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So Do I Get My Weekend/48Ish Hours Back? >405 Runs


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Due to the enemy level during events being based on your total score, they reached insanely high levels.


However, after level 10,000 enemies stop spawning, which was a known issue for quite a while.


Since people kept doing runs, because there was no way to avoid it, they sunk everyone's score who had runs past enemy level 10k.


The problem now is that for clans who had members with scores that could only be obtained in that level range, they're now totally void.


So what kinda of bests are we talking about 300+ 400+? I know 400 was level 9999 mobs, I'm just gonna have to wait till I get home. Anxiety attack incoming.... Especially after spending 24+ hours easy on this event since Friday at noon.

Edited by Sedant
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The bug is that once enemies exceed 9999 they never spawn again its been known for a long time and it prevents infinite survival missions by forcing you to leave due to 0 enemies

Wow that's just... why even bother. Seriously I play a lot of games but that crosses the boarder of unhealthy and runs smack into the horrible land of neurosis. That's how many hours?
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The bug is that once enemies exceed 9999 they never spawn again its been known for a long time and it prevents infinite survival missions by forcing you to leave due to 0 enemies

Sounds like a feature. Anyway, reaching that point is really hard and long work.


Maybe they could get something special? Like a 3D badge.

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Just because everyone's doing it doesn't make it right lol :|


It's common sense not to take advantage of an exploit during an event on the off chance that it'll get reset.  Most companies have terms in the TOS specifically stating that you agree not to abuse exploits even.

Edited by Aggh
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Just because everyone's doing it doesn't make it right lol :|


It's common sense not to take advantage of an exploit during an event on the off chance that it'll get reset.  Most companies have terms in the TOS specifically stating that you agree not to abuse exploits even.


Everyone's known since the "accidental slip" of wave 100, level 9999 and wave 101 where no enemies spawn.  The 3hour 30min survivals where enemies stop to spawn because they go over 9999. 

We knew the second that the event started and heard that it scaled that there would be a point where mobs stopped spawning.  We never suspspected that DE would forget about their own level cap. 


Level caps were something we have asked to be fixed months and months ago.  Now you punish us for your ignorance.


For all that think this is an exploit, it IS NOT AN EXPLOIT.  For all those at DE that think this is "cheating" an "exploit", it is not an exploit.

It's a known factor to this game.  Known for over half a year, that when you hit level cap the game stops spawning mobs.  We have COMPLAINED for half a year about not being able to meet our max prior to the steeper ramp.  We've been more than cooperative with DE, letting them know about all sorts of things that are "problems"  but they don't care to listen only to punish.


It's only after we release to the public that you must kill the highest caching player to reset your fps drop do they decide to try and fix it. Now, it's only after 48 hours of non stop farming that they decide to steal time from us, letting us know once again why we shouldn't ever play their game.


If you plan for us to play for the whole weekend, don't take the weekend off and fix this problem before it happens.




I could tell you so many ways this could have been fixed.  MAKE THE EVENT SHORTER, So when this happens we don't lose so much time.

Why do you want to tun events where we're COMPLETELY #1, like the flower poke'mon snap, and nerf it into the ground so everyone can tie at #1.  Do you not understand competition?  Dissolve clans, dissolve pvp, dissolve conflicts, dissolve the game because things are losing their point when you change things like this.


It´s no Exploit, nothing more to say

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It´s no Exploit, nothing more to say


If the devs don't intend for it to work that way then it's considered an exploit.  Whether it's a known bug or not doesn't change whether it's an exploit or not.

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Just because everyone's doing it doesn't make it right lol :|


It's common sense not to take advantage of an exploit during an event on the off chance that it'll get reset.  Most companies have terms in the TOS specifically stating that you agree not to abuse exploits even.


I seem to remember a lot of exploiters crying when their scores got cut in other events, too.


You'd think these guys would learn after a while.

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I don't consider it as an exploit because it was DE's fault. So much grind just went to waste and for most it's not an ego thing.. Some people honestly love grind and spent hours on this S#&$. The hotfix had no mention of scores being reduced.. It spoke as if from here on out this is what is up. Not "F*** your effort"


I'm sure many clans are mad across all the tiers.

Edited by Gurzil
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i say if people but in the work to grind why not let them have the points , after all there giving up whole weekend of the lifes  for a dumb little statue  , So what if there using an unforeseen strategy  


These knee jerk reactions of DE  well all they do is stop the hard core from playing more  via frustrating them .



tis  not a good long term strategy 

Edited by Ravel7
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I don't consider it as an exploit because it was DE's fault. So much grind just went to waste and for most it's not an ego thing.. Some people honestly love grind and spent hours on this S#&$. The hotfix had no mention of scores being reduced.. It spoke as if from here on out this is what is up. Not "F*** your effort".

Not sure what side your on. Actually, there are no sides this time. Just right and wrong but, it is an ego thing.


You grind for materials and resources. Things you can hold. You get these things at, what 68 or something. They went over. Not DE's fault. However, it is their fault for forgetting this exploit so they are partially to blame.

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I don't consider it as an exploit because it was DE's fault. So much grind just went to waste and for most it's not an ego thing.. Some people honestly love grind and spent hours on this S#&$. The hotfix had no mention of scores being reduced.. It spoke as if from here on out this is what is up. Not "F*** your effort"


I'm sure many clans are mad across all the tiers.


An exploit is an exploit, nothing to it.  Those who exploited were perfectly aware of what they were doing.  If those grinders don't care about their ego, it shouldn't matter how their score was affected; they're grinding for the sake of grinding, are they not?

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If the devs don't intend for it to work that way then it's considered an exploit.  Whether it's a known bug or not doesn't change whether it's an exploit or not.

let me tell you a little something about coding, in coding, if you don't set parameters, things go to the infinite or until the code can't handle it anymore and colapses on itself.


DE -HAD- to code, on purpose, a line that stated that level 9999 was the maximum allowed, that's what they did, how is knowing this an exploit? what it actually is is an oversight of DE who didn't raise the cap before the event, or in the 6+ months that it's been known


and just to say it again, this is something that they added to their game -ON PURPOSE-, otherwise you'd be fighting level 1 902 983 enemies after a while, because if you don't set a cap, a cap doesn't exist, or rather, it cicles on itself back to zero or negative numbers

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I don't consider it as an exploit because it was DE's fault. So much grind just went to waste and for most it's not an ego thing.. Some people honestly love grind and spent hours on this S#&$. The hotfix had no mention of scores being reduced.. It spoke as if from here on out this is what is up. Not "F*** your effort".

Whether or not something is considered an exploit entirely hinges on whether or not the developers intended for it to function that way.  There's no fault or blame.  An exploit is an exploit.


Did people really think that DE would let people keep points they go just from running around missions killing hives and avoiding traps?



let me tell you a little something about coding, in coding, if you don't set parameters, things go to the infinite or until the code can't handle it anymore and colapses on itself.


DE -HAD- to code, on purpose, a line that stated that level 9999 was the maximum allowed, that's what they did, how is knowing this an exploit? what it actually is is an oversight of DE who didn't raise the cap before the event, or in the 6+ months that it's been known


and just to say it again, this is something that they added to their game -ON PURPOSE-, otherwise you'd be fighting level 1 902 983 enemies after a while, because if you don't set a cap, a cap doesn't exist, or rather, it cicles on itself back to zero or negative numbers


It was an oversight for design of the event it self.  They didn't take that into account for the event and thus the event did not work as intended.  Thus it's an exploit.


Did you really think that you'd get to keep points for grinding missions with no enemies lol?

Edited by Aggh
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If the devs don't intend for it to work that way then it's considered an exploit.  Whether it's a known bug or not doesn't change whether it's an exploit or not.

Like Capitulate already says: "It´s a known factor to this game" 

DE knows already how heavy grind a lot of Players here they should be know from the beginning that the players reach the cap but do nothing against it... and now ppl waste there weekend for nothing...

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Oh quit your whining.

So what if you lost your points?


No one cares.

No one.


In short: Because people were idiots and decided they'll use an exploit so much that DE will notice and fix it in order to make things fair.



You don't know that word?

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Like Capitulate already says: "It´s a known factor to this game" 

DE knows already how heavy grind a lot of Players here they should be know from the beginning that the players reach the cap but do nothing against it... and now ppl waste there weekend for nothing...

Well don't think of it as a wasted weekend think of it as an object lesson. A known bug that you are exploiting is the same as unknown bug. Cest la vie.
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Oh quit your whining.

So what if you lost your points?



No one cares.

No one.


In short: Because people were idiots and decided they'll use an exploit so much that DE will notice and fix it in order to make things fair.



You don't know that word?



And yet a certain clan who utilized these same methods that many people in this thread don't like retains most of the points it got using this method.


It was like this for the past couple of events, too.

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