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So Do I Get My Weekend/48Ish Hours Back? >405 Runs


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Topkek, 10/10


Exploit, abuse or neither, anyone and everyone still could've gotten to the point where no enemies spawned.


the way I see it, past level 300 you touch a toxic and you die. Level 9999 you touch a toxic and die. Everyone plays on the same terms until they go past 9999 right? Then there are no enemies... for everyone... right?


i feel like it could've been left. People would've rushed and pushed for top, it would've remained the same spamming grind for the people at the top at that point - enemies or no enemies. The majority of the playerbase doesn't care for how far up a select few wanna nolife against eachother.


Unless I'm misunderstanding something there are (were) three parts to this race:

1. starting level to OHKO level

2. OHKO level to no enemies

3. No enemies until event ends


As stated above anyone could reach any point of said race they wanted to, while it may be unintended, it's still fair as far as I can see as the results of exceeding max enemy level are universal and not due to deliberately replicating a bug. So in the end it would've still remained a "Whoever eats, sleeps and goes to the toilet the least wins" competition.

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Of course I'd be upset about the situation if I were in the same position, but the difference is that I wouldn't put myself in the same situation. It was really really obvious what could've happened and considering that many were asking that the punishment go beyond simply knocking your scores off, you kinda got off lucky.


Your example of overtime really doesn't help your cause. Let's think about it more specifically to this scenario.


Let's say that your boss wanted you to work overtime, and said that he would pay you for overtime work on a Friday night. He obviously didn't mean for you to work the whole weekend in overtime, so that when he comes back on Monday- surprise! You guys are still sitting at your desks. Except that any work you had to do was completed long ago, so you've just been sitting there with your buddies for hours and hours doing nothing, an expect overtime pay when your boss comes back.


Obviously your boss didn't intent for your overtime work to last that long, because it just seems entirely unreasonable! They didn't say you couldn't, but all the workers should have known this all along. They also shouldn't be surprised when the boss fumes and decides not to give you guys overtime pay for all that work you actually didn't do for half the time.


So no, for the last time, I am not saying that the competition was necessarily "easy." The game was. Speedrunning it over and over again to beat the other guys speedrunning it without enemies is not how the game was intended to be played and you should've known that while you were doing it.


I'm not saying you're completely incorrect, because DE really should have figured out how to scale enemies in a way that didn't come up with this issue, though I assume they thought that it just wouldn't get that severe and it was a simple error in their judgment. However, you should have known this would happen as a consequence of your actions and acting surprised that this happened is really your own fault. It really doesn't take a genius to put two and two together and realize that DE was very well prepared to knock your points off for it.

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i think a more accurate display of your overtime anology would be someone working overtime on the weekend, stocking shelves, or coding, or setting up presentations, or whatever, but come monday morning the boss disregards all that work, and all the other employees that didnt work overtime agree because "you didnt have to deal with customers"

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Has there been an event without exploting and other issues? Maybe just the very first one with the fusion moas. Im not sure why they(DE) havent figured it out yet and why the community continues to take these events so seriously.

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Topkek, 10/10


Exploit, abuse or neither, anyone and everyone still could've gotten to the point where no enemies spawned.


the way I see it, past level 300 you touch a toxic and you die. Level 9999 you touch a toxic and die. Everyone plays on the same terms until they go past 9999 right? Then there are no enemies... for everyone... right?


i feel like it could've been left. People would've rushed and pushed for top, it would've remained the same spamming grind for the people at the top at that point - enemies or no enemies. The majority of the playerbase doesn't care for how far up a select few wanna nolife against eachother.


Unless I'm misunderstanding something there are (were) three parts to this race:

1. starting level to OHKO level

2. OHKO level to no enemies

3. No enemies until event ends


As stated above anyone could reach any point of said race they wanted to, while it may be unintended, it's still fair as far as I can see as the results of exceeding max enemy level are universal and not due to deliberately replicating a bug. So in the end it would've still remained a "Whoever eats, sleeps and goes to the toilet the least wins" competition.

Well because what was done was against the rules. It doesn't matter if everyone has a chance to break the rules. It doesn't negate that a rule was broken.
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Now it seems a new horror is upon the boards.. I'm sure you've all seen the screenshots and the repetitive perfect scores? Perhaps checked some profiles and seen that alt accounts are being used en masse? I like to compete, so do many other clans, but DE needs to put down the beers, and get these events right.


Real talk..

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When I looked at the leader boards Sunday, I knew this was going to be a problem...


DE has added a posh trophy room to the Dojos... This, unfortunately, serves a purpose for around 50 clans in the game total.


This competition being so fierce to attain one of the trophies can't possibly come as a surprise to anyone.


DE is going to have to come up with some different criterion for rewarding trophies.


The "There Can Be Only One" methodology isn't working.

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That is absurdly naive and unlikely.  DE team just forgot to address the scaling cap and got burned. 


"doubt its even designed"

"scoring has no cap in a competitive environment"


Yeah, you tell me no one saw that coming. 


They probably didn't. We're aware of how naive the devs are to that level of play. Mainly because the ones who participate in these methods do not send tickets to then, They catch it when it's too late. I've always implored people to be a good tester, and when something like this arises don't horde it for personal gain scream loudly about it so it can be fixed so there would really be a sense of competition.


All of this energy directed towards getting caught could be better served trying to help figure out a way to make things better without encroaching on the code.


Second part is, it might be a really hard thing to go about fixing, and seeing as how they're rolling out a lot of new content, I doubt they want to explore changing core variables like this that might lead to catastrophic problems in the code. Im not saying I like it, but I get it.


And my Dark Souls comparison was that of someone going NG+5-7 on an SL1-10 player. You will get one shot, you will struggle. And you can distil the two scenarios here quite clearly. It's out of the boundaries the games were designed to be played, yet people relish the challenge.  The trouble is the devs want no part in something like that..it doesn't help them sell games. Or in this instance..plat?

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Guest Shibboleet

Has there been an event without exploting and other issues? Maybe just the very first one with the fusion moas. Im not sure why they(DE) havent figured it out yet and why the community continues to take these events so seriously.

We keep thinking "This could be the one"

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Guest Shibboleet

Ahh that thing called Hope ehh?

Yea, honestly I think the only way to make an event work is to have the clans that consistently get top in the events to help balance it before launch. But then they themselves might have to be excluded from said event (depending on how the event works of course). The first thing that went through my mind when I noticed the levels increasing was "When will they hit level cap and stop spawning", and "Maybe DE fixed level cap not spawning", as I was the one who made a thread about level cap a long time ago.

Edited by Shibboleet
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Yea, honestly I think the only way to make an event work is to have the clans that consistently get top in the events to help balance it before launch. But then they themselves might have to be excluded from said event (depending on how the event works of course). The first thing that went through my mind when I noticed the levels increasing was "When will they hit level cap and stop spawning", and "Maybe DE fixed level cap not spawning", as I was the one who made a thread about level cap a long time ago.

Honestly I think they need to find some other way of fostering competition between clans and players in events outside of grinding points like most the events in the past. They also need to seriously crack down on intentionally exploiting so there can atleast be a shred of legitimacy in some of these events.

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Admittedly we (all who exploited the bug) are at fault for not reporting this lvl 9999 bug right away, however I think that DE overreacted with capping the event scores like this.

Apart from that bug and the change of the scoring system, BREEDING GROUNDS is an awesome event, maybe the best we had so far (if we forget for a minute how awesome Survival Weekend was)!

I just hope this disaster doesn't stop DE to create more events like this in the future.

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Guest Shibboleet

Sure the events are not perfect.

DE needs to step up the game in that department.

Fact is though OP and others exploited. Which pretty much means they looked for a cheap way out. Easy way to win.

Now they complain cause they got a slap on their hands.



I don't know how it is considered an 'exploit'. Do you even know what happened?

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If you spent 48 hours running a mission over and over with no enemies spawning what did you think would happen? This is how DE always fix there mistakes.

 DE did not waste your time, you wasted your own time. This fix was obvious and you should have seen it coming and stopped abusing it.

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DE knew about the fact that after level 9999 enemies you get no enemies.They knew it months before this event because they put a bandaid over it when people were doing it in defense and survivals. The change they made was that if it couldn't find any enemies it would just fail the mission.


I'm guessing they thought the bandaid would hold over the gash in their programming or perhaps they forgot that that survival and defense fix wasn't actually a fix and were happy with it until now when they realized they didn't actually solve the problem.


Also It amuses me that some people are actually defending competitions in which you just have to recruit as many people as possible instead of actually playing the mission. Hell the event was set up that if you played the mission over and over you were rewarded with more points. Now we are just racing to see how many new people we can recruit and hardly even playing the event. He who recruits the most wins is a boring event.


People always say they don't care about leaderboards but perhaps that is why they can not empathize with people who do play competitively. I'm sure you would be annoyed too if you actually tried.

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Well because what was done was against the rules. It doesn't matter if everyone has a chance to break the rules. It doesn't negate that a rule was broken.

Against the rules?! What? They ENCOURAGED us to go as far as we can.


"by completing more missions, you will encounter more difficult hives and more difficult enemies! These difficulty increases will allow you to yield higher points in a single run, with endless potential if you want to compete in Clan Leaderboards."

Please read, Endless potential. (Until you hit a bug)

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soooo..........whats the point of even going to 405?


am i missing something here?


The point was they made an endless point system so clans and individuals could compete, and they made it endless knowing about the enemies not spawning past cap.

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I hit 405 Friday, which means that my non-stop play for an entire weekend (48 hours?) has all been for nothing. Can you give me my time back DE? I would have much rather been doing something else. This is definitely not the correct fix to this problem.


Like, if I have to waste my weekend on this for nothing. Why can't you waste your weekend working to fix this? Or at least let us know about this before 5min before it happens? (You know so I can stop running..)

So, you hit 405 on Friday and then kept on running missions with 0 enemies for 48 hours? Wow that's hard work! DE should give you a medal!

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