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What Will You Name Your Ship And Kubrow(S)?


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I'll name my ship Animus Vox, latin for "courage cry" and the title to one of my favorite



Knowing that I'll have to release my kubrow into the wilds if I want to get a new one, and not wanting to get too attached to a single kubrow while I explore the different traits they can have, I'll therefore name my kubrows after latin ordinal numbers (i.e. Primus, Secundus, Tertius, Sextus, Quintus, Octavus, ect.).



I'm not saying there'll be an in-game option to name your ship, though I'm hoping there is one.


I would gladly pay platinum to have the name of my ship written on the hull! Would collars with dog kubrow tags be too goofy? x)

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My ship will be the SS. More powerful than Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Ironman, Thor, Captain America, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, and the Incredible Hulk put together


My Kubrow will be named spot if he has stripes and will be named Stripe if he has spots because, what's life without whimsy?

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Ship will be named "Toon Town Swag Wagon" but I'm not too sure about the Kubrows because if they can die or can't be used 100% of the missions I'll completely ignore them.

Yes this is an awesome name


Can we even name our dogs?


I mean like like physically .as in..he will have a collar on saying his/her name

no  collars we can name them tho


Ship: Ship

Kubrow: Meatshield


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Ship: Mr.Stabby (reference to another game/sword that always manages to make me chuckle for reasons)


Kubrow: Dana (after my kitty)


Not very original :P, but eh. Can you blame me for wanting to bring my favorite irl furball with me on killing spree's?

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