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Got To Rank 8..............the Test, Really Guys


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Well, the only guy you could say for sure was BSing would be the OP, right?  I forget when it was but I'm sure I did my lvl 8 test WAAAAYYY before U13.  


'Course, I also have no idea how it's different.  Not that I think most people would.  Cuz you only run it once.  I don't remember seeing anything about this in the update notes, but I could have missed it.  


It wasn't in the patch notes, I did MR8 test after U13 and I was reading up and watching videos about it in preparation, then I finally do it and it's nothing like the videos.

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I did it back when it was the test for mastery rank 8, 9 10 and 11 (maybe even 12 i cant remember for sure. I did it 4 or 5 times on my account and did it the same amount of times again on a friends account for him. Just take it slow  it really is very easy if you dont try to rush. oh and it got nerfed on ps4 because not many people could do it at all with a controller ;)

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MR8 test... I forget which one that was...


Was that the wall running one?


If so then I only failed one try (Because when I checked what it was beforehand, it was an old video that had considerably more jumps, meaning the final jump caught me off guard) - I used Valkyr with Rush mod equipped (Despite being slow having an advantage for the aiming part of it)


I believe it's possible to get on top of the "Walls" and run along the top too making the first 2 walls rather simple and allowing for better aim at jumping on the final wall.

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The "Mastery Rank" page of the Warframe wiki might be of use in your future endeavors.

I just hit 16, thanks to the Machete and Laser Rifle Prime weapons being distributed.


16 was kinda silly. I was hoping for something harder.


Also yay 16, and grats. :P

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I was robbed of doing this one. Months ago, when I filled up my rank 8, it instantly went to rank 9 (or was it 7 to 8? whichever one is supposed to be the parkour one). It was the only test the game skipped for me, and it's the only one I really wanted to do. Thanks, DE! Maybe one day we'll be able to play them at our leisure after passing them.


So who knows, but I've never failed a test. That one could have been... the one.

Edited by gell
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I was robbed of doing this one. Months ago, when I filled up my rank 8, it instantly went to rank 9 (or was it 7 to 8? whichever one is supposed to be the parkour one). It was the only test the game skipped for me, and it's the only one I really wanted to do. Thanks, DE! Maybe one day we'll be able to play them at our leisure after passing them.


So who knows, but I've never failed a test. That one could have been... the one.


I believe DE has made noises in that direction.


I, for one, would like to redo the stealth test without Invis Loki and see if my skizzlez are as good as I advertise :V

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Welcome to the bane of the Tenno... Rank 8 separates the scrubs from the warriors. Behold the test of agility that will break your keyboard/controller. This is... Mastery test 8! 'Put the epic music on guys!'

Epic Music:

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Average speed frame, accurate gun with lots of ammo in the clip, and research on Youtube.

Honestly, I struggled until I went Excal and Soma, don't equip speed mods, put a stamina one on.


There is more time than you think, my biggest problem the first couple of times was rushing.


Rushing, a problem? Naw, say it aint so

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no srs


1st maximize power strength


then once enter the test


i just look around for the finish point






jk it's not that easy but i skipped a S#&$ ton of wallrunning sections just by jumping to the next platform(s)

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