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Update 14 Bug/issue Megathread


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Infested defense missions scaling may be a bit off.  Massive amounts of infested pour in early, multiple specials at once (energy sappers, arson, toxic pulse etc) all before wave 15.  Not sure if intended but ALL ancients have the scorpion's grapple and not just the toxics.

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Hi guys,


First thing, I like some of the improvement you made. The idea of the ship is pretty cool. Here are some issues I noticed (I tried reading as much of the tread as possible, if I am repeating some issues I am sorry)


1) After the Vlor Mercury navigation mission I can install the module, however, I can't move to the next thing, as it keeps asking me to get the Vlor mercury navigation module.


2) Some of the ship UI (MOD, arsenal upgrade) is hidden behind my character. It fits in the screen but I still can see it completely since my Rhino is displayed in front of it.


3) Although it seams that the MOD UI displaying only one line of mods at a time may not be a bug, it makes using this screen very frustrating. I would love for the screen to display several lines of mods as it used to do.


4)While going through the introduction missions where you progressively unlock components of your ship, if the user presses ESC the displayed menu allows access to some still locked component (menus) of the ship. Although, when a locked option is selected the selected UI is not displayed it bugs out the game. My screen when mostly black and in some occasion I had to quit the game in order to continue playing.


This is a big change and it will take me some time to see if I actually like it or not, however, I admire the guts of the Warframe team. Changes is usually for the better. Keep up the good work!!

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Vor's prize quest progress bug:


After Darvo rescue hi give a Ascaris Negator Blueprint. If you buil it with your resources instead of going to the next quest and geting what you need fo blueprint you'll be stuck on quest progress whith Ascaris Navigator in your inventory. Common problem for high rank players.

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Here's a fun one.


As the host of an Orokin Void Survival mission, if you open the Mission Progress screen, it stops the Survival timer from incrementing, and also stops enemies from spawning. However, the life support bar continues to drain, and life support capsules also continue to spawn.

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A bug I don't think many have noted is Valkjyr unable to damage some Eximus units while under Hysteria,  even with jump attacks the eximus untis would just get knocked down but not damaged, kinda annoying when you have to wait for it to wear off due to that baeing the last mob needed in a ext mission, though does make for great usage of learning the combo she has, we need practice dummies for U15

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Ordis: After getting a Kubrow, Ordis will say the line about "fantastic, it's hatching" every time you return to the ship.

This. And the same message as the guy above.


Also, since the hotfix I have only been able to finish maybe one mission out of five. Random CTD and screen freezes are all over the place.

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Hi I watched the vid just now and it said the was a hotfix so that all players can now log into the game this is not true as I have been trying since yesterday and still no joy in getting into the game, Should I reinstall the game ? or do I just wait in the hope it will be fixed starting to lose out on lots of play time :( any help would be cool thanks

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Tested on both of my Mirage frames, identical issue. Slot 1 polarity does not appear to affect any slotted mod. Slotted mods show as white instead of blue. The top left slot, traditionally where ability number one gets slotted. Only appears to affect Mirage

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Tested on both of my Mirage frames, identical issue. Slot 1 polarity does not appear to affect any slotted mod. Slotted mods show as white instead of blue. The top left slot, traditionally where ability number one gets slotted. Only appears to affect Mirage

Sorry about the double post, DAT crappy WiFi at work is messing up my forum PvP capabilities sigh

Edited by Kartumterek
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I'm not sure if anyone else has posted this, but My friend and i have been having a lot of fps issues with mirage. When ever he uses mirage's hall of mirrors combined with boltor prime, It causes everyone's frames to drop rapidly besides the host. Even if the mirage is host or not. We also discovered it had a similar effect when he used the dex furis with max fire rate. These 2 weapons are the main issue combined with mirage's hall of mirrors. Also, It doesn't even matter what kind of pc build u have, everyone lags regardless. 

Friends graphics card: Nvidia GTX 780
My card: AMD Radeon HD 7770

It would be nice if someone else with mirage would test this out for me and see if it does the same, but keep in mind anyone not host should experience the frame rate lag.

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