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Update 14 Bug/issue Megathread


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Quest Bug:

After starting the "Howl of the Kubrow" quest, it seems that if you buy an egg and havent completed the quest, the quest gets stuck at a stage of /Lotus/Language/G1Quests/KubrowQuestHint4 and Ordis continues to repeat the same lines that trigger once you start incubating. 

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Ember's Fire Blast appears to do nothing after the initial burst. Enemies passing through the ring are not being set on fire or damaged at all... This was noticed while playing ODD. Additionally, the AoE on fireball seems to be very inconsistent.

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i started playing and got the option to play vor's prize or skip it,


so i started playing vor's prize,
so after trying and failing to do much server crashing,
i jumped back into the game and it gave me the option to skip it,
i wasn't paying attention and i clicked that, no i have no missions at all,


i very much want to play vo'rs prize but now it seems i cant,
or any mission for that matter,
what do i do now?

Edited by AndiNaga
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As I was playing a T2 Survival as we then just notice for some reason the timer stopped and then enemies stopped spawning for no apparent reason. lotus kept spawning life supports and players were still able to function.

Heres a screenshot:


Heres a Second Screenshot to prove that i didn't just post a picture with no enemies:


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Issue/Bug: Vor's Prize quest, 'Obtain the Mercury Nav Segment' portion.



Alright, so, I started the prologue normally and quested through it up until I rescued Darvo, when he gave me a blueprint for an item (Can't remember the name of it, but it gets rid of that thing that looks like a Grustag Bolt on your warframe).


Instead of going to the next mission, where you were supposed to get the materials to craft the item that REMOVES said item from your warframe, I crafted the item then and there, and did the mission afterwards.


Now, I am stuck at the navigation map. The next part of the quest tells me to 'Obtain the Mercury Nav Segment', but there is no indicator anywhere on the map as to which planet/mission this quest is supposed to be completed on.



People have been mentioning in region chat that this is part of the quest is bugged, so I figured I should report it, even though some people have probably already reported it 


Well got basically the same with the difference that at first I got the node for "obtain the mercury nav segment", and after completing it with the bonus objective it showed me that next up is "Vor's encounter" but there was no node to it on the starchart. (like being described in the already logged issues in OP)


After relogging I got the "obtain the mercury nav segment" a SECOND time, as if I hadn't completed it... ran it a second time with bonus objective once again... returned to the liset... and it didn't count... ever since I'm also stuck with the "obtain the mercury nav segment" with no corresponding node even I completed it at least two times... :P


So for me it's a backstep now... xD

Edited by MeduSalem
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Ah, it was all going too well, but I inevitably met with a game-breaking bug.


After activating the Forge component on my ship, I built the Ascaris Negator. It appeared unceremoniously in my inventory. The next quest is the one to gather the materials to build the same negator which I had already built. After completing it, the alert list on the nav component lists the next quest mission, getting the Mercury nav segment, but there is no quest mission anywhere on the solar chart. I am completely unable to progress.


I have logged and relogged, done other missions, attempted to use the negator in some way, the blueprint was consumed so I can't build another... Pretty much pressed all the buttons, but I am stuck as stuck can be.

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Ah, it was all going too well, but I inevitably met with a game-breaking bug.


After activating the Forge component on my ship, I built the Ascaris Negator. It appeared unceremoniously in my inventory. The next quest is the one to gather the materials to build the same negator which I had already built. After completing it, the alert list on the nav component lists the next quest mission, getting the Mercury nav segment, but there is no quest mission anywhere on the solar chart. I am completely unable to progress.


I have logged and relogged, done other missions, attempted to use the negator in some way, the blueprint was consumed so I can't build another... Pretty much pressed all the buttons, but I am stuck as stuck can be.

I had a similar issue, when I crafted my Negator before going on the resource run I realised I'd brought the wrong gear for the job, aborted mission to get a frame with higher shields but when I went back to navigation the mission was nowhere to be found. A bit disappointing, was really hoping to get a kubrow today.

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Stalker can spawn before the mission starts.




Lephantis is level 1, and so was Void Vor (I didn't actually see the Vor's level, though, because he died so quickly, but Lephantis's being level 1 implies that that was why Vor died so quickly)



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After killing Vor in Vor's Prize I'm stuck with no way to progress the quest.


The Vor's Prize still pops up when I stand in front of the ship terminal, but there is no actual quest marker on the solar map and thus no way for me to progress to the next level of quests.

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Ah, it was all going too well, but I inevitably met with a game-breaking bug.


After activating the Forge component on my ship, I built the Ascaris Negator. It appeared unceremoniously in my inventory. The next quest is the one to gather the materials to build the same negator which I had already built. After completing it, the alert list on the nav component lists the next quest mission, getting the Mercury nav segment, but there is no quest mission anywhere on the solar chart. I am completely unable to progress.


I have logged and relogged, done other missions, attempted to use the negator in some way, the blueprint was consumed so I can't build another... Pretty much pressed all the buttons, but I am stuck as stuck can be.

Same here, built the Negator before running the resource mission and now I'm unable to do Vor's prize

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Several bugs I've noticed with Valkyr's Hysteria:


1. Falling off an edge while Hysteria is active will knock you out of Hysteria upon being warped back up to the level. (Need to test how consistent this is, and if it is tileset dependent. Last occurrence was on the infested Corpus ship)


2. The stance card of Hysteria in the combo list menu shows the weapon type as "Furax".


3. (Not sure this is a bug) The front parry/finisher of Hysteria uses the animation from the "Fist" type weapons. (I bring this up because new parry animations were shown for Hysteria in a previous dev steam)


4. Using Hysteria will cause all stealth and parry animations to be overwritten with those of Hysteria, even while Hysteria in inactive and no matter what melee weapon is used. (This is actually a very old bug. It has been in the game since before Melee 2.0, since Parrying functionality was leaked into the game early though Paralysis.)



5. Valkyr players the Hysteria activation animation after attacking (excluding slide attack). Again, not sure this is a bug.


6. Upon Hysteria expiring, the name and level of the currently equipped weapon do no appear on the HUD. Switching weapons will cause them to reappear though.



Survival issues:


1. I need to test this further, but it appears that the survival timer stops if the mission progress menu is opened through the escape menu. I have only observed this in solo in a T1 Void survival mission. I do not want to test this in a public match for fear that I could ruin the mission for the other Tenno.



Rendering/Art issues:


1. Water appears overly reflective and nontransparent. This appears to be consistent between all tilesets.

2. White areas of Corpus crewmen seem to glow in the dark or have an odd shiny quality to them.

3. Glass panes in floor segments of Grineer tilesets appear shiny blue and nontransparent from a distance or when not viewed from directly above.


I am running the game in 64 bit Windows 7 with Dx 9 (My laptop is capable of Dx 10, though). My CPU is an old Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz. My GPU is a NVIDIA GeForce GT 130M.


Player ship issues:


1. The player's Tenno will randomly stop following the player's view, and will remain in the standard idle position. Exception to this seems to be that the Tenno tries to look toward the back of the ship when able they are able to, especially when near the ramp or in the back section of the ship actually this seems to happen everywhere.


EDIT: I believe this is caused by alt-tabbing out of the game. After further testing I don't know of this is the case.



I've observed more bugs then these, but I didn't think to write them down, and now I do not remember them. :(

Edited by ArmyUnit
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Just to be more specific of what's going on with my quests. I keep getting news notifications of the Vor's prize quest, but when I enter the navigation map there is no mission for the vor prize quest. The only thing it says on the nav map is Vor's Prize. I'm still stuck on trying to get my Kubrow I unlocked everything else and  now I believe that's all I need to get for my player ship.( I think) Also i'm not sure if the mail option was taken away but I don't have access to that any more. I heard from other players that they got detailed instructions on how to progress through this update in their mailbox.

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chose to play the prolog to see how it is. I like it. now for the bug(?):

Im on vor's prize quest, 'Obtain the Mercury Nav Segment'. It prompts me to start the quest but there is no icon in the navigator and no mission on Earth or any planet for that quest. Is this an actual bug or am i just missing the obvious? Everything else is looking great so far.

thanks DE

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Built the Ascaris Negator before doing the quest for the weapon caches. After completing that quest, I returned to the ship and my navigation showed that my current quest is to obtain the Mercury Nav Segment. When I go into the star chart, there is no quest marker to be found. I've relogged 3 times now, and it has not solved the issue, nor did running other missions, so I'm currently stuck until further notice. 


So very disappoint, I am.

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Two game-breaking-ish bugs for me:


1) Only getting credits that I pick up in missions, not the credit rewards from missions themselves. Credits are awarded, but not in the reward screen that appears at extraction. They do appear on the reward screen when you're back on the ship.


2) Hosting or playing solo, the game loads quickly. But when I'm not hosting, the loading bar takes a long time. I've disabled all combination of firewalls on my computer and router, but there hasn't been a change.

Edited by Glondish
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After having successfully completed Boethius on Mercury a few times, it's still displaying the silver/shiny border and it's letting the outer ring of tiles to be accessed(it's the last of the 2nd tier I have to do).

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