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Update 14 Bug/issue Megathread


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I'm going to give good bugs, not the same 'I can't log innnnn!!!!' that everybody keeps saying and is a reported bug already.


One: There is a glitch with Mirage wearing the Edo Chest piece and using ether Hall of Mirrors or Eclipses, makes a strange, bugged skin on her chest where the energy field from the edo would be.


Two: The stance mod for Sword and Sheilds currently has no polarity, making it mismatch with the only sword and sheild in the game and losing an enegy. I assume it should be the same type and will get fixed.


Three: The game locks up if you go into your codex


Four: You must exit and reenter the Mod station after each mod you fuse up in levels, other wise it shows it as having unleveled to the poitn before useing the station.


Will post more as I find them.

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So, here's the bugs I found so far :

  - problems to log in (but this might be a lack of hamster)

  - I was logged out during the reestablishing coms mission and when I restarted it, I had Vor's face all along the mission, no dialogue from him or subtitles

  - I had dialogues suggesting recruiting a shady Corpus member after rescuing Darvo and installing the market module

  - maybe a design choice, but pressing 'escape' during a solo mission no longer pauses the game. I liked doing that in case I need to be afk.


Otherwise, the game runs well. And  the rain don't kill my framerate anymore :D

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Logged in once got a sneak peek in at the ship choose to skip new tutorial , looked in the market to see if any weapons could been clan tech only and did not see bps for the sword/shield so tried to go to dojo as expressed above in a earlier post and received a grey screen ,nothing else visually but total grey screened out and had to force stop on game ever sense this happened I have not been able to log back in ... I keep getting internet timed out errors or failed login error message ...    

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Ok not sure if it's just me but no matter where it is, the Infested seem to just make the game crash consistently in Wave 5 of a Defense, and it's usually the Ancient variants and any attack they make. Managed to down one before it could do anything, but the next one tried an attack: Crash.

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Funny yet serious problem, I started a mission on Phobos and the mission counter said that I had to wait 59999 seconds or something close to that. Haha, exiting out and start it again fixed it but I thought I'd mention it.

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so i logged in and played the new prolouge just because and after finishing it i got a glitch while trying to acess my navigation to do missions so i tried relogging only to find that i can no longer connect to the server, everytime i try to log i get a time-out connection error. Please fix this as soon as possible.

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The login isn't working, and it's giving me a ERROR_INTERNET_TIMEOUT and I am not at all pleased about it. I'm also having trouble with changing my loadouts, which caused my current complaint as well. Do fix this, I want my revenge on Vor. And my Kubrow.

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SHIP: Continually forced sign out, especially when installing new segments.


LOG IN: Constant server time outs and invalid credentials.


FRAMES: Rhino Prime- Iron skin is no longer gold.


TEXT: I typed in (squad chat) "dang" D-A-N-G and it censored it. Are euphemisms intentionally banned?


MODS: All mods including vitality (starting at 30%) are are only upgradable by 3 tiers now. I'm sure only making it to a bonus 120% health with max vitality was not intended. If this was intended, I am very sad and and feel that new player will be horribly under powered (Like on a not even funny level that just passed "funny yet sad").


non bugs but rather annoyances: Logging in instantly send me to region chat, and my screen is spammed with text. Also I cannot leave a squad via the chat menu (that would be nice). The starting cut scene with Vor is a bit laggy.


Note: I'd report more but I can no longer seem to stay in my ship without a forced log out.

Did you only get logged out after the component wouldn't be accepted and just kept on saying "Press X" and you did. Then it just logged out?

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Kudos to DE on the work I have seen so far... Ordis has a noticeable personality and what I have seen of the story is immersive so far.

I am enjoying the ambient noise and commentary a great deal. It keeps the world from seeming so solitary.

I'd ask that you continue adding dialogue to Darvo and Ordis regularly...Even if it's just a line of dialogue a month (for a while) it would accumulate nicely. 


Couple of small gripes not related to server stability.


Liset graphical usage needs to be optimized:

I am noticing a considerable GPU increase near the back of the Liset. This may have to do with all of the components not being installed yet. Game keeps crashing.


The new starter gear offerings and selection method:

  The weapons need some form of stat pop-up at the weapon selection point. This will allow a new player to make wise choices.


  Imagine my shock to find I didn't get to keep those items once I completed the intro... Kinda sucked.  I get that I already got starter gear long ago but I wanted to try the full experience with the new frame and gear. That's, literally, why I chose to play through the new player introduction. At this point, I have no way of determining if those new weapon options scale well enough to allow a new player to amass enough to get to upgraded options.


  At the very least, add these items to the market for credit purchase so that we can test them.


Frame Selection

I liked the new frame option category. Consider adding your Youtube description vids to them as well to allow a new user full disclosure on what is getting chosen. The codex isn't enough.

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Well, forget it.


I think I'll wait about three hours before trying to log back in again, maybe these Issues are going to get fixed by then (and by that I mean the constant kicks and maybe a game closing button).

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DE, please, if you are reading this, help us, we are happy U14 is here, but we thought you guys had everything ready for us, and we were okay with that, so when you posted it would be released on thursday, we were ok, but maybe you guys should've told us there are still some bugs in this game and we could wait.


Other than that, same bugs as the guys above, sometimes completing a mission and getting forced logged out makes me repeat the mission, so I end up with a spare part of my ship.

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Am I the only one who uses the wall run kick to move across levels fast?


To do it start wall run with your warframe on the side of a box or wall (sometimes works on barrels and poles to if you're good) as soon as your frame starts the wall run animation let go of space bar, it throws you very far and and high across the level, now it seems to be either nerfed on purpose or a bug with the wall running speed.


Do not see the need to nerf something that has worked the same since the beginning, hoping it is a bug.   


PLEASE address this Dev's , my playing style needs this back as it was in U13, u12,  u11, u10 ,u9 ,u8.... 

Edited by SLic3R
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i just completed the mission for the ship's communication component, i was wandering on my ship and i was booted. no idea if related or coincidence 


now i cant even log in, i either get check login info or internet time out

Edited by DarkStryder
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You have taken all of my enjoyment from this game, and made it virtually unplayable  for isolated DSL users.

By this time of a typical day I have played 2 hours or so..all enjoyable

Today I have played one game,attempted to log in 23 times only to be given various error messages, and the game crashed after my only mission

I can't even stay in the lobby long enough to figure out how to change frames..let alone enjoy any new features


looks like its time to find another game..pity..


sign me..somewhat technically challenged and disgruntled

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Despite some of the issues I have been experiencing I find the update to be quite good. 


Here are a few of the issues;

-Bug where I was unable to leave the menus when in foundry, arsenal, ect. 

-Bug where lotus says I have a kubrow egg but I never obtained one.

-Odd animations while in player ship (crouching and jumping does not appear to be disabled completely and causes some odd things to happen)

-Server connectivity issues (yes I know you have been screamed at about this for awhile but I did think I should post it. BTW if the corpus don't stop jamming our comms I am going to have to have my kubrow violently drag them into the depths of the void!! When I get one that is...) 

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random crashes, some during market shopping, or in mission host switching, during melee combat, and changing interfaces on the ship. Other than that crashes occur randomly. login issues some reading internet connection timeout when connection is strong

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