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De, Please Please Do Not Do Business With Perfect World (Mega/hyper/ultrathread)


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Also if there is a deal in the works then DE is probably in under an NDA about the acquisition and that's why they haven't commented yet which is fine, but them coming out and saying don't panic would help lol.

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Posted Today, 11:19 PM

VestaStorm, on 02 Jul 2014 - 11:15 PM, said:snapback.png


Thus why i got sad when i saw Jagex Ltd. and seen Digital Extremes Ltd.

Automatically what I thought when I saw your post as well.


What update was it when they made the change from Digital Extremes to Digital Extremes Ltd.? That is our indicator right there, AND our validation.

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Stop trying to comprehend big buisness. I've seen enough people sleep through econmics to know that there is a one in one hundred chance of any of you having an idea what this means. Myself included.


I see intent. Holding company owning a lot of IP, and F2P game that seems to be hitting a wall.


That is enough to scare me.

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The idea of "Pay to Win"......... That's so f****d up. As a gamer who has been through numerous online games, I think I can speak for my other gamer friends out there that a P2W approach to a game just LITERALLY KILLS its player base. Imagine being engrossed into a game then you find out half way through that you have to purchase so that you could enjoy the entire game experience. IT SUCKS SWEATY MAN BALLS. One reason Warframe got my attention in the first place was their add "NINJAS PLAY FREE". I don't want anything to do with a game that's "NINJAS PLAY FREE FOR A WHILE" or "NINJAS PAY TO PLAY".

DE please. Listen to your people. Listen to the Tenno that shared your vision for this game with so much potential, only to be killed by PW if ever you do decide to sell. The thought gives me goosebumps.

I WOULD GLADLY BUY PLATS OVER AND OVER AGAIN from you because you give us the freedom to choose whether to buy or not. You made buying plats a WANT not a NEED for the game. We get full game experience here in Warframe without purchasing anything really. I really really appreciated that DE. I'm so happy because you have an AWESOME game even though it's not yet finished, you have a great player base, happy player willing to play for hours on because they enjoy the game.

But go with PW and make Plats a NEED for us before we can play or get full game experience, then expect your game to die. Die a horrible death. Games that milk players for their money just SUCKS. Check it. Your players buy Prime Access, buy plats, spend on your game. Because you don't obligate them to. Turn that around and....... well you can see everyone's point.

So DE. No. Just NO to PW.

I agree.

I pretty much bought my founders and prime access packs in support of DE just because I felt it was really cool of them to keep all weapons craft able/farmable in game without having to buy them. I was really happy before that all anyone really needs to buy was inventory slots. Trading and giving completely F2P players a chance to earn platinum without spending money was another amazing thing about Warframe.

I really hope these parts of Warframe never change for the worse. It would be sad to see all of the great artwork, movement, 3D tile sets/graphics, etc. lost because of a restructuring of how we obtain items and slamming the cash shop in our faces.

I say this as some who's spent several hundred USD easily on this game. I still want Warframe to be F2P so there'll always be people online to play with. It would be sad to se this game end up like a ghost town. (Which is the impression I got from Blacklight Retribution on PS4.)

Edited by sushidubya
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From that site:


Outstanding shares are common stock authorized by the company, issued, purchased and held by investors.


Common stock represents ownership interests in corporations.


The most prominent characteristics of common stock are that they entitle the shareholder to vote on corporate matters (typically, the shareholder gets one vote for every share he or she owns, though that is not always the case) such as whether the company should acquire another company, who the board members should be and other big decisions.


Ergo, that site also confirms what I'm saying, that buying all outstanding shares (of common stock) give you complete control over the company.


And just to nip this one in the bud...


Common shares = all voting rights.


Preferred shares = no voting, but getting first dibs on the scraps in case of bankruptcy.


Outstanding shares = both common shares + preferred shares.


Treasury shares = shares bought back by the company, no voting.

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If DE took this dilemma and gave us a choice via Warframe itself, I think I would enjoy something like that.

Say, make a mini-event, the boss of the event being some sort of Infested life-form named "Perfect World Entertainment".

If we defeat "Perfect World Entertainment" x number of times, this business fiasco would be reconsidered, leaving DE and the community as happy-go-lucky as it was before hearing this news.

Then again, this is just me throwing in an idea of mine.

EDIT: Slight grammar mistake.


Lol, that's actually an interesting idea.

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Keep this going! It would be a disgrace to not reach 300 page at this point! D:<


Perhaps some paragraphs on your thought of big buisness?

Maybe some misinformed rants?

A quick few sentences on your opinion of PWE?

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Keep this going! It would be a disgrace to not reach 300 page at this point! D:<


Perhaps some paragraphs on your thought of big buisness?

Maybe some misinformed rants?

A quick few sentences on your opinion of PWE?

To be honest, I'd rather hear something about this matter from DE.

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From that site:


Outstanding shares are common stock authorized by the company, issued, purchased and held by investors.


Common stock represents ownership interests in corporations.


The most prominent characteristics of common stock are that they entitle the shareholder to vote on corporate matters (typically, the shareholder gets one vote for every share he or she owns, though that is not always the case) such as whether the company should acquire another company, who the board members should be and other big decisions.


Ergo, that site also confirms what I'm saying, that buying all outstanding shares (of common stock) give you complete control over the company.



More reading fun!

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If DE took this dilemma and gave us a choice via Warframe itself, I think I would enjoy something like that.

Say, make a mini-event, the boss of the event being some sort of Infested life-form named "Perfect World Entertainment".

If we defeat "Perfect World Entertainment" x number of times, this business fiasco would be reconsidered, leaving DE and the community as happy-go-lucky as it was before hearing this news.

Then again, this is just me throwing in an idea of mine.

EDIT: Slight grammar mistake.



I would pay to play warframe like that....

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