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Venka Feels Like Its Lacking...


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After maxing it out, I like these very much. Fury and Berserker lets me Berserker Barrage everything, True Steel and Organ Shatter give a tad more oomph, and the three event mods can provide some good elemental/status coverage too.
Seems like a 3-damage based version of Dual Ichor, just a tad below it. Overall, it's decent. Can't expect everything to be stupid-powerful, has to have some drawbacks to it (I'm looking at'chu Soma)

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It's a fist weapon, you expected it to be good?


It's a cosmetic.

That makes no sense.

How in gods name would it be anything like a cosmetic?

And furthermore, I bet you haven't even tried it out considering the fact that you believe it's just the same as a fist weapon.

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That makes no sense.

How in gods name would it be anything like a cosmetic?

And furthermore, I bet you haven't even tried it out considering the fact that you believe it's just the same as a fist weapon.


I have indeed tried it out, and if you haven't noticed, the claws go on your hands, making it a fist weapon, but instead of a gauntlet it has claws on it.

It's a cosmetic because it was basically designed with looks in mind and not much else, sure, you can bring it up to a good level with a potato and a lot of Forma, but is it really worth it?

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While the weapon itselfs is not that great, the stance is very interesting. I'm pretty sure you get critical bost on some of those moves since Venka crits like crazy in combos.. way over 15% imho.


You have some nice CC in the combos and jump attack and the punching (stab, stab, stab) combo absolutely wrecks tough single targets as it's pretty much guaranteed bleed and status and it does a lot of damage pretty quickly. The CC on the end is interesting, it's slow, but it makes you invulnerable.


Then you have the combo with the knockdown on the end. It's easy to execute, it's pretty fast and multihit and the CC on the end is nice. Could be larger area though.


What I don't like though is the main combo chain. It feels way too sluggish and it has much shorter range than it should have. It looks like it's meant to be the main multi-hit combo, yet the range is absolutely abysmal.


All in all Venka seems to be jack of all trades master of none kind of weapon with pretty high skill ceiling. Since most of the combos have their uses and it's one of the few weapons where spamming basic EEE won't get you very far (it seems to have sub-par DPS compared to most of the combos). That said, the long combo should have better range and should be faster. The CC combo could use better AoE on that knock down too. Then maybe some slight attack speed buff for the weapon itself and imho it would be fine,


It's still usable though, mainly on melee focused frames though.

Edited by LocoWithGun
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My overall feeling is that if they're gonna put low tier weapons into clantech, the research chain should be in order of how strong they are, not just by date of release.


also, that they're barely worth paying for these days

Edited by weirdee
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I bought it and rank it for mastery point. I've use the same mod setup as my obex and here are the mod list. Pressure point, fury, spoiled strike, berserker, lifestrife, Impact for obex and slash for venka. Then two critical mod. In the end obex out perform venka which was disappointing, considering both are light fist weapons. The damage/ critical / status chance is alright i guess, but they need to buff the attack speed. The stance Malicious Raptor needs animation buff, some how it doesn't feel right for a claw weapon. Not enough flow.

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Awkward animations, even with the stance mod. It feels pretty sluggish too, which is not what I was expecting.



In the Devstream I see the spoilers of the animation and I get so excited, but when I try it… D=

I was thinking that will be so vicious, but is just…lame

the turn in the second attack in the basic combo, the uppercut in the slide…why?


I don’t really complain about the stats, is a low mastery weapon, but I think that can be an upgrade like the nikana…

I already make a topic about it, plz check it ;D


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at least up the crit chance. with higher crit chance viable, we can at least put berserker on to boost atk speed. Either do that or buff attack speed to 1.2+. Like OP said, this weapon is very lackluster. It feels more like a novelty. It's fun for a bit with the animations and the fact that we can cut things up like wolverine...but in the end, we would just go back to our usual top tier melees after we're tired of the venkas mediocrity. TBH these fist type weapons should be dealing almost as much dps as a heavy melee considering that the range is so much shorter. Again, either increase damage/crit chance or increase attack speed.

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The truth is that Malicious Raptor do not synergy well with Berserker combo, both Jagged Gash and Venging Thrash are not as wide or mobile. We need other stance to use berserker
but increase the atk speed to 1.1 will solve immediately the greater issue.

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at least up the crit chance. with higher crit chance viable, we can at least put berserker on to boost atk speed. Either do that or buff attack speed to 1.2+. Like OP said, this weapon is very lackluster. It feels more like a novelty. It's fun for a bit with the animations and the fact that we can cut things up like wolverine...but in the end, we would just go back to our usual top tier melees after we're tired of the venkas mediocrity. TBH these fist type weapons should be dealing almost as much dps as a heavy melee considering that the range is so much shorter. Again, either increase damage/crit chance or increase attack speed.


exactly what I had in mind just increase the venka's attack speed to 1.2, above all honesty that is actually all it needs to become usable w/o making it completely op compared to other higher ranking weapons (also considering a dragon variant would fix that, hopefully making it better) and as somebody has said in an earlier comment, nothings wrong with the stance, its sexy to watch and its effective ( i'm on ps4 so this is all just from observation ) something rare in most melee weapon stances. I also agree that closer ranged weapons like these should be doing as much if not more damage than heavy melee weapons, but that is just an issue with melee 2.0 in general,  but that can only get better in the future with some buffs here and there, cause I honestly prefer using melee over ranged.

Edited by (PS4)xX-GunHound-Xx
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If you are board and just want a new weapon this weapon makes sence.


-= However

If you are not board and want a new weapon for high level enemys thats worth investing in;

This was a complete waste of a Forma and a Potato.


-= Personaly I saw what looked like better "looking" meele weapon for Valkyr.

Even have that new stance.

-- Combos are cool but overall the weapon is too slow and damage is mid low level at best.

-- Dont join a t4 mission with Venka equiped. Ill ask you to remove it or go play on Venus or Mercury.


-= Optimisum?

Hoping maybe there will be a prime weapon like it that would be would be better than the stats? <----- Not any time soon. ][ or DE would buff this new weapon a bit.<---------- who knows.................?


Should have built Dual Ichor


=-.-= *sighs

Edited by 5nak3Doctor
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I like the stance and the animations but as people have mentioned the attack speed is too slow considering the base damage and the crit chance is too low to be worth modding for. Hopefully one or both of these will be buffed. 

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I'm thinking the Venka is more of a way for DE to say that it's just merely the first of its kind and to get feedback and to release more better/varied claw weapons.


Personally I felt the Venka to be lacking, although that's what I usually feel with most fist weapons. I'm not sure what could be done to make the Venka or future claw weapons, but personally It could do with a slightly higher crit chance or perhaps attack speed buff?


Then DE would have made it a market weapon and it's upgrade would be clan tec like the zorens and dual ichor.

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After using it and maxing it out, I don't like it. It look cool but the way the weapon handles just isn't worth the time invested to research and build it.


For me personally, I don't find the animation of the Venka satisfying. In fact, I find it annoying how floaty the animations feels. As someone who does animating during my free time, the claws have no weight to them. After maxing it to 30, the Venka is just rotting away in my inventory now.

Edited by AxialBlue
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