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Question To The Community: How Are The Tenno Percieved In The Universe


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According to lore there are some human civilisations /colonies let scattered across the system, some are tenno symptathizer , some are probably not.



But  how do you think the tenno are perceived in those civilizations? as heroes? monsters , Ancient gods? Demons?  Saviors Kings and queens  nobunaga  ?, protectors? 



what do you think? post below let me know

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I'd guess neither heroes or demons.


Seeing as the lotus makes the tenno strive for what she calls "balance", she is effectively preventing them from viping out either corpus or the grineer (who seems to be the big bad-guys factions in the WF universe, especially the grineer).


Sure, the tenno stopped the grineer from getting too powerful (as with the fomorians and the cloning facilities), but as soon as balance is restored their interest seems to disappear.


I'd guess as a civillian I would fear them; ultimately they are just another powerful faction along with both the corpus and grineer, only their true motive is unclear, that would scare me.


I might be completely wrong on this though, I am no lore expert.

Edited by Radford_343
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I think they're revered as mysterious saviors or some such... I doubt they can be truly feared - the Tenno hold no ground in the solar system, so so there is no "Tenno Empire" to fear. We use merc tactics. Strike where the bast pay sends us. So we're probably seen as people who come along when S#&$ get's real deep, but vanish as soon as the victims can stand on their own legs.

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It might be like a scaled-down Warhammer 40K situation. The civilian colonies view military human forces (like Space Marines) with at least one of three things, indifference, hatred, or (in the case of less advanced or primitive colonies) admiration.

Replace military human forces with Tenno and I think that's how we're viewed.

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I think they're revered as mysterious saviors or some such... I doubt they can be truly feared - the Tenno hold no ground in the solar system, so so there is no "Tenno Empire" to fear. We use merc tactics. Strike where the bast pay sends us. So we're probably seen as people who come along when S#&$ get's real deep, but vanish as soon as the victims can stand on their own legs.


They are not of this world, they bend the laws of physics to their will. They wear warframes and masks, completely hiding any human feature, they do not speak, nor show emotion. Their motive; balance... what balance? Does the tenno believe the end justifies the means? Is everyone subject to this "balance"?


You tell me you would not fear them, I say I sure as hell would.

Edited by Radford_343
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well, let's put things in proper perspective here. The solar system is BIG. Space itself is big. There are probably hundreds of Grineer and Corpus bases scattered among the planets, not to mention the asteroid belt for mining purposes. Look at how many of them we kill during survival missions. Both factions can afford to lose potentially hundreds, if not thousands of soldiers on a simple operation without batting an eye. We focus on the Tenno because theirs is the only perspective we have. In the grand scheme of things, while the Corpus and Grineer drop what they're doing to try and grab a warframe in cryosleep, their primary concerns are dealing with/slaughtering one another.


Honestly, the two factions remind me greatly of the Warring States factions, Ieyasu Tokugawa and Mitsunari Ishida. They're constantly warring for territory, and, on occasion, they contract out certain jobs to the various ninja clans. To further their reputation, said ninja clans started spreading stories on how they could control the elements, run along water, slip like shadows through a crowd, kill their target, and leave like they could become invisibile. Those ninja clans also had a number of safehouses they could run to after a mission. Much like our clan dojo's in a way.


The point of what I'm saying is that, while we DEFINITELY remember the Warring States period in Japanese history, we don't really know about alot of incidents where Ninja were involved. I'm guessing that Tenno are regarded as much the same way. Numerically, we're the minority in this solar system, but we're treated like ghosts and magicians. Nobody ever knows why we show up, or why we do what we do, and we're unlikely to stop our speedruns to explain it to them.

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They are not of this world, they bend the laws of physics to their will. They wear warframes and masks, completely hiding any human feature, they do not speak, nor show emotion. Their motive; balance... what balance? Does the tenno believe the end justifies the means? Is everyone subject to this "balance"?


You tell me you would not fear them, I say I sure as hell would.


Yeah, I'd be more intimidated by the faceless aspect and the fact that they take no permanent side in a conflict.

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Team America Tenno World Space Police

Suprise -snippity-


*shotgun in the face*

Edited by Letter13
-snip- while I got a good laugh, asterisk-ing out one or two letters doesn't make it ok! :(
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anyone else noticed how tenno suddenly claim territory (dakr sectors) and now they will start killing each other?


Tenno is not a unified faction.


lotus is losing control :D


i would probably fear them xD

Edited by khazlol
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The grineer are warlike to an extreme, but judging by Sargas Ruk's dialogue they seem to at least think of themselves as protectors. The corpus are stated to be a corporation, so I assume they have consumers which they have a vested interest in protecting, if only to keep them spending. 


I don't think there are any proper good guys in the warframe universe.

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I imagine the public perception of the Tenno is incredibly varied.  We fight oppressive empires, sure, but we also fight for them for the right price.  We could be the symbol for freedom and peace, but we're not exactly doing much to end the war.  They probably fear us, too.  Like cautionary tales used to persuade obedience from children.


Yeah, the Red Veil seems to be our BFFs, but we don't really know how the Red Veil is viewed by the majority of the system's populace, either.  They could be revolutionaries or terrorists.

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