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Playstation And Pc Merger.


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The absolute positive reason i will never play on PC. The elitism is so uncalled for and immature it's unbearable. I'll take a squeaker over an elitist any day of the week.


Yeah just ignore that...  Some people need to feel better about themselves by owning superior machines/material goods.


Personally I own an i7 with GTX780 in SLI.  Of course I enjoy the game on my PC, but sometimes I want to be lazy and play on my couch with the PS4.  There's nothing wrong with that.


The PS4 does a decent job with Warframe.  It's impossible for it to outclass the best PCs for sure, but it's no slouch.

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Yeah... staying on PC no question.  Besides I have seen no good reason to buy a PS4 yet. 

What about the wizard that came from the moon?


I for one am so utterly psyched for Destiny.


Oh and let's not forget Bloodborne (Project Beast).

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The absolute positive reason i will never play on PC. The elitism is so uncalled for and immature it's unbearable. I'll take a squeaker over an elitist any day of the week.

Not everyone is like that. I will talk to no end about PCs Vs Consoles, but only if they want me to talk about it.

In fact, a tiny percentage are like that.

And also, unfortunately, they are quite often both squeakers and elitists at the same time.

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Ps4 supports mouse and keyboard... ijs

But then you need to sit at a desk, and if your sitting at a desk then there is not point being on a console. I suppose you could use a mouse and keyboard in an armchair with a board over it but that's not very comfy, There really is nothing a ps4 can do that a pc can't do better and with steam boxes coming even arm chair gaming on the big screen.

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Yeah just ignore that...  Some people need to feel better about themselves by owning superior machines/material goods.


Personally I own an i7 with GTX780 in SLI.  Of course I enjoy the game on my PC, but sometimes I want to be lazy and play on my couch with the PS4.  There's nothing wrong with that.


The PS4 does a decent job with Warframe.  It's impossible for it to outclass the best PCs for sure, but it's no slouch.


Worst argument ever, you can hook up your PC to the TV, connect a controller and play from the couch (steam big picture is specifically made for that).


This is one of the reasons I absolutely see no reason for the consoles to exist in the first place. They are just holding back the industry. (it's bad for everyone) For example, this ongoing trend with PC games being nerfed to make them run on consoles. That's why we can't have nice things. And just to have a game example as well, BioShock Infinite would have had way more sky-hook parts (just look up the earlier demos, how huge the maps were and  compare it with what we got in the end....).


This is coming from me, who actually plays Warframe on his soon 4 years old laptop :). But one day, I will build a real powerhouse.

Edited by Momo93
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Yeah just ignore that...  Some people need to feel better about themselves by owning superior machines/material goods.


Personally I own an i7 with GTX780 in SLI.  Of course I enjoy the game on my PC, but sometimes I want to be lazy and play on my couch with the PS4.  There's nothing wrong with that.


The PS4 does a decent job with Warframe.  It's impossible for it to outclass the best PCs for sure, but it's no slouch.


It runs pretty well; I'm sure it could run even better seeing some of the other titles there are on PS4 which looks pretty darn good and looks like they would be much more intensive on the hardware.


I'm quite sure the PS4 build of Warframe could be better optimized than it is now; that might come with time.


What about the wizard that came from the moon?


I for one am so utterly psyched for Destiny.


Oh and let's not forget Bloodborne (Project Beast).


Destiny might become my #1 cause for disappearing from Warframe for uncomfortably long periods of time. Not a fan of Halo (played through 1, 3, ODST and Reach but never lingered in the MP) but they're pretty good games on their own still.


Destiny feels Halo-ish in term of movement and the off-center crosshair and all but I really had a great time playing the alpha in missions and PvP. Looking forward to the beta and release eagerly. You definitively feel like it's a Bungie game due to atmosphere, presentation, music and voice over. To be fair, your Ghost's voice felt like it needed some kind of filter since it was more akin to someone standing next to you and speaking directly into your ear than some kind of AI. It was the same with Cortana, if I remember right.


Then again, since it's their universe, it's probable technology in that day and age made sound transmission feel flawless.

Edited by Wiegraf
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But then you need to sit at a desk, and if your sitting at a desk then there is not point being on a console. I suppose you could use a mouse and keyboard in an armchair with a board over it but that's not very comfy, There really is nothing a ps4 can do that a pc can't do better and with steam boxes coming even arm chair gaming on the big screen.


You can already arm chair game on the big screen.  Steam box is just a way to market it to casual gamers really.

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Worst argument ever, you can hook up your PC to the TV, connect a controller and play from the couch (steam big picture is specifically made for that).


This is one of the reasons I absolutely see no reason for the consoles to exist in the first place. They are just holding back the industry. (it's bad for everyone) For example, this ongoing trend with PC games being nerfed to make them run on consoles. That's why we can't have nice things. And just to have a game example as well, BioShock Infinite would have had way more sky-hook parts (just look up the earlier demos, how huge the maps were and  compare it with what we got in the end....).


This is coming from me, who actually plays Warframe on his soon 4 years old laptop :). But one day, I will build a real powerhouse.


Well good for you bro.  But there's no argument in my post...  I was just telling the guy before to ignore the PC elitism and that not all PC players are jerks.


Also, I have both a great PC and PS4, sometimes I play on a laptop with HD4000 graphics when on the road.

On hooking up a PC to a TV.  yeah I do that currently.  I have my PC on a 40" LCD, but the PS4 controller is wireless and I never have to reach for a keyboard, etc.  (for the crazies here, I know there are wireless keyboards and mice.  lol.)


I never said anything about the PS4 beating out the PC, etc.  Because I know that's not possible, but I maintain my point that the PS4 is no slouch and Warframe runs quite well on it.

Edited by sushidubya
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Well good for you bro.  But there's no argument in my post...  I was just telling the guy before to ignore the PC elitism and that not all PC players are jerks.


Also, I have both a great PC and PS4, sometimes I play on a laptop with HD4000 graphics when on the road.

On hooking up a PC to a TV.  yeah I do that currently.  I have my PC on a 40" LCD, but the PS4 controller is wireless and I never have to reach for a keyboard, etc.  (for the crazies here, I know there are wireless keyboards and mice.  lol.)


I never said anything about the PS4 beating out the PC, etc.  Because I know that's not possible, but I maintain my point that the PS4 is no slouch and Warframe runs quite well on it.


Fair enough.

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What about the wizard that came from the moon?


I for one am so utterly psyched for Destiny.


Oh and let's not forget Bloodborne (Project Beast).


I'm still gonna try to hold out for the PC version of Destiny, seeing as I am definitely not buying it on the 360 and I have none of the next gen consoles.

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You know, I'm gonna jump in the fire here and say that, although PC has the better specs, there are plenty of reasons to go for consoles.


There are two selling points for consoles that people keep neglecting, and one more obscure one to follow.


First off, console gaming is simple. Save for the odd game, it's just about inserting CD, and you know you can play the game straight up. No muss, no fuss. PC on the other hand have setups to go through and drivers to check and hardware that needs to reach the minimum requirements. Also there are more cases of games that have a hard time running on PC because of some incompatibilities with specific parts and/or drivers,


So again, point one, simplicity. Because not everyone is a computer whiz. Not even in this day and age.


Point two, community. This applies equally to PC. Actually, it's a bigger strength to PC then console, but it remains that the community is usually divided. A person may very well end up playing a console game over PC just because he/she can meet up with most of his/her RL friends there. I know of plenty of people who are console exclusive, making it a hard choice on certain games, deciding where I'll play them.


And the third, more obscure point: Japanese imports. This is THE reason why my buddy is console exclusive. Because Japan makes damn good games for consoles, that stay on console. He even went ahead and learned Japanese for that. Could easily be said that we only get 1/4, if not, less, of the games that are released in Japan. And they keep most of the good ones to themselves too. Of course, there's a bunch of trash there too, but w/e. I think you get my point.


So yeah. PC is the better, stronger platform, but there are still plenty of reasons that make consoles viable. PC elitism just blinds people to the facts.

Edited by Eruend
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I have an account on both, but I definitely prefer the PS4, 3rd person controls are better on a controller, and the DS4 is like an orgasm for your hands.

I find that anything that requires aiming is instantly better on a KB&M

And I would disagree heartily. I find the mouse I'm using (R.A.T 5, given by a friend) is much better then the PS4 controller.

Still getting one for those games which are actually better on controllers(Racing, some of the non customisable side scrolling brawlers)


Personally, I run with a PC, and I currently own a Wii, planning on Wii U. That has so few things that are on both PC and Wii U, so I cover most of the bases I want.

Also, SSB.

Edited by Warriorrogue
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I find that anything that requires aiming is instantly better on a KB&M

And I would disagree heartily. I find the mouse I'm using (R.A.T 5, given by a friend) is much better then the PS4 controller.

Still getting one for those games which are actually better on controllers(Racing, some of the non customisable side scrolling brawlers)


Personally, I run with a PC, and I currently own a Wii, planning on Wii U. That has so few things that are on both PC and Wii U, so I cover most of the bases I want.

Also, SSB.


Yeah I dunno man.  I tried to get a full on console only player to play on KBM a couple years back.  (dude never gamed on a computer ever.)  He was completely lost.


It's all about preference and in your case (and probably mine too) since we've played on PCs for a very long time, we'll certainly perform better, but that doesn't mean someone can get better results on a controller.  You'd be surprised.

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Dont forget to burn you Platinum before switching. Afaik Platinum is not transfer able ( maybe that changed but i didnt see or hear anything about it ).


Sup Robo!


I really feel they made a mistake in calling the PC-PS4 migration a "migration" because our PC accounts will be cloned over with the PC acccount still intact aftewards.


It's true that the platinum won't transfer over, but the platinum in our PC accounts will remain untouched.


I might buy a bunch of slots, potatoes and forma before I migrate, but there's no need to "burn my platinum."  XD

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Over pricing on the PS4 side right?  (I observed prices being higher on PS4 vs PC.)


I'm hoping to play on PS4 with my PC account's gear.  They did a great job porting the controls over.  It's not half bad and quite enjoyable.  (not as precise as KBM, but good enough to have fun.)


Yeah, and it's not just the prime parts that are overpriced.


Not entirely overpricing because we get updates later, so something that's super old to you guys, it's fairly new to us (Rhino Prime set still can go for 100+, Cicero Mods are still 50+, etc.)


My friend was looking to buy an unranked steel fiber (the warframe mod) and kept getting hit with 25-50p offers. I can get the entire boltor prime set for 50p (possibly less) on PC, my friend tried to do the same thing on PS4 and most people were charging 50p for the blueprint alone.

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