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Why Do People Not Like Hydroid


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Hydroid dose get a bad rep allot of times because


A. He has a glitch and extremely annoying/frustrating/hard to beat boss.


B. He is one of the most Stereotypical Warframes we have. (Flying Parrot, Eye Patch, wields a Cutlass, Davy Jones themed, Names Hydroid.)


C. Many people hated getting (and still probably do) delta bacons.


Frankly to me I like Hydroid allot, but he is very stereotypical and I wish he would have been designed more how do I put it "Uniquely" like others frames before and after him, at least in his look.

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Bad frame in both looks and skills.

I hate when I I get stuck on a team with one and as such won't subject anyone else the same thing.

 Yeah it has CC but it is really, really, really bad CC! waving enemies all over the place, screw that, Vauban can hold them still so they can be shot! Puddle? Useless in a team but i suppose it might buy you some time in solo mode.


I got him within the first few days of release and took it to 30, will not use again. 2/10 

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Hydroid's design is out of place, which is the main reason I don't care for him. Not all the frames need to be ninja-like, but the design shifited from rough, semi-organic looking frames more towards "the visualiztion of X theme". Zephyr's design was trending this way already, Hydroid's design to it to the next level of cliche.


The original frame designs are what drew me to check out warframe in the first place, it looked unique and different... believeable even, that in some future world these strange, rough looking suits are used to grant special abilities to the wearer and/or have become part of them physically.


Hydroid looks like he woke up and put his pirate costume on.

this is so truuuueee ! +1

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His CC's don't help the team kill stuff, they just delay death and prolong being able to kill and more on.


Since tornado has been fixed to not throw loot all over the map, tentacles have got to be the most annoying ability in the game.  Puddle?  most of the other CC that are a bit similar like freeze and hollowed ground the player casting it can still shoot.  This one is meh as a power and then removes a gun from the damage pool.


I actually enjoyed playing Nuevo as much as I did to farm the beacons and felt like Hek was a better fight than other bosses.


I'd rather play with or as booben than hydroid.

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I am divided in my opinion about it. At the core, he seems awesome. Love the concept, love the theme. He can get things done. He has some of the best 25 energy abilities in the game. He has a movement ability, a stealth CC type of ability and the ultimate provides a strong mix of damage and CC.

I decided to make my ability review in spoiler tags due to length of it.

However he has issues. Aside from his very good first ability. His turn into a pool ability is very limited. You can not move and the enemy A.I. seems to avoid it sometimes completely, as if they knew what it is. In theory, it should be a very good alternative ability to mobile defense missions, like in Kappa but it turns out enemies change their behavior and almost exclusively shoot from afar. It barely does any damage and you can not move nearly at all while in it. I would suggest moving being possible as slow as it does it now without it deactivating unless you yourself decide to end it.

And the ultimate does great damage and has CC. However, there are better CC abilities out there that make the targets easier to shoot, easier to see and able to shoot to begin with. As it stands, the enemies rag doll all over the place thus you just wait till the tentacles stop. Their damage is average and they have a great tendency to obscure vision from other targets. Its other problems of course are its unreliability. If there are no targets seen, it will target no one and the tentacles spawn into areas where there barely will be any enemies. if there are a lot of enemies, it only picks up some of them and sometimes even spawning two tentacles against one enemy while there are many enemies close by. This unpredictability makes it hard to use.

And due to this ultimate being time based, and not re-spawning tentacles as it goes, makes it an ability that is only good as long as the enemy is alive and the tentacles spawn into correct locations. This is an ultimate ability that while good on paper. I think it should need some revisioning to help the ability out.

Is he fun to use? Yes, pretty fun to use. Is he bad? Not bad. But. Not great either. There is virtually nothing he brings to the table that someone else couldn't do better and his overall performance or benefit for the team is decent at best. This is mainly due to his abilities being highly situational compared to most Warframes.

So in conclusion, he lives up to his name. Hybrid Hydroid. A hybrid between damage and CC, every ability has poor versions of both of these elements. He truly is just a mixed bag of stuff.


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You're mistaken. The puddle is a great panic button & revive assist.

Maybe, but I have not seen anyone use it in that manner. Its always to try and kill some random enemy/boss, like the last one in a defense wave, except puddle (and most of his abilities) don't do that much damage.

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In my opinion, the only problem with Hydroid is Undertow. It is a very situational skill that provides little to no benefit to your team. In normal missions, most people will usually be rushing, meaning by the time you even use this skill, they will already be moving to the next area. In a mission such as Defense, Undertow may of some use by disabling enemies near the Cryopod, however Tempest Barrage can provide the same utility, and as well as allow your teamates to target the enemies.


Aside from helping you recover your own shield, I do not see many situations where Undertow is useful, and even if there was, Tempest Barrage or Tentacle Swarm may be just as efficient.

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People probably hate him cause majority of the players with him play like s***.

Every time i've had a hydroid in my group all they seem to do is use undertow because they think thats his only useful skill.

But in reality he is a great cc frame, his almighty tentacles are great at keeping enemies out of an area and tempest barrage does good at keeping enemies on the floor. Go into interception and watch how easy it is cheese your way through the rounds.

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People probably hate him cause majority of the players with him play like s***.

Every time i've had a hydroid in my group all they seem to do is use undertow because they think thats his only useful skill.

But in reality he is a great cc frame, his almighty tentacles are great at keeping enemies out of an area and tempest barrage does good at keeping enemies on the floor. Go into interception and watch how easy it is cheese your way through the rounds.

You know I never really understood this argument. It is based on an assumption that just because people have different opinions they are bad or doing it wrong. Which almost never is actually the real case. I think that most people give their honest opinions about him. I am sure I did.

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You know I never really understood this argument. It is based on an assumption that just because people have different opinions they are bad or doing it wrong. Which almost never is actually the real case. I think that most people give their honest opinions about him. I am sure I did.

It's not based off an assumption its based off the outcomes of these types of players in a mission. When a hyrdoid goes into a survival undertows a whole room and keeps them there the whole time instead of letting the team kill them because "they want the kills"; the life support starts to drain and leaves the team forced to scavenge for more enemies or use a capsule. Or when a hydroid decides to hold eximus enemies then tell the team to come kill the group he undertowed only to release them and poison / drain energy / etc. on the entire team. It is not a useless skill by any means but people need to understand when and where to use it which is where the problem is because they dont. And in return it hurts the rest of the team which is probably why people dislike or see hydroid as being useless.


To sum it all up a lot of people just troll with hydroid's undertow skill, some not even realizing it which creates hate on the frame.


(And tentacles can be just as bad when players decide they need to use them as a damaging skill instead of cc which slows down the gameplay significantly if no one has an explosive type weapon)

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He seems to be like the Necromancer from Diablo 2 back in the day.


"Summons lagging, get out"


Just trying to help, but he ends up causing more harm than good, and usually makes things go less...





On a side note, regardless of the hate, I'm going to be making Hydroid, and I'll be gearing him up for a combination of Efficiency, Range, and a LOT of Duration, so I can drop Tempest Barrages everywhere. I've played on a defense with a Hydroid, who only used 1 and 4. I was using Saryn, we had a Volt, and we had a Loki, and we went a good 35 waves in T3 Defense before we left. Were all after a forma BP, not one showed up :T


Regardless, the 4 only came out if we were pressed, and the 1 staggers a LOT. each strike is an AOE, and it seems to have at LEAST a 75-95% stagger chance, from what I saw, though on paper that might be wrong.


Regardless, I've only seen him every now and again, but each time has been a Hydroid that know how to play. Just because a frame SEEMS bad, does not make him so. Personally, I've been yelled at for using Ballistica in a run, or using Valkyr on Survival, or even grabbing my Saryn on Defense, and after we were in-game, my choice of mod setup, auras, and how I play quelled their fears. Honestly, it's all up to how you build the frame, and use the abilities. IMO, Hydroid doesn't need Undertow, so I likely will end up forma'ing that out.

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It's just a novelty frame: you enjoy playing space pirate for a few days (with the hat and the parrot and the sabre), until you realize he has nothing to bring to the table


#1. the delay and targeting makes it unreliable at best

#2. arguably a better version of rhino charge (costs more energy but is wider), which no one uses anyway cause rhino stomp. Yay a mobility skill I wont use (coptering is still cheaper) 

#3. trololol, why is that even in the game? for stealth 0.7 alpha?

#4. because of the annoying ragdoll effect, Bastille/Vortex are still better choices for static aoe cc.


And it seems completely out-of-place lore-wise. A space pirate? For real?

Well, considering the frame before was a space deer...

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Tempest Barrage has a long delay and unreliable targeting. Tidal Surge costs too much energy as a slow gap closer with a low damage knock down. Undertow makes enemies untargetable while dealing low damage per second. Tentacle Swarm has unreliable targeting and makes enemies harder to hit without using 360 nuke abilities.

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So Hydroid is actually the most recent frame I decided to take a second look at and I've really grown to enjoy him and his utility. Granted I just double forma'd him, but he actually is quite useful. I think the primary reason people don't particularly like him is because of his potential as a troll frame. But, honestly, if used correctly, I think he makes a great addition to the team. Below are my own thoughts on his abilities:


**NOTE: I have a efficiency-duration build


#1: Great CC skill due to the knockdown. To properly use, reduced range using Narrowminded is recommended to have precise aim of where you're CCing. With my build I get 10 seconds of sustained knockdown, tripping each mob up about 2-3 times.

(useful for covering a pod during defense, not so much in survival or anywhere else. Also good to provide cover while reviving a teammate.


#2: Also great. An efficiency-duration build basically gives Hydroid supreme mobility. The length and speed of the ride is actually based on duration, while the width is based on range. Therefore a high efficiency-duration build allows for covering HUGE distances, while also providing ragdoll/knockdown of all enemies in the way. Its basically an across-map teleport if objects aren't hindering the path.

(great mobility; can travel the entire size of Akkad(Zini) in one go and at minimum cost)


#3: This is by far the main reason I think people have grown to dislike Hydroid, its trolliness. However, if used correctly I think it's a great "OH ****!" skill and has multiple scenario uses.

a. Run out of shield? Close to death? Puddle up.

b. Teammate down? Mobs swarming him/her? Puddle over their body while another teammate rezs.

c. Any defense mission. Pod wont go down. At higher waves a Nyx/Nova to provide damage is nice while Hydroid is there for emergency defense.

d. Any other reason to stall mobs or hold for time. Ultimate CC.

*Also, spamming the skill on and off can provide the effect of puddle while releasing mobs for teammates to damage if you're ever in a pinch.


#4: Another troll-able ability since mobs are difficult to hit when tentacled. Honestly, my Hydroid build doesn't use this skill due to the high cost, annoyance level, and visual hindrance. I'd much rather further extend the frame's duration or efficiency, and just use skill #1 as AOE knockdown/mob suppression.


Overall, I think Hydroid's a decent frame, but improper use of his skills by a large portion of the playerbase has left people with a sour taste in their mouth. This, coupled with the large effort it takes most to get it, leaves people turned off I think. However, if used in a helpful way, I think people can grow to see his potential. Again, I must reiterate that this is MY own opinion of the frame based on MY own build and time playing it. If people don't like him, whatever. I'm still gonna play him. He's different and I've began to grow tired of what feels like 60-70% of the playerbase using the same 4 frames. Have a great night all!



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