to quote somebody smarter than him!"


Don't threaten me with notionphil, and don't tell me what I want.  I doubt even he wants to be quoted in such a way (or even be associated with "Dr. Phil").  If anyone deserves quoting, it's probably Nietzsche to illustrate how apparently futile it is to be optimistic about something the dev team is doing for their game FOR US.

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