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Where's PETA when you need them...


I agree though. The noses are aoidhlkshifdl. Wouldn't go as far as to say repulsive, but I am not a fan. Dog-like creatures wouldn't logically evolve like that anyway.


Good thing logic has no place in a game where the primary thought behind the design process is "Rule of Cool."


I like the bat noses, for that exact same reason.

Edited by Katakuna
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In the off chance that you are in fact serious and don't comprehend the situation...


The player ships will in fact be an in-game feature. As stated like 600 times in the livestreams, forum posts, etc. The website is a teaser to build up hype so that when U14 goes live there is a mass explosion of excitement for the players. The website is just to tantalize us.


 thx for the only mature answer out there,because of my work i currently havent time to play/inform myself...so i spend the time i got just farming  ( for the moment ).

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Bats are kawaii




I now want Giant Toothbrush Prime so I-too can brush my Kurbrow with!


Heh, just alst week Iw as stating I'd probably not use a Kurbrow or work on getting one, but after a random Kurbrow ran towrads me holding some recources in its mouth I was very happy. I was CONFUSED, but hey, they killed the last Grineer, and one of them brought me the resources while I was opening lockers.


I believe they've won me over, and I certainly cannot wait tog et a Krubrow now! if I need room, I can just shovel Carrier and its shotgun away, I don't need it, I have Shade, Djinn, and Dethcube :3

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Where's PETA when you need them...


I agree though. The noses are aoidhlkshifdl. Wouldn't go as far as to say repulsive, but I am not a fan. Dog-like creatures wouldn't logically evolve like that anyway.

They're highly intelligent pack animals...that's about as far as similarities go. Who knows what exactly those things evolved from anyway.

Edited by Shehriazad
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They're highly intelligent pack animals...that's about as far as similarities go. Who knows what exactly those things evolved from anyway.

What if the Orokin just mixed bat, lama, and dog DNA. Because the Devs have stated that the Kubrows were Orokin pets first. Maybe they gave a dog Bat DNA to make its hearing amazing, as to make them better guard dogs.

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What if the Orokin just mixed bat, lama, and dog DNA. Because the Devs have stated that the Kubrows were Orokin pets first. Maybe they gave a dog Bat DNA to make its hearing amazing, as to make them better guard dogs.

Eeeeeh... Llamas have no good dna traits to deliver, dog hearing is good enough and bat sonar is kind of working sub par on ground level. 

Let's not just assume that they mixed those standard DNAs...after all they created many great things...so they could've just made a new species from scratch by just taking any general earth DNA and make their own creature.

If they can make suits that shoot fireballs or create magnetic forces out of thin air then their powers would probably be on that level.

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Btw, about the quite from what seems to be the ship's smart AI.




     1. Head


     2. The anterior shield of a trilobite


So he more or less said he's the head of the ship. Drives it's functions. So yeah, probably safe to say it's the AI.

Edited by SolidSp33d
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If they can make suits that shoot fireballs or create magnetic forces out of thin air then their powers would probably be on that level.


In Ember Prime's lore, it's implied that the powers exist before the Frames are put on, which also implies that the frames are used to amplify the powers, and protect the wearer.


Also, creating a new species requires SOMETHING as a base. Llamas have a good survivability in varied climates, perhaps those were the base, and they got dog DNA for the packing and basic hunting/surviving skills and behaiviours, and the bat DNA for vastly improved hearing.


We don't know what else Kurbrow are capable of, perhaps they also got some Bear DNA, for smelling, and tracking? Or even DNA from some bird of prey for eyesight? we don't know. ALL we know is that they live in forested enviroments, in dens that go underground. We know they hunt, fight, and live as a pack, and we can deduce by their movements alone that they are skileld hunters, and work together to take down their prey, whether that be a Hellion, a Heavy Gunner, or even an overzealous, undermodded Tenno. We also know that they are weakest to puncture damage, implying a thick hide that needs a large force applied over a very small area to effectively penetrate.



EDITS: just some grammatical errors, needed fixing.


EDIT2: A glance at their teeth in the spoiler image actualkly showed me that Kurbrows have a similar setup as Humans, implying they are Omnivorous. teth at the sides are slightly flatter, whereas the ones in front are sharper. We currently do not know if they are scavengers, but at least we know that they are omnivorous, which is a step closer to getting a nice entry into their ecology. Their eyes are a bit small, so they're not specifically tailored to nighttime-hunting, though with their hearing and possible sense of smell, they can be adept at that, without needing to see, per-say.

Edited by Mewfan
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I know the devs enjoy putting Latin references into their names, so I started playing around with 'cephalon' and I found something, I believe.


Ship concealed from afar?



Also Ordis translates to ordinary. So the beginning message is possibly, "I'm 'an' [ordinary] ship [concealed from afar]"

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