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Vandal Envy Is A Serious Thing


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Meh, Braton Vandal and Lato Vandal aren't good anyway. Never really understood people's fascination with them. The only exclusive I've ever cared about was Excal Prime and that's only because he's a better Excal. Give me a plain Excal with the same benefits and future buffs and I'll completely forget about the Prime.

Excal prime is only better in void for the occasional extra bit of energy.  Otherwise he needs an extra forma (2 if you want a bar for your aura) for a good build because of the extra V polarity and has no real advantages over normal Excal other than a pretty basic helmet.  Most people that I know who have him use the proto skin on him :|

Edited by Aggh
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I really wish people would get their facts straight before calling someone out on something as if they know the answer.




You were saying what? That said nothing about the Lato/Braton Vandal. And my comment still stands. His argument is the same one PS4 players make, that they missed it by a certain window/it ended right before they were able to play, therefore they should re-release the items.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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yea thats the one i was refering to. how did u remember what stream  haha


I have that exact moment during the livestream bookmarked. That's how often issues like this come up.


That's them talking about event items.  They even go on to say that the language used in the release of the founders item is why they won't be released. I'd say the language in this hot topic thread is pretty clear:


They've actually gone out and said that the braton vandal (which were the only vandals at the time) were exclusive.

Oh and just to be clear, I could care less if they're re released. It's just delicious to see how hypocritical some of the newer founders can be :|


I've seen that link that before. It's over a year old, and if you think that it's even just a little reasonable to say that a post that old considering how much has changed since then is still 100% cut and dry, I'd say you're rather silly for thinking so.


Secondly, "event" weapons." Yes, they say event weapons, what does that mean? Does it mean weapons only from events, or weapon series's from events? What defines an "event"? Something where you play and earn an item, or just a special occasion when something is handed out? None of this has been clearly defined.


So, until told otherwise, it's most wise to assume that "event weapons" is the most liberal interpretation of what that means. Something like "The celebration of exiting CBT" could be considered an event by DE for all we know. Until you can prove to me otherwise with a source from the past 6 months, it's safe to say we don't know what resides in and out of the domain of "event weapons." I'm personally going to assume everything is on the table until such a time.



You were saying what? That said nothing about the Lato/Braton Vandal. And my comment still stands. His argument is the same one PS4 players make, that they missed it by a certain window/it ended right before they were able to play, therefore they should re-release the items.


Like I said - show me with a reasonably recent source that the Lato/Braton Vandal are specifically off the table never to be released again. As I explained above "event weapons" could be a broad or narrow term depending on DE's interpretation. It matters little if that's the reason or not if something should be re-released, but DE's overall philosophy on "event weapons" is that they want to bring them back eventually - regardless of why. 

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I have that exact moment during the livestream bookmarked. That's how often issues like this come up.



I've seen that link that before. It's over a year old, and if you think that it's even just a little reasonable to say that a post that old considering how much has changed since then is still 100% cut and dry, I'd say you're rather silly for thinking so.


Secondly, "event" weapons." Yes, they say event weapons, what does that mean? Does it mean weapons only from events, or weapon series's from events? What defines an "event"? Something where you play and earn an item, or just a special occasion when something is handed out? None of this has been clearly defined.


So, until told otherwise, it's most wise to assume that "event weapons" is the most liberal interpretation of what that means. Something like "The celebration of exiting CBT" could be considered an event by DE for all we know. Until you can prove to me otherwise with a source from the past 6 months, it's safe to say we don't know what resides in and out of the domain of "event weapons." I'm personally going to assume everything is on the table until such a time.




Like I said - show me with a reasonably recent source that the Lato/Braton Vandal are specifically off the table never to be released again. As I explained above "event weapons" could be a broad or narrow term depending on DE's interpretation. It matters little if that's the reason or not if something should be re-released, but DE's overall philosophy on "event weapons" is that they want to bring them back eventually - regardless of why. 


Give me an example where they've gone back on their word after explicitly saying that something was exclusive in response to people asking that it be re released.  Exclusivity doesn't have an expiration date for DE.


And no, events refer to actual planned in game events, the first being the Fusion Moa event.  It's never meant anything else.


It's hilarious how fickle some players can be about exclusivity when it suits them.  You can't have it both ways.  If you want one item that's been declared exclusive to stay that way, all of them have to stay that way.  Otherwise you're asking DE to go back on their word to a specific group of players just to suit your own purposes while still expecting them to hold to their word with you.

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Wraith Envy is serious too

-pic snip-

 omg now that im envious of.. i had missread that events rewards and only did 20 runs and i never got the Machete Wraith... u sir...grrr...my #1 wanted weapon ;-;

Edited by FalsePride
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Give me an example where they've gone back on their word after explicitly saying that something was exclusive in response to people asking that it be re released.  Exclusivity doesn't have an expiration date for DE.


You've got it backwards. Please quote the part where I said or even implied that they are or were or could re-releasing ANYTHING based on people complaining about it. THEY (DE) said that, not anyone else, as made evident by that portion of the livestream. All I'm asking for is relevant confirmation, is that so much to ask for? If that link you keep throwing out is still 100% valid as the day is was posted, awesome. Fantastic. That's class-A definitive confirmation, I'm simply asking for that to be reaffirmed to show that link is still relevant - or if it has, to please show me where. Many times there have been forum posts by DE, arguable very important ones, that became outdated shortly after they were posted, and other times they never reflected the actual policies that were currently in the works of the company at the time they were said. One such example is often policies regarding the void drop tables, where our admins say one thing and the devs do another.



And no, events refer to actual planned in game events, the first being the Fusion Moa event.  It's never meant anything else.


That's YOUR definition of the entire scope of what is and isn't an event. Please show me where it is reflected that your definition coincides with what DE's definition of what is and isn't an event. I'm not the one who's arguing that particular situations are event and others are not - in fact I'm claiming to not have any knowledge one way or the other.



It's hilarious how fickle some players can be about exclusivity when it suits them.



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You've got it backwards. Please quote the part where I said or even implied that they are or were or could re-releasing ANYTHING based on people complaining about it. THEY (DE) said that, not anyone else, as made evident by that portion of the livestream. All I'm asking for is relevant confirmation, is that so much to ask for? If that link you keep throwing out is still 100% valid as the day is was posted, awesome. Fantastic. That's class-A definitive confirmation, I'm simply asking for that to be reaffirmed to show that link is still relevant - or if it has, to please show me where. Many times there have been forum posts by DE, arguable very important ones, that became outdated shortly after they were posted, and other times they never reflected the actual policies that were currently in the works of the company at the time they were said. One such example is often policies regarding the void drop tables, where our admins say one thing and the devs do another.




That's YOUR definition of the entire scope of what is and isn't an event. Please show me where it is reflected that your definition coincides with what DE's definition of what is and isn't an event. I'm not the one who's arguing that particular situations are event and others are not - in fact I'm claiming to not have any knowledge one way or the other.





Because that hot topic was preceded by piles of threads asking about the vandals; that's why it was a hot topic.  Anyone that was around then remembers it.  Not sure how this comes as a surprise, there was a lot of Q.q about vandals for a while after obt started.  Feel free to ask DE what they meant by it, they'll tell you the same.


  Again, exclusivity does not expire.  If DE says they're exclusive they're exclusive.  They've even gone out of their way on other occasions to point out that something is not exclusive since they never said it was (primed chamber is a good example).


No, it's how DE calls them.  That's why they refer to the Fusion Moa event as the game's first event and that they never called the beginning of obt an event.  Which would safely infer giving out items for cbt rewards wasn't an event.


People really need to learn to not throw around informal fallacies around as some form of argument when they don't really understand them.  I soundly disproved your arguments multiple times before I pointed out how hypocritical your stance on exclusives is.

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I've seen that link that before. It's over a year old, and if you think that it's even just a little reasonable to say that a post that old considering how much has changed since then is still 100% cut and dry, I'd say you're rather silly for thinking so.

So what your saying is every year they are going to have to re-announce which weapons are and are not coming back including the founder items?

To me event weapons are weapons that were reward for events that take place or continue the lore of the in game universe not item obtained as a gift from the devs for being here at a certain point in the game. But who really knows how DE defines events.

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As a closed beta player who never picked up any of the vandals or wraiths ect...It's one of my biggest mistakes. I don't regret not getting them (I was doing other stuff at the  time) but if I had the chance I would jump on them like no tomorrow.

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Give me an example where they've gone back on their word after explicitly saying that something was exclusive in response to people asking that it be re released.  Exclusivity doesn't have an expiration date for DE.


And no, events refer to actual planned in game events, the first being the Fusion Moa event.  It's never meant anything else.


It's hilarious how fickle some players can be about exclusivity when it suits them.  You can't have it both ways.  If you want one item that's been declared exclusive to stay that way, all of them have to stay that way.  Otherwise you're asking DE to go back on their word to a specific group of players just to suit your own purposes while still expecting them to hold to their word with you.



ya it kind of ridicurous , when people talk about want DE to bring back founder pack  the founder guy said DE won't turn their word

now look at this thread even founder himself talking about maybe DE will change thier word, this is hilarious

I just don't give a duck about any exclusive   if i miss it , fine. if de re-release it ,even better.



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Braton and Lato Vandals are the only 2 weapons I do not have. I am OK with that. I can see a case for the Braton to be rereleased but I can't say the same for the Lato. I personally feel DE shouldn't bring back either one for the sake of consistency.

Sometimes you just miss out. That's the way it goes sometimes. I am OK with that. I have made every effort to acquire anything else that has come out and that's MY sense of completion (apart from that Steam junk, no offense DE but skins are the new blight of gaming and they need to die in a fire)

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Excal prime is only better in void for the occasional extra bit of energy.  Otherwise he needs an extra forma (2 if you want a bar for your aura) for a good build because of the extra V polarity and has no real advantages over normal Excal other than a pretty basic helmet.  Most people that I know who have him use the proto skin on him :|

Notice that I said future buffs since I keep hearing about DE going back and giving the other Primes buffs like Loki and Rhino got. I have the Proto Skin, but I much prefer the sleek, simplistic look without it.

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