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What I was implying was more as to why the Tenno would listen to the orders Lotus, above the Orokin as a whole as well as why the Lotus ordered the Orokin betrayal. As I said, it was plausible, not probable.


Well, I'm thinking she's an AI (her background in her video feed is the same as the Orokin "windows") that was designed to guide the Tenno. Of course, this is speculation and not fact.

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So someone explain to me how the stalker stripped a warframe from a tenno and wore it as his own. Since the corpus can't do it. I know the grineer can't do it cause they're a bunch of morons.


We don't know. So no one can explain that to you.

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Or accept the fact that the stalker was from a batch of individuals sent to the void as a prototype venture into the warframe initiative, we'll just give it that cute little name.


Or you can finally accept that he's not a Tenno.

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I don't get it why would the Tenno listen to the Lotus anyway. What does the Lotus say to have the means to bring order to the system? What did the Orokin do that was injustice, if you can answer to this problem of the Lotus?

To truely have a balance you can not have one mega power/dictative power to rule over all. So to keep the balance the orokin were destroyed. My guess is lotus either was a conspirator or could of been a controll center in the orokin age. Think about it a human brain is a super computer so sacrifice one person to make a massive super computer/intelligence network. Remove all uncessary parts such as limbs, keep the body to keep the head alive and plug in all these cables. Ta-da super computer.


As for why they would listen is because she probably was/is the only voice command system (very dodgy arfter the orokin collapse) they can hear.

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Or accept the fact that the stalker was from a batch of individuals sent to the void as a prototype venture into the warframe initiative, we'll just give it that cute little name.


Calling it that word implies you have a cited source for your conjecture. You don't.

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So someone explain to me how the stalker stripped a warframe from a tenno and wore it as his own. Since the corpus can't do it. I know the grineer can't do it cause they're a bunch of morons.


A. he had prior knowledge of warframes due to his work with the orokin, and knew a super special secret way to get it off

B. he found one that wasn't currently being worn

C. he isn't wearing a warframe


Nowhere in the lore is any of that confirmed, just like how it is never mentioned that the stalker was a "prototype" or had anything to do with the tenno other than wanting to murder them. 

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Tenno != warframe


The Tenno were sent into the Void. The Stalker was NOT a Tenno. And I can tell you that Excalibur was the first because the fricking Codex tells you that. The Codex does not say how the Stalker got his warframe. Now you're just being ridiculous.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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The Tenno were sent into the Void. The Stalker was NOT a Tenno. And I can tell you that Excalibur was the first because the fricking Codex tells you that. The Codex does not say how the Stalker got his warframe. Now you're just being ridiculous.


Doesn't explain how he got it at all. So, how could you come to the conclusion that excal was first when we have no idea when the stalker got his? My conclusion is that he was an experiment. Explains the angst and motivation to slay the tenno.

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What he wears looks like a warframe. That is all we know.


Naw, it's a Warframe. It's an Excalibur frame with a different helmet and multiple mods. This shouldn't be too surprising. The Grineer, Corpus, and Infested can use mods. For some reason, DE just won't let the Tenno use other mods.

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Doesn't explain how he got it at all. So, how could you come to the conclusion that excal was first when we have no idea when the stalker got his? My conclusion is that he was an experiment. Explains the angst and motivation to slay the tenno.


OMG. It's not Rocket Science. Excalibur's Codex page SAYS that he is the first. Just accept it and move on. This is not hard. At All.


Just give up. Obviously this is way over your head.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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So someone explain to me how the stalker stripped a warframe from a tenno and wore it as his own. Since the corpus can't do it. I know the grineer can't do it cause they're a bunch of morons.

If he stole it back in the orokin age there where probably things lying around to cut it open or he knew enough about the warframes to open it up. Which would imply he was either close to the manufactures or the tenno. If he was close to the tenno or lotus that would explain how he knew what was about to happen.

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OMG. It's not Rocket Science. Excalibur's Codex page SAYS that he is the first. Just accept it and move on. This is not hard. At All.


Just give up. Obviously this is way over your head.


Okay, if you're not comfortable with this conversation you can leave. Nobody is forcing you to engage. However I will not yield given a bunch of open ended lore entries typed out by game developers...interpreted by people. The implication that he was the first assumes bias on the one who wrote it.


Nobody is forcing you to be here, but if you expect me to lower my ears and sulk you're sorely mistaken.

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Okay, if you're not comfortable with this conversation you can leave. Nobody is forcing you to engage. However I will not yield given a bunch of open ended lore entries typed out by game developers...interpreted by people. The implication that he was the first assumes bias on the one who wrote it.


Nobody is forcing you to be here, but if you expect me to lower my ears and sulk you're sorely mistaken.


Start backing up your claims with actual sources and we have an actual debate. So far it's been everybody trying to get you to understand that what you've said is without logical foundation.

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