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Valkyr Vs Rhino


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She does massive melee damage and has life steal on hit. Lol.

She does too have weapons, just not ranged ones.

But that's irrelevant because she doesn't even need Hysteria to match Iron Skin in terms of health and armor.

As a person who plays Valkyr extremely often, that's wrong. Most melee weapons out damage Hysteria entirely, in its current state, it doesn't scale with mods very well and has a lower base damage than most weapons.


She's better off using Warcry + Life Strike. (Hysteria is used more-so for reviving/panic invincibility, although this is completely subject to change as her rework is coming in U14)


Edit: Unless its damage calculation was changed/ is different than I thought. As of U13 (I could be totally wrong)

Edited by (PS4)Gage_VH
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Ok bumping up this thread.


I wanna rise my level further. I have a 6 forma rhino right now, on void 45 minutes i don't have many troubles surviving if i'm not geting swarmed by energy leechers.


What if i switch to a 6 forma valkyr? Would it be a more resiliant warframe?

I can go Trinity and multi forma it.


p.s.: need in game experience, T4 voids 45 minutes and ongoing; also don't forget ther many energy disruptors that will eventually spawn.

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Ok bumping up this thread.


I wanna rise my level further. I have a 6 forma rhino right now, on void 45 minutes i don't have many troubles surviving if i'm not geting swarmed by energy leechers.


What if i switch to a 6 forma valkyr? Would it be a more resiliant warframe?

I can go Trinity and multi forma it.


p.s.: need in game experience, T4 voids 45 minutes and ongoing; also don't forget ther many energy disruptors that will eventually spawn.

yea but my valkyr can solo it and i can go as long as i want. My valkyr love being swarmed with monsters. Rage + life strife because my dragon nikana is op and 1 crit = Full health. even with the disruptors I can survive untill effect is gone and heal my self again.

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Sorry if I ruin someone's wet dream- but it is TRUE that Valkyr has better stats and is the toughest of all frames.


That's comparing just basic numbers- the point of the thread is comparing, right?



Let's see the skills :



Rhino Charge - Just an improved version of Slash Dash?




Rip Line - The spammable Grappling Hook that we wanted since forever~




Roar - Boost all damage by 50%


vs (basic numbers, same duration, same range)


Warcry -  Boost melee's attack speed and armor by 50% AND reduces enemies' speed by 30%.




Iron Skin - Pseudo Invulnerability (has ability hitpoints) and you can't block nor deflect bullets while you are using it.


Stomp - Rhino Stomp!




Hysteria - (Long) Timed Invulnerability. You can't use guns but you can do melee attacks AND just by using a melee jump attack, you can do crowd control (same as Rhino if you use the Jat Kittag) and SPAM IT FOR FREE.




+ Paralysis - Another crowd control for Valkyr that knocks down your enemies and prompts the Stealth Finishers- (melee x4)





Edited by Yazyflame
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Do i need to pull out a tanking video on you again?


Didn't convince me of anything the first time but putting in a lot of effort to accomplish what hysteria does with far fewer mods.  I've always said warcry is better in a group or defense setting.  Hysteria is superior in solo play.  There's nothing to argue here.

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Didn't convince me of anything the first time but putting in a lot of effort to accomplish what hysteria does with far fewer mods.  I've always said warcry is better in a group or defense setting.  Hysteria is superior in solo play.  There's nothing to argue here.

You mean lacking enough damage to get the drops needed to stay in longer waves?

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Another thing Valkyr has going for her is that her ability to survive is independent external factors in a way. While Trinity and Rhino rely on abilities (and therefore energy) to survive, Valkyr can last quite a while just on Rage and Life Strike. If you run out of energy or are being affected by energy drain from Nightmare mode, you will have more of a problem with energy dependent frames than you would with Valkyr.

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Besides a lot of this is just "on paper" stuff.  When you get in game, does anyone really notice?  I compare this to people putting 4 or 5  forma's and making the "perfect setup" for all their weapons.  Sure they have the very best DPS but unless you're in wave 25  or 40 minutes in a T4 Defense or Survival, you're not really going in with a huge advantage with someone who has a "more basic" setup.  Really all you're getting is just more overkill.  


Yes, I notice while I'm standing there nonchalantly tanking hits from various enemies without a care in the world. I notice when I get my energy drained and (unlike most frames) I don't have to run around panicking because my survivability has just been reduced by 99%. IMO there is no such thing as overkill when it comes to being a tank.

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Another thing Valkyr has going for her is that her ability to survive is independent external factors in a way. While Trinity and Rhino rely on abilities (and therefore energy) to survive, Valkyr can last quite a while just on Rage and Life Strike. If you run out of energy or are being affected by energy drain from Nightmare mode, you will have more of a problem with energy dependent frames than you would with Valkyr.

Id love to agree but trinity link makes her immune to shock drains and she can outdo leech drain with her 2....

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These screenshots are really old but I did this with a perma hysteria build. I never died but the pod imploded because the waves DPS was doing like 10k DPS on the pod. 


Let me know if you are able to get past wave 45 with level 81 enemies with a warcry/life steal build. I might try it because my tank is way stronger then it was when I made those screenshots. But I don't think it will hold up at that level like hysteria does. 

ive made it to 50  mins t3 with just warcry build

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Youre taking it more literally than i am but really she is a good frame


I don't disagree with her being a good frame. But OP she is not. Once Hysteria gets its new animations (and hopefully a buff to its damage mechanics) I'll play her a lot more.

Edited by SquirmyBurrito
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ok Valkyr isn't OP shes well balance for beserker, yes her hysteria need animation rework but shes not OP. Let me explain why, under my stats my most used frame is valkyr and second is rhyno. I have almost double the play time on valkyr vs rhyno. But I have more recorded kills using rhyno frame vs valkyr. Why? Rhyno stomp and charge both skills can attack more than 1 target. With the right mod, all i have to do is spam stomp and hog all the kill. His charge can damage/ kill anything in a straight line. Now lets look at valkyr, ripline is a single target skill and most often use as a travel skill. paralysis is a freaking joke! I've tried every build to make this skill work but its so crappy. Good if you max out her shield + vigor mod and spam it to kill low lvls. On high lvl map that is useless. The stun doesn't last long enough, and when performing stealth skill you still can get damaged. And finally hysteria is also a single target skill, yea sure she cant be damage during that time. Shes build for solo surviving, rhyno is all round tank each has their ups and downs. Can't we all just accept that?



In a T3 survival rhyno vs valkyr, i'm pretty sure rhyno is going to get more kill than valkyr. But valkyr is going to get more ressurection point than rhyno. That is if they both have the same loadouts.

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How far into a T3 Survival does Stomp continue killing things?

not very far but we were both loaded with penta for maximum damage. He uses stomp to stun lock enemy in place, wait for more mob to show up in same area and clear it with penta. While my valkyr is just shooting> reload> repeat.

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Id love to agree but trinity link makes her immune to shock drains and she can outdo leech drain with her 2....


I understand that but I am referring to that moment when you might get caught off-guard when link is down. Or there is enough space between spawns in Nightmare mode with energy drain that you have no target for EV. If energy is not an issue, I would take Trinity over Valkyr any day for group play. But when stuff really gets ugly and unexpected things happen, Valkyr is more likely to survive.

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Well then...there is a system in melee 2.0 called gaurding, . why take damage when you can avoid it to make your iron skin last longer. valkr move is duration based and uses 100p while iron skin is damage based and uses 50p. So regaurdless on is its on or not I'm still nearly invincible as long I'm blocking.

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