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The Frame That You Use All Its Skills


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Booben is the easy answer, i dont think ive ever taken him into battle without all of his abilities


Loki is #2, ive built loki focused on certain abilities b4, but i much prefer having all of them


now that Silence got buffed, i would agree that Banshee's got a good complete kit


Volt also has a great toolkit


honorable mentions to Ash and Excal, but quite often i build them in such a way that at least one of their powers is mostly gimped


everyone else has at least one throw-away power, something that just brings nothing that i need to the fight 


rhino - charge

valk - warcry

nekros - hard to build for more than 1 of his powers due to min/max

hydroid - nothing really essential besides tentacles honestly

trin - usually either drop 1/2

ember - fire blast does nothing that WoF doesnt do better

frost - ice wave is trash

mag - bullet attractor 

nova - AMD

nyx - psy bolts

oberon - a lot like nekros, hard to build without gimping at least one, if not more of his skills

saryn - drop contagion or venom

zephyr - divebomb is trash


so all total 4 solids, 2 maybe's, everyone else has throwaways =/, not exactly a strong showing


kinda says a lot about the utility that so few warframe skills have, we really do need alternate skill kits and "abilities 2.0" (ie more utility for everything)

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Im thinking Banshee has 4 useful skills now. Hydroid ...kinda (they are all equally meh in fact). Rhino could use all 4.  Maybe Volt.  Valk I could run with all 4 only cause Paralysis is fun to spam. Loki teleport is situational.

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Must say that this has been the most interesting thread to uncover gameplay tastes - so much so that I though it worthwhile to compile the interim results of the thread respondents and present it to you all in graphic format ...


NOTE:  The category ALL is comprised of respondents who ALWAYS used every power in every frame and the category NULL includes those who NEVER used every power


CAVEAT:  While the majority of respondents indicated a SINGLE warframe in which they used every power, there was a surprising number of respondents who voted for MANY warframes.  Since such "multi-frame" respondents did not prioritize their choices, all of their entries where given the same weight as a "single frame" respondent


CAVEAT:  Doubtless there are many reasons for the skewed results between warframe characters, but chief among such biases would be variation in player "ownership" of a specific warframe



Edited by ElHefe
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1- A nice, Cheap, Moderate Damage, Spammy Ability


2- Situational, but can be used to instantly deplete an enemy's shields and get you to that 1 mod that seem to be stuck in the ceiling.


3- Traps enemies, easy for the pickings, need i say more?


4- Sucks enemies into a huge ball. Gives a whole new meaning to "Its All Ogris Now"

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All of them. I use every skill on a frame, with the sole exception of Hollowed ground and Bullet Attractor, just because I built Oberon and Mag in a way that makes them last too little to be of any use. I would use them if that wasn't the case though. 

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None, in the same build. Zephyr and Hydroid are the only ones which I use 3 skills in one build. Since I have a tendency to build/specialize around 1 or 2 skills.

this guy know what it's about!


i had all 4 on zyph, but then i couldnt specialize. my hydroid has all 4 on, because it works out fine.

and my nyx is 3/4 because bolts suck...

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