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Update 14 Bug/issue Megathread


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hey there DE

one big annoying bug for me is right now i am at the point where my kubrow is still an egg but already breeding ..but every f****ing time i finish a mission ordis tells me his story about kubrows beeing nasty and that they have a cute nose .... its annoying as F***
another thing which happens at the same time is when i finished a mission and are back at the liset i get the rewrd screen ...so far so good ... but if i then go to my dojo ...leave it again i get that exact same screen again .... one time is enough .... its kinda annoying too

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Not sure if this is an issue, but my Kubrow is hatched (rushed it) and does not degenerate nor glow unlike others reportedly do, anyone else having this issue? btw nor is any other stat going down, doesnt matter how long away i am or how many missions i do.

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Ran several T2 Capture missions last night, using a 3-man team, focusing on exploring each level completely, opening every locker and container found, and maximizing drops, using a Master Thief Loki and a Necros (no boosters, however). Probably spent between 2 and three hours, all told; no Argon Crystals found.


Today I spent the better part of an hour on a single T1 Capture mission.  I soloed it so I could explore every last room in the place and open as many lockers and containers as I could.  My final counts were over 200 enemies killed, and over 1800 items found, and again, no Argon Crystals.  My math could be faulty, and perhaps I'm combining individual RNGs rates which are calculated separately, but my result would appear to make the current effective RNG odds of getting a single Argon crystal to be somewhere south of one thousand, eight hundred to one.


Those are pretty stiff odds.  My overall, uninformed impression is that the Argon Crystal drop rate may be bugged.

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Well, here's another trading bug I just had with my friend;


I traded him Decisive Judgement for Rare Fusion Core 5 as he wanted a stance for the nikana, and while I received the FC5, he didn't receive the stance mod. So the game just ate an upgraded Decisive Judgement. :(




Nevermind, he restarted game and it seems to have appeared, still, that was weird.

Edited by Nirrti
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Just finished the "Raid Corpus resource caches" part of the Vor's Prize questline. Already had an Ascaris negator in my inventory (I built it as soon as i got the blueprint). But now there's nothing else to do. There are no quest indicators, Ascaris negator is still in my inventory. There are notes on the map still saying "raid corpus resource..." but there are no actual indicators/quests in the Solar System. Now it's impossible to make any progress.


notes on the map, telling me to do that quest again

....and nothing

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When you click "Sell all duplicates" when selling mods it sells all the duplicate fusion cores. i had so many rares D': watch out for this when selling mods guys, and to any DE staff can you add an exception for fusion cores so they dont get sold?

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Edit: as this has been moved what happened is that the guy above me said in the title of his thread "Lephanitis is level 1" and I'm asking for a picture as I did not hear of this issue until now and I am curious about it. It's because the guy above focused on the title that these two comments don't make sense.

Edited by Armouredhunter
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Ok so i liked this game and was just getting into it for a few weeks. and then this update came... and well i think im done till a few things are fixed..... 

1- vors quest line .... im one of the unlucky few that decided to do it , and make the item to get the " bug thing " out of my body before i did quest for materials now quest line is bugged telling me i need to do quest for materials from caches but it wont show where and why i already made the dang thing... why cant i use it. so cant progress with ship, and cant redo choice to not do ship quest...

2- THIS IS MAIN REASON- Wtf is up with the load screen for public matches ... takes way too long 5- 9 mins to load in wtf? took minute tops before....dunno what u changed but change it back and another idea that fancy S#&$ with ur ships on load screen is taking way to much resources at a critical time ... i dont want it to look pretty i want it to function please i know u just taking that part out would help loads . give it to ps4 players not pc users our resource pools are limited.

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Fun bug I heard from a friend: during the vor's price quest, if you got the BP from market and crafted the item too early, it prevents the next quest marker from showing up.


Yeah....I have the same problem and now I'm stuck in that mission :\

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Interesting, I was experiencing this last night as well.  Seemed to happen totally at random, not necessarily during high action times. (though it tended to like to screw you like that either during landing a jump or taking a shot)  The effect was similar, though limited usually to 3-5 seconds tops, then the game would return to normal.  I also noticed that any actions I took during the 'freeze' seemed to execute fine. (taking a shot at an enemy after the game froze, for example, would generally return with the enemies downed when it came back)  


System spec:  Xeon E3-1245v3 (basically an i7-4770), 8GB DDR3 @ 1866, GTX770 2GB, game is running off a 4-disk RAID5 using Constellation ES drives off of an Adaptec 6805 w/ ZMM.


 I verified that the RAID was in a steady state and checked logs to ensure there were no write backs, verifies, etc that would cause additional latency.  Total memory usage was <5GB and VRAM usage was not maxed out either.  This did not occur before the update.  To be honest, it isn't what I would consider a high priority issue either.  


Otherwise, the Mercury Nav issue is causing me some consternation.  =/

Hmm you have a much better system then me so this must be some other sort of issue with the game and not the system. Although whenever I boot the game all my fans start running faster like they are trying to counter act a high internal temp even though I just turned it on and started the game. Hopefully DE can get to the root of this problem.

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So like ive never had a problem with warframe but since new update im stuck where im supposed to do the corpus cache for the Vor Mission

and well it doesnt pop up on my navigation. i tried killing the jackal and doing doing several corpus mission and relogging and reseting my own comp

but nothing seems to work. Need help with this issue.

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whatever  was changed this morning/afternoon is causing consistent crashes on my 32 bit system regardless  of the map or mission. I have received runtime errors, memory errors and many war-numbers. Last night was fine. Today I can't complete a mission without crashing first.

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Guest Tehnoobshow

My FPS dropped by a third with the new update and I can't even upgrade my mods anymore because I get 10~15 fps on the player ship.

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