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Update 14 Bug/issue Megathread


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This might be an issue caused by lag (not exactly on a stellar connection at the moment):


When loading into Derelict missions (I've only done Exterminate so far) as a client, I sometimes spawn in and can't do anything except spin in place using WASD and open my pause menu. The HUD is "blank", with no warframe, weapon, or ability names/icons - only "suit" and "infiltrator".


Can't attack, use abilities, move from my spot, or take damage even when attacked (confirmed by results screen). I can interact with the pause menu just fine, even though the menu options are displaced because the camera doesn't move. At the end of the mission, everything in my arsenal was shown incorrectly as Unranked.


Pause menu looks like this:


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Mirage related stuff.

So, sometimes, i have no idea why, if you are not hosting, but playing Mirage, you can get some crazy stuff with your weapons for no obvious reason.

For most weapons you wont notice that, but i want to show 3 weapons that REALLY affected by this bug. And by "affected" i mean 1,400,000 damage per shot from unmoded amprex, 500 angstrum rockets per click and penta shower.


Here some vids i made:


In the begining you can see me hiting with yellow crits for 10-150 damage. Then i call mirror images, move a bit so they can shoot and get some crazy numbers. I believe mirrors damage scales with weapon rank for some reason, so to the end of match my 28lvl amprex was hitting for a 800k-1400k


Penta shower. For some reason mirrors start to multishot with penta(600% multishot?). There were no multishot mods in penta btw.


Angstrum. I have no comments.



I cant say i dont like it, for now its REALLY fun, and it doesnt happens all the time if i dont play with the same ppl again and again, but still, this looks a bit... just a tiny bit broken, you know.

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JUST BIN U14 before people lose patience completely. Probably around 20-10% players already got sick of this game due to U14 and even more are considering to leave it as well...so am i. the game isn't even spectacular anymore, it's just one big MESS now !!! 

Oh dear lord, yet another little cry baby, make your own topic, don't fill the bug report with your hate mail because you are unwilling to learn new things, or leave, because we don't want you.

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Was farming for argon crystals and wasnt sure if i had found one yet so checked mission progress, after i left the menu the timer stopped and no more enemies spawned, O2 still went down and failed the mission since it was only at 4:13 when it froze...

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Just another of the many, many players who made the mistake of crafting the quest item prior to the mission to receive the crafting pieces, thus locking me out of the next part, and further ship functions. I was able to do the next mission out of the line by partying with another who had it, but now the both of us are having the issue where the Mercury Nav mission doesn't show up on the map.


(On a side note, aside from things like the above which are bound to happen in an update so expansive, great job. Everything looks really nice, and feels pretty intuitive. It really helps with immersion, too.)

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I've noticed water volumes looking funny, either off-colored by more than several shades, or simply blocky looking.

In the dojo, not only does the strange water continue, but everything appeared to be a shade of some other color than normal. (for me, it was brown)

Corpus laser doors were yellow during missions, instead of that normal green.

Sometimes, I'm able to produce melee sounds during the load screens. No channeling, but I can also do jump slams and slide copter sounds. Have heard gun fire, too.


Hope this helps~

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Clan Dojo Spawn Room Decorations Under The Floor(Not Fixed, Still Bugged)


This is My Clan Dojo's Spawn Room, Room Name: [Clan Hall]




Not sure how to get decorations on the right from under the floor, i wish i could show you a before picture of this room but i dont have it, but there is supposed to be a pond and benches and some planters on the right that are under the floor.





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Once accessing submenus in my arsenal, (sentinel, weapons, etc.,)  I cannot leave. The button to exit hasn't worked.
This menu remains as an overlay still as I access the main menu to quit game.

I can navigate the mission menus with my controller, but I cannot accept a mission with my controller.. leaving it the one and only moment (I believe) that leaves me scrambling to find my mouse.

Still can't figure out how to access my unopened in game mail.

There was also an occasion where I could not access the "Navigation" mission menu. Wasn't able to interact with it whatsoever.

I hope this helps, and I graciously admire and encourage the staff, techs, and brilliant minds involved in this undertaking.
I love this game, guys. Bugs and all. ..gonna' miss my infinite vertical wall run. Caracol will never be the same. =)

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After this update my load times for missions are INCREDIBLY slow. This causes a lot of people in my squad to simply close the game and restart due to waiting so long. I have never had slow internet and I never had a problem loading missions. I asked a few people in my squad (who loaded in quickly and patiently waited for me) if they were running the game from the steam launcher, they all said no. This may be related to running from the launcher but I haven't asked enough people because most of them quit or get d/c before I can load in. It usually takes around 3-5 minutes or longer to load a mission.

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this happend to me and my friends (going through the prologue) around the 3rd mission where u have to get the resources to build that bluprint darvo gives u  (i built it before i even went fror the resourses and idk when my friends built theirs) after i got the resources from the mission no dialogue appeared or anything and no more missions to advance and the Ascaris Negator is still in our inventory and cant advance through the missions if there are any at all

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In-Listus bug:


-After missions (or even before missions), if you are the leader, staying in chat (or something of the likes; can't identify trigger) or taking any actions without leaving the mapping area causes the WF to not be able to take action. Most of the time, you can't even activate the ESC menu too.


Mission type bugs:


-Faced at least one exterminate mission where mission was complete, but some more enemies were still spawning.


-During a survival mission, support capsules were placed too far apart to access before life support reached before 0. When i say far apart, from the start of mission, I went towards on direction compared to where I spawned, and within the first two were on that side, but then the third capsule was on the entire other side of spawn. After activating second capsule, it was 90%; couldn't reach 3rd capsule in time even with this much support (and this wasn't much of an issue with movement speed; I had Zorens to coptor around). Location was on Corpus Gas City tileset.


Hopefully these issues are cleared.

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I used wall of mirrors with my 75% crit soma build. The result:




if you look closely amongst all the death you can make out a hit doing over 400 thousand damage. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I do believe we have a glitch here people.

Other images:






EDIT: Further testing revealed that the red crits only show up when I'm joining. Never seems to show up when I'm hosting or playing Solo.
Edited by Draknus2009
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I didn't see this on the Bugs list in the OP so here goes; I can't seem to be able to invite rank 0 players to my clan from a rank 0 account (is a Warlord). After I put their name into the textbox to invite, another box pops up with a button that says "OK" and an area above the button that seems like it should have text. I click "OK" and the player does not get invited to clan.


I am confus, send help.



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My friend can't proceed as he did not have get any morphics from the cache mission. Also he is unable to go into any other missions to get morphics aswell as the game would not allow my friend to use the navigation system to do other missions.

Pls fix this. DE

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Issue n°1: This is a minor issue but still...

If you go to the navigation chart, then click the user menu on the top left corner, and then show profile, the exit button doesn't work, and 1 out of 10 time the escape button also stops working, leaving you stuck on your profile with no other option than restarting the game.

Issue n°2: I think you went a little overboard with the infested, specifically with the ancients, i think is a little overpowered for them to have the scorpion hook, toxic ancients are usually certain death when you have a low health frame.

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Defense Grineer Tileset:

1. Platform with the pod doesn't lift the actual pod. During the top rounds (pod lifted up) the real pod hover in start position.

2. Standing on top of the platform during lifting (animations starts, no support pillar underneath) left the character in an endless fall.


Edited by Darphnix
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