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Update 14 Hype Megathread... U14 Has Been Released!


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Fixed? you added more grammatical errors, you didn't fix anything. Seriously, would it kill you to type properly?


Also, it's looking less and less likely that U14 would be today. 


Plot twist: the Machete Blueprint IS u14



pfffff I'm sorry.

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As what others said. 


They already tried this with U13 and it was a mess. Hundreds of threads about disappointment, paragraphs of rants, blah blah blah. It was crazy. Now this time they don't give us an estimate of when it's going to be released and it seems there are far few threads about complaints like this now. At least DE learned from that experience. 


well they could have released melee 2.0 down the road and released the rest of u13 on time.


Seriously, it's not hard to work around things.

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"Hey guys, we are going to release update 13 this week. Though, melee 2.0 isn't finished so we will be releasing that a week or 2 down the road. (shows how melee 2.0 isn't finished)"


"With this week's update 14, we will give you the ability to bookmark your account (which basically captures all info, stats, mods, plat etc and creates a copy which will be held in our servers that can be transferred to the ps4 when their update 14 comes out) so you can migrate to the ps4llater if you want to when possible. Though understand that any plat purchases, mod pickups, and further progress will not carry over after you bookmarked your account and trading will be off limits until you have migrated or opted out of migrating"

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They tried that with Melee 2.0 and look what happened


the fault is completely DE's on that one, they promised us "THE SWORD ALONE" and we got no mid-air melee, no aimable melee (up/down), and no melee uppercut, thus no way for melee to deal with cameras/turrets/flyers


the timeline was NOT the problem, the problem was they didn't give us the content that they claimed they were delivering

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the fault is completely DE's on that one, they promised us "THE SWORD ALONE" and we got no mid-air melee, no aimable melee (up/down), and no melee uppercut, thus no way for melee to deal with cameras/turrets/flyers


the timeline was NOT the problem, the problem was they didn't give us the content that they claimed they were delivering


And they removed  charge attacks , and slowed daggers  down to great sword attack speed for some reason 


I have to say that i  don't believe it will be next week promises aside  ,   they love to hype  every thing too much , for it to only be a week  away 


Look at  the grandiose "opening the vault " line ,  where they opened the "vault" to give a crap weapon that was taken off the market cause it was crap ; in both  looks and use -  paraphrasing  actual DE live stream statements here . 


end of the month seems most likely 

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