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De, Please Please Do Not Do Business With Perfect World (Mega/hyper/ultrathread)


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To early to panic, and even if its real it won't change anything because i am 100% sure the DE owns more then 50% of there own game. :/


So until we get a post that says the PWE has brought or has brought 70% of Warframe. Panic is not real.

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Incorrect, Customers can in fact be business partners. And given the context of how many of us are founders I would argue we are.


This would require quite a bit of justification and clarification.  Personally, I don't think the evidence supports that argument, but I'm willing to listen if you're going to try.

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Not really. Not at all. Just look at how many people are misinterpreting and panicking at this information.


They are panicking and misinterpreting this information because of lack of communication and clarity.  DE didn't give us this info, someone in the community sought it out.

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What?! No.

If that were the case, I'd follow your every post on the forums and say S#&$.

I kept repeating myself and here I go again. You made a one word post saying "fake" to an obviously fake picture, people said yeah it's obvious, you started defending yourself as if we were supposed to read your mind and see an elaborate version of that post.

Yes people said it was obvious. I wasnt deffending the picture, their 'yeah its obvious' were being way to volatile then they needed to be and I just said that they needed to calm down and take it as a joke. No i dont think you all should be able to read my mind. all I did was call a fake thing fake, and tell people with volatile responses to calm down. Nothing I did was a mistake. The only "mistake" was replying to your post knowing you would blow it out of proportion and try to cause conflict. And what if im justified in my deffence because im right and your the one in the wrong and mistaken ever thought of that.

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That's not exactly how it works.

It would only work that way if one other person owned 51%.


It's a private company and it's legal designation may have changed recently... That can mean a lot of things in regard to it's Constitution.


There are way too many variables to speculate.


Like you've been saying... We'll know more when they tell us more.



At least we can learn!~

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I really hope this isn't true. I'd up and leave Warframe if so. And in a fantasy world, demand and receive my monies back.


Please, DE. Don't. Perfect World is bad news.


And no way in hell am I downloading another thing, on top of Steam, just to play Warframe.

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And the president wants out.. so he sells.. and then the company goes belly up. Story told often.


Sell high, buy low.


Successful financial officers don't make profit off of nostalgia or feels. If the numbers and track record aren't there, it doesn't happen.

Edited by Hyperius
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In the new kickstarter era, companies appeal to that sentiment although legally it isn't like that.


Just as an example, the recent acquisition of Oculus Rift by Facebook. All the guys who pitched in money didn't have a say on it, didn't get a penny from it.


The very reason why I put it into the words of "One could argue" it was centered towards the idea that as opposed to letting us decide stuff they can at least inform us, as a courtesy and showing appreciation for the early and considerable support.

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I only do my own taxes, and sometimes my mom's. Sorry.

Also I'm going to take a break from this thread. Everyone, calm the hell down. Go drink some tea to calm your nerves.

doge... Even now you amaze me... 'Grabs tea' and thats why we listen to doge everyone oh and I calmed down... That too Edited by (PS4)infuriatedplayer
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I wouldn't mind Valve buying them out, but not PWE


Oh yes, Valve with their Steam and TF2 is much, much @$#&ing better. Give me that Excalibur helm, the one that costs million of platinum, please.

Edited by RossRam
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