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Update 14 Bug/issue Megathread


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Pretty sure it's been brought up but the load times are atrocious, and it frequently disconnects me or other players.


I can't do one Void or Derelict mission without this happening and it's becoming increasingly frustrating. It's not my laptop and internet either, they worked very well before this update happened. =/

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I have experienced bigger problems like not having a new quest marker to kill Vor but thats been addressed already. 

But when i was saving Darvo,  I got back to the Liset and he was speaking to me but some of his dialogue was skipping so not everything he said could be heard or read. i point this out because i absolutely loved the new dialogue. Hope that can be fixed. 

thanks DE :)

Edited by Complicasiian
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Is anyone else having issues where if you rush a Kobruw every time you log in/come back from a mission your ship AI tells you your Kobruw Egg is hatching? Also, how long does it take for Kobruws to grow to an adult!?


Yes I am having this same issue.



Merged 'Lephantis is Level 1' titled thread from General Discussion. Were you alone or with others? 


I suppose this could be unrelated, but I faced Vay Hek earlier today and he was level 1. I was playing solo and my conclave rating was pretty high.

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Hey, first off. I do love U14 and so many things about it but there are some issues I would like addressed for the future. 


1. I find that the new mod node system is a step back. Normally at the end of the day in U13, I would go into mods, I could see all mods easily as they took up the entire screen, and sell and fuse any mods. I could also see the number of duplicates and fusion cores I had located at the top. Now it is a hard, tedious task. 

-I have to go to separate areas to sell and fuse mods. It would be better if these were combined

-My Warframe's body blocks my view of the mods (same in foundry).

-The mods are given a cool, "descending look" where the left edge appears farther away. However, on my tiny laptop screen it makes it hard to see and inconvenient to work with, especially behind my warframe's body. 

-I can only see one line of mods at a time now. Many times I would pass up a duplicate mod in need of fusion because one would be at the end of the top row that is darkened, and the other is the beginning of the middle, visible row. 

-Sometimes the mods no longer clump up. Example: It will say in order (Redirection Lvl 6x1)(Redirection Lvl 1x6)(Redirection Lvl 1x1)


My solution to these problems are keep the node, but when clicked on it takes you to a design similar to the old mod system that puts everything together. This should speed up the player's ability to go through mods and get back to the amazing gameplay! :)


2. The foundry has issues for the same reason.

-Its hard to see how many more components I have in-comparison to how many are needed. And example is saying the Akvasto needs 2 Orokin cells, I have 4 but it says 2/2. Then I think I only have 2 and do not want to spend them, without realizing I have more. Though I could go to the components section, it is still less convenient. 

-Warframe body block's view as well as "descending" view point


My fix is either fix issues above or do as I mentioned with the mods. Though I like the cool new look of the foundry. 


3. I need money and resources to continue the Kubrow quest so I'm waiting, yet after a mission I get both the ship and Lotus telling me both "You have" and "You don't have" a Kubrow egg. Kind of annoying, no big deal, but soon I'll be repeating it in my sleep


4. I'm having issues gathering rare resources. Despite going to areas with the rare resources several times and despite going to areas without control modules, I keep getting control modules and no rare resources. It might be my imagination, just thought I'd mention it in case others are experiencing the same thing.


Anyways those are my main issues. Love the update. Hope you can fix the problems sometime soon. Back to the game :) 

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I didn't read all the thread, so i don't know if this bug is already reported...

When i open and close the menu in game while using the Nyx's orb, i'm able to move with the power active.

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Mirage quest bug:


When I did the first quest mission of the mirage quest, I didn´t get the helmet of mirage. So I am not able to craft the helmet and I am not able to continue the quest. I am also not able so repeat the mission where I can get the helmet

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I've found a bug. This happened after my 4th attempt to find an egg (unsuccessfully of course, lol) which then I promptly bought some plat and threw it at the market for a kubrow starter pack. After receiving the egg via the market during this stage in the quest line, the mission broke and this is what I see now. A directory pointing to the voice message of Lotus telling me that I need to find the egg. But the message does not play anymore.


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so much glitches with menu layouts especially with mods, please put up the rate a bit of finding a kubrow egg, i've played all night and day to get one and still nothing and im not buying it with plat. everytime you return from that mission keeps on saying i got an egg, but obviosly didn't, you guys done a great job with wole new look, gamplay etc but seriously giving everone a headache with these glitches and other issues that are brought up, please fix soon.......

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I've found a bug. This happened after my 4th attempt to find an egg (unsuccessfully of course, lol) which then I promptly bought some plat and threw it at the market for a kubrow starter pack. After receiving the egg via the market during this stage in the quest line, the mission broke and this is what I see now. A directory pointing to the voice message of Lotus telling me that I need to find the egg. But the message does not play anymore.





I see this, too.

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I found a small yet annoying issue with valkyr's hysteria. When doing any of the combos for her, she is locked in one direction and cannot be moved until you stop meleeing. Its kind of like melee auto target but its not locked onto anything.

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I've found a bug. This happened after my 4th attempt to find an egg (unsuccessfully of course, lol) which then I promptly bought some plat and threw it at the market for a kubrow starter pack. After receiving the egg via the market during this stage in the quest line, the mission broke and this is what I see now. A directory pointing to the voice message of Lotus telling me that I need to find the egg. But the message does not play anymore.




I see this too and on top of that when ever I come back from a mission whether I failed it or passed it Ordis says that my kubrow is hatching when I don't even have the ability to have it hatch.





-Today when I played the Infestation level on War(Mars) My squad would be stuck in the load screen, but we could shoot, move around blind, and talk to one another. The level would not load after this and this happened to me twice and both times our squad would have more than four people still.


-I've also noticed that the load times, to get into the missions, are ridiculously long like 5 to 20 minutes and, for me at least, my load time would be only 1 or 2 seconds long.

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Encountered a bug i'd like to report. I was playing an alert mission, solo. Had no revives left, and when i died i got stuck in the mission failed screen. The countdown saying "Returning to ship" Or something didn't actually count down, but i could delete the text and write new text. Had to ctrl-alt-del and close the game that way.

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I used the Fusion Cores option to level up an equilibrium mod, it looked as if the mod went up to level 6, when I went to equip the mod it was level 1 and my Fusion Cores were gone, relogging fixed the issue, but I feel like it should be looked upon.

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When ever you level up the Kogake fist weapon the game freezes for about 10 seconds, this happens when it levels up in a mission and when it levels up at the completion screen when youve returned to your ship. Really hurts as Nyx when soloing :P RiP Revives.

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