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Okay, so again explain how he ripped a warframe off a tenno. And how this lowly orokin wore it. And how the brilliant minds of the corpus haven't figured it out yet?


He likely had access to Orokin data of warframes, as he was around at the time.


Think of the Easter Island head statues with the giant stone hats. It is still unknown today how the native people got such heavy boulders on top of such large statues, because nobody alive today witnessed it happen.


Stalker being around at the time of the Orokin makes it more likely that he had more knowledge of warframes themselves.

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I really like this idea. It brings a better sense of scale to the whole thing. Though I'd assume grineer society is a super-fascist "everything you do is for the good of the empire or die" type of thing 

Most likely, I think. I like to speculate that there are non-Grineer humans in their Empire, but they are considered imperfect or disposable. They probably live in crappy conditions too.

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Oh most definitely I think. And I doubt the Corpus merely deals in weaponry and war. They're probably like a multinational corporation. We see them deal in war, but they probably also deal in other aspects like medicine or food or anything else.


Kind of related to this, corpus troops are called crewmen, and they don't really look like dedicated combat personnel. Perhaps the corpus uses regular workers as a military force?

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They produce all sorts of stuff. Ships, weapons, misc. technology. They sell augmentation parts to the Grineer, for example.

And probably subtly spiked cloning equipment so that the Grineer will continue to degenerate batch after batch, which means the Grineer will become more and more reliant on augmentation parts that the Corpus sell. 


After all, the Corpus is not known for conducting CSR. 

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Someone tell me how this lowly orokin (stalker) removed a warframe from a tenno and wore it, but the minds of the proto-corpus can't figure out how to use the technology without just choping them into peices despite def anyo stockpiling. Yes, stockpiling frames.


Dude stop. There's no evidence stalker was lowly, an orokin, or that he ripped a warframe off someone, or that he's even wearing a warframe. At this point all we have is speculation.

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Kind of related to this, corpus troops are called crewmen, and they don't really look like dedicated combat personnel. Perhaps the corpus uses regular workers as a military force?

There is obviously the divide between gameplay and lore, but if I had to explain it purely through lore, I think they serve a dual purpose as you said. Someone has to take care of the tech as well as replace it if it fails. Say a Volt comes along and completely destroys an entire base of tech. Those MOAs and Ospreys aren't much good now.

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And stalker has the motivation to punish the tenno, not describing them post void exposure for their misdeeds.


His motivation is because of their betrayal of the Orokin. This is clear. He is also cataloging their sins, a clear reference to the Tenno's assassinations. Those are his motivations.

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So what is the Lotus's exact view on 'balance'? My theory is that she wants lots of minor powers squabbling against each other instead of two (or three, if we count the Infestation) major powers causing havoc within Sol.


If he stole it back in the orokin age there where probably things lying around to cut it open or he knew enough about the warframes to open it up. Which would imply he was either close to the manufactures or the tenno. If he was close to the tenno or lotus that would explain how he knew what was about to happen.

Quoting my self -_-

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Kind of related to this, corpus troops are called crewmen, and they don't really look like dedicated combat personnel. Perhaps the corpus uses regular workers as a military force?


I'm hoping that they'll introduce a dedicated combat force, you know, people qualified to be participating in invasions. Also hoping Sergeant Nef Anyo is connected with such a combat force. 

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Think of the Easter Island head statues with the giant stone hats. It is still unknown today how the native people got such heavy boulders on top of such large statues, because nobody alive today witnessed it happen.

One theory was that the natives chopped down all the trees to use them as primitive railways to haul the heavy boulders and lift them on top of the statues, which would explain the absence of trees on the island. 

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There is obviously the divide between gameplay and lore, but if I had to explain it purely through lore, I think they serve a dual purpose as you said. Someone has to take care of the tech as well as replace it if it fails. Say a Volt comes along and completely destroys an entire base of tech. Those MOAs and Ospreys aren't much good now.


When talking about lore I usually take the opinion that only some gameplay elements are lore-compliant, for obvious reasons.

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Dude stop. There's no evidence stalker was lowly, an orokin, or that he ripped a warframe off someone, or that he's even wearing a warframe. At this point all we have is speculation.


We know he was Orokin. We know he was a Guardian, and that he himself characterized the Guardians as low. We know he's wearing a warframe. It's an Excalibur frame with a different helmet and some different abilities. We can see that with our own eyes. These things aren't speculation.

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I even outlined, serveral times, the stalker being a prototype experiment for the tenno's exursion into the void to become stronger..in fact what the hell does that even mean? how did they know the result of sending people out into the void would make them into superhumans?


Obviously you'd have trials right?


You're so focused on proving me 'wrong'. I don't give a damn about being 'wrong'. It's a game.


You can't explain his existance, I'm giving a pretty good plotline behind it. But the whole "excal was first" written by who knows who, who knows when, inside and out of the contextual basis of the lore, and who wrote it. Backed by a game funded by a wing and a prayer contorted by a publisher afraid to compete with deadspace.


Nobody can tell me if and when the stalker got his frame. And until I hear otherwise, the first frame is open to interpretation.


And that whole 'if you don't agree with me do not reply' comment was a grave error on my part. I meant to say if you don't want to have a discussion that doesn't involve trying to slap me down, then don't expect a reply. :/ But I've had a 'few' and we all know how that goes.

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We know he was Orokin. We know he was a Guardian, and that he himself characterized the Guardians as low. We know he's wearing a warframe. It's an Excalibur frame with a different helmet and some different abilities. We can see that with our own eyes. These things aren't speculation.

We assume it is an Excalibur Warframe. It might not be. But then again it could be that corruption/modification theme he's working with.

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We know he was Orokin. We know he was a Guardian, and that he himself characterized the Guardians as low. We know he's wearing a warframe. It's an Excalibur frame with a different helmet and some different abilities. We can see that with our own eyes. These things aren't speculation.


So how did he wear it? We can't prove that you can strip a tenno from his frame. If that was the case Def Anyo would have one hell of an army eventually.

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We know he was Orokin. We know he was a Guardian, and that he himself characterized the Guardians as low. We know he's wearing a warframe. It's an Excalibur frame with a different helmet and some different abilities. We can see that with our own eyes. These things aren't speculation.


We don't know if the orokin were human, or if humans were just a client race of the orokin. But the other points are essentially correct, my bad.

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Okay, so again explain how he ripped a warframe off a tenno. And how this lowly orokin wore it. And how the brilliant minds of the corpus haven't figured it out yet?

The warframes are a skin put on the Tenno soldiers, so yes, it was the first warframe.

Also we do not know how ge got a warframe, however, going off the fact he wears one, and has powers would mean he would have to have been warped by the void as the warframes are only "a conduit of their affliction" meaning the frames just channel and allow control of the powers of the void. He would have to be technocyte immune as the suits are associated with the virus and if not immune it the virus destroys you.

So from this the stalker could either take and wear one (corpus can't as they will be destroyed by the virus and cannot wield the void powers) or, the stalker some how built his own.

Either way we no not actually know.

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You're one of those dudes I mentioned before who were like YEAH!.

Ha ha ha, trust me if i wanted to i'd find my own facts to disprove your stupidity. Your just so ignorant i'm not even going to bother, instead i'm enjoying your logic flawed replies to people giving you the answers you want.

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So how did he wear it? We can't prove that you can strip a tenno from his frame. If that was the case Def Anyo would have one hell of an army eventually.


You keep on saying this thing about Nef Anyo having an army, but that wouldn't really work. First off, we know only void-afflicted people can go in the warframes. Second off, only lotus can "wake" a tenno as it seems. Third, it's been stated that only the tenno (and lotus probably) know the inner workings of orokin technology.

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Just no. I love talking about lore, please don't try and turn this thread into an argument (again) 

Also sorry if i'm ruining it for you, if you really want to talk about lore I would suggest using a different thread. Not because this ones bad or the comments are anything special but because the thread itself doesn't discuss real lore, I also enjoy talking about the lore in this game and sense great potential for it.

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Also sorry if i'm ruining it for you, if you really want to talk about lore I would suggest using a different thread. Not because this ones bad or the comments are anything special but because the thread itself doesn't discuss real lore, I also enjoy talking about the lore in this game and sense great potential for it.


I read: I'm too incompetent to articulate my own opinions or knowledge of factual imput (which is barely a paperback book worth of lore) so I'll be a me-too and type out this response in an attempt to look like i'm some kind of swinging d.

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We don't know if the orokin were human, or if humans were just a client race of the orokin. But the other points are essentially correct, my bad.


True. That we don't know. But we know the Stalker was within the Orokin Empire. I'm going off of their characterization. Also on the comment about the Corpus heritage - I'll try to find this. Also on Ember Prime's codex, which could honestly only be the Orokin. They notify the families of the kids. The kids are clearly Tenno. Some other race wouldn't do that if humanity were the client race. Also, the Lotus clearly has Orokin origins. If the Orokin aren't human, why is she like a human? It's speculation, but I speculate that the Orokin were human, and were a human, Earth empire, that expanded from Earth until they encountered the Sentients.

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