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Update 14 Bug/issue Megathread


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Cannot log in to the game.  "Login failed" and then it either asks me to check my info (definitely correct) or get ERROR_NETWORK_TIMEOUT <-- seems closer to the truth.


Problem has persisted for hours.


Also, upon failure to log in, there is no way to close the program.  I have to Alt+Tab and kill the process.


I understand the servers are under tremendous load, but the little UI issue to go with this is a little odd.

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I'm going to give good bugs, not the same 'I can't log innnnn!!!!' that everybody keeps saying and is a reported bug already.


You are aware that LOTS of people can't even get IN the game because of the log in issues right? How can you give input about bugs when you can't even log into the game?

Edited by Dako_Shark
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Despite some of the issues I have been experiencing I find the update to be quite good. 


Here are a few of the issues;

-Bug where I was unable to leave the menus when in foundry, arsenal, ect. 

-Bug where lotus says I have a kubrow egg but I never obtained one.

-Odd animations while in player ship (crouching and jumping does not appear to be disabled completely and causes some odd things to happen)

-Server connectivity issues (yes I know you have been screamed at about this for awhile but I did think I should post it. BTW if the corpus don't stop jamming our comms I am going to have to have my kubrow violently drag them into the depths of the void!! When I get one that is...) 


The bug from not being able to go from menu to menu is caused by the disconnect it happens everytime you try to leave a menu and you can't you are being disco'd from the server.

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First time posting, been playing in over a month with a few friends. First and foremost, I like the new UI. It's refreshing. The old one was kinda hard to navigate and didn't really have a good feel. I did get to play through the prologue even though I am well past it in terms of gameplay. I do like the direction you guys are going but like any big update, there's going to be a lot of bad bugs regardless of what work you guys do, Sadly we all don't have the same computers or internet so I know this is really difficult to deal with. With that said, on to the bugs.


- Log in issues (none early this morning, plenty today) BTW for those having these issues, please don't be surprised. It happens in major MMO's and as far as I remember, there hasn't been a patch with this much content to release without a painstaking issue or twelve.


- During one of the prologue mission, rescue, the person I was rescuing died but was on a pit where I couldn't rez. Frustrated, I logged and did it again after a while. I made sure he didn't die and slowly killing everything. The only way I could think of is that the AI or the body of the rescuee wasn't bound to the walkable part of the map. Could be something you could hotfix later down the line.


- In the course of finishing the prologue, Vor's Prize was stuck on my screen and I was searching for almost an hour to finish it (and this is after I confronted Vor already). Possibly a splash screen or something could be triggered to show that you completed the prologue? This really wasted a lot of time and effort.


- The picture part of the mod list is blacked out so people need to hover over and try to read the mod to be able to see what they're putting in (Equipping mod ui). Also some warframes in agile stance blocks the list of mods on the left. Some take a pretty good chunk of the screen


- I also opt-tested trying to go do my mastery quest after logging in for a few minutes. It loaded then it not only did it return me to my ship, it looked like I was on vanilla excaliber, it proceeded to completely disconnect me. When I finally got in, my mastery timer was burnt up in the process.


- Obviously, the game disconnects at the most random on times as a number of complaints are about this issue. I am not going to go much further than that.


- At the arsenal page, at times my warframe is facing the wall instead of at me so it's hard to decern what colors I am changing or what looks good on my frame. I'm guessing it's a glitch since at times it does that but other times it doesn't. Not sure how I could replicate it but since I keep getting dc'd, every time I get back in and go to my arsenal/loadout page it does it at least the first time around.


A message for all the other Tenno's, have a little patience. These things will happen and they are already lacking sleep from last night. Sure they passed their deadline but for good measure and even still, we got this hot mess in front of us. Complaining about it, threatening about it and even crying about it won't do us good. Good criticism is what they need. What bugs are game breaking and what you guys experience is what everyone else is as well. You are not alone. We all want to play and enjoy. Give them time and support and we'll get through this like any other game that we play. That is all.

Edited by Vryn
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1. Can't log in with regularity. When I finally make it, I get booted after about 5 minutes of game time.


2. I can't read my mail messages and I CTD if I click mail tab more than once.


3. Upon entering the Dojo, I CTD if I activate any of the labs... 

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(From the WF twitter-thing) We are currently experiencing network issues. We're on it. Corpus communications jamming suspected. #warframe
Well, this explains alot.


The corpus should realize their are consequences for their actions NEVER EVER block the tenno from signing in for when we do we shall slaughter the masses.lol

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For those complaining its buggy, they released it as is or people would have had heart attacks and nervous breakdowns :). It needed more time, lots of time, now WE ARE THE TESTERS. Test it, report bugs and let them iron them out while you continue rubbing your kubrows ears as they wag their stubbs.


As for LOGIN FAILS, DE servers are taking a hit cause of the massive update downloads, think of it as a mini-DDoS. Let the downloads simmer down and things will slowly resume.



1. I think the map needs to be intuitive, let me know what am looking at (planet names) without having to mouse over. If you are a newbe and looking for a random node name well.... In a nutshell, seriously consider rethinking the map/navigation.

2. The public mode for sessions need an exit button, otherwise the only way out is alt-F4 or task manager force close, if you dont get a match.

3. I think that even if I opted on NON-prologue entry, a "small" button should still exist on login if I ever want it.

4. Quest items update without having to relog.

^^^This. We are beta testers give DE a break. If they didn't releases it people would have freaked out and complained just like they are now over there being bugs.

Test, Chill, report bugs and soon things will all be in working order. 

Remember, not everyone is experience the same bugs and problems as you. So what might be a major issue a fair amount  of players may not have even noticed. 

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Ship Issues: If the player hold down the sprint button, and then holds crouch to perform a slide, the player gains a short boost to movement, while using a normal upright animation as they move. There is a delay in the placing of new ship components. Ship quests/installation of parts do not seem to save properly.


Mission issue: While being deployed into a mission, the mission info box at the bottom left that shows will often have some of the title cut out if its too long for the box.


Sound: Not sure if its just me, but all sounds seem to be MAJORLY increased. Even on very low sound levels the game is very loud, sometimes the dialogue is impossible to hear over enemies, and occasionally just the ambiance of the environment.


Misc.: Login Issues, random logouts, no button on the login screen to quit the game.

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1: I could login before, but now I can't. It always give me ERROR_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT or Login Failed: check your info. 


2: When I could login, it was very slow.


3: Random logouts and kicks, which seem more frequent while on the ship.


4: While in Foundry, blueprints were there, as were all the materials, but trying to craft something results in a crash.

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Hello Warframe Admin.

I really love and enjoy the U14, but there is one problem that I see really brightly showing off, which is that I can not log in. It either writes about server not connected, or after many tries, it just forces me out of the game to the log in screen. Please fix this problem, because I am not the only one to suffer from that and this gameplay.

Hope to see the fix soon.


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