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Can We Haz Wall Run Back?


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Wallrunning is in place as intended and designed (some bugs here and there still being squashed). All we did was fix an exploit that was never intended to be in the game.

Zorrencoptering is a exploit that was never intended to be in the game and it is now a feature because it was fun why can't the infinite wallrun bug be the same?

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Wallrunning is in place as intended and designed (some bugs here and there still being squashed). All we did was fix an exploit that was never intended to be in the game.


Yeah this is kind of weird to me too.  Coptering is WAY more stupid and exploitive in that it radically affects the way the game is played and copter players are many times more mobile than non-copter players.  The disparity is so bad that if you are on a team with a hardcore copter player and you don't copter yourself, you aren't even playing you're just following the wreckage.  Yet that got official sanction. Can you give us examples of infinite wall running that were breaking the enjoyment of other players?

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Yes, just as the wallrun slingshot was a bug turned feature because it was cool and not game breaking per se (its current absence is a bug as we already stated). Infinite wallruns up out of level bounds is game breaking and it has no positive gameplay impact. Hence its removal.

actually it let me get on a perfect sniper ledge in Saturn defense tileset, making my sniper not completely useless and that much more fun.  you guys could have put a limit on the amount of use no? its not like only being able to wallrun twice is going to get me higher than tailwiind...

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Wallrunning is in place as intended and designed (some bugs here and there still being squashed). All we did was fix an exploit that was never intended to be in the game.

Would you make upward wallruns not so terrible while you're at it? The parkour in the game is already so stagnant.

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So I guess you're going to fix Bounce, Wormhole, Super Jump, Switch Teleport, Tailwind, Rip Line and any other abilities I forgot that people use to get to places you didn't want them to be?  Removing infinite wall run isn't going to keep people out of places you don't want them.  Just makes people use those frames or be S#&$ out of luck all the while removing a nifty parkour element.  If you really want it gone, put a GOOD parkour system in its place.

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Yes, just as the wallrun slingshot was a bug turned feature because it was cool and not game breaking per se (its current absence is a bug as we already stated). Infinite wallruns up out of level bounds is game breaking and it has no positive gameplay impact. Hence its removal.


Well good... as long as the slingshot effect is coming back I don't have any concerns. xD


The infinite wallrun thing shouldn't be there... but I guess it won't prevent people from reaching those areas they shouldn't be able to go to. Like Wormhole, Tailwind, Rip Line and so on. They pretty much enable you to go anywhere as well. :P

Edited by MeduSalem
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I can understand that (thx for chatting with us btw) too bad you cant fix the bounderies instead of removing the wallrun thingy. Keep up the good work anyways.

The effort of going through ALL levels, a great many of which were built before this exploit made it into the game, versus fixing the exploit. I know which decision any dev will go for here.


There is not a single instance in this game from level design side where this exploit was used as primary or secondary pathing tool. We do have instances where the slingshot wallrun is used for optional, secondary paths for example this is why that one will come back once we isolated the fix for its current absence.

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Why am I being completely and utterly disappointed with DE nowadays? All they seem to do is &!$$ off their customers/consumers. 


It's their "artistic vision" like the new UI, it doesn't matter what customers want.  They know what's best for us.  


I know it's their game and they can do what they want, but really, it wouldn't exist without the player-base and keeping the players happy is what keeps us around.  This is such a minor 'exploit' that I just don't understand the removal.


Sorry... I'm really getting more and more bitter, I think I'll try to stay off the forums for a couple days.


Edit - You know what?  The UI crack wasn't fair on my part.  Pablo is at least seemingly open feedback & hopefully will improve upon the UI based on player suggestions (and at least give us a non-slanted, wobbly, hard-to-read inferior-from-the previous view in menus).  This removal of this "exploit" doesn't even seem to be up for discussion & that's the part that I object to.

Edited by AZAG0TH
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The effort of going through ALL levels, a great many of which were built before this exploit made it into the game, versus fixing the exploit. I know which decision any dev will go for here.


Well you'll have to fix all the levels anyways... because of Valkyr, Zephyr and Nova being able to go pretty much everywhere they desire. xD

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Well you'll have to fix all the levels anyways... because of Valkyr, Zephyr and Nova being able to go pretty much everywhere they desire. xD

I'd much rather see systematic fixes to issues like this than the LDs chasing after and killing fires that get started by the arrival of new frames and their powers. Gives us more time to actually build cool new stuff and not spend all our time trying to retrofit stuff.

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Plus, if we have the stamina, shouldn't we be allowed to actually parkour? It was great utility and awesome to use in all situations. 

The infinite wall run doesn't require more than 1 point of stamina which you instantly regenerated by pressing crouch.

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I main Valkyr, and I can attest that there's sections I cannot get to, even with chaining ripline >.>


Yeah I know that... on the newer tilesets there's often much less room to "explore" or take shortcuts that haven't been designed to be such. But I can get pretty much everywhere with those frames where I also could get with endless wallruns. I might not get up to the ceiling, yes, but I don't go up this far anyways (only when doing explorafun to find bugs and such) because there's no reason to do so. I only used the endless-wallrun things for stuff where I could actually get faster through a room than taking the "primary" route and on those spots I can easily use Wormhole, Tailwind or Rip Line as well.


The most common parts are on the older Grineer tilesets anyways, especially the mining asteroids. I hate it when I'm getting knocked off a ledge from a Disruptor or something and then I've to make my way back up by taking the most inconvenient routes. Then I usually used the wallrun-glitch to gain the extra height needed if the default wallrun doesn't reach.

Edited by MeduSalem
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Plus, if we have the stamina, shouldn't we be allowed to actually parkour? It was great utility and awesome to use in all situations. 


This. If nothing else, the "crouch+wallrun" method was what made vertical wallrunning worthwhile and make some degree of sense, since even if you still have plenty of stamina left, it'll arbitrarily have you stop because... banana - it's why Acrobat's even more useless than Intruder, atleast Intruder makes a difference, even if you don't need it.


Bonus, it gave the player a method not to be screwed over by buggy animations which are a much bigger issue since they can keep parkour from actually functioning properly at all, e.g. when the frame attempts to mantle imperceptible/non-existent bumps on an otherwise flat surface which cancels a vertical wallrun entirely.


Bare minimum, you should be able to continue a vertical wallrun as long as you have stamina left.

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I'd much rather see systematic fixes to issues like this than the LDs chasing after and killing fires that get started by the arrival of new frames and their powers. Gives us more time to actually build cool new stuff and not spend all our time trying to retrofit stuff.


While I appreciate having new stuff being added; you'll eventually fix the older tilesets, won't you? :S


Also another question off-topic: Why did you remove some of the tiles that have been in the Grineer Asteroids, as well as some other tilesets. I especially miss that one big-*ss cylindrical room that's like a 100m tall and width and has several platforms and staircases and the elevator in the middle. As well as some other ones... Instead we get sometimes new ones and the older tiles seem to disappear. The repetitiveness stays the same because of it.

Edited by MeduSalem
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Ill let my wallet speak now then, no wallrun = no more moneyz for DE.


Actions must have consequences :)


I will gladly pay them twice for a game without exploits, so narrow minded kids who think their wallet is everything like you can be kept FAR away from this beloved game.

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The effort of going through ALL levels, a great many of which were built before this exploit made it into the game, versus fixing the exploit. I know which decision any dev will go for here.


There is not a single instance in this game from level design side where this exploit was used as primary or secondary pathing tool. We do have instances where the slingshot wallrun is used for optional, secondary paths for example this is why that one will come back once we isolated the fix for its current absence.

So what about coptering? In a livestream, someone from DE confirmed that coptering would remain an option for players to use as a tool for mobility. That's very self-contradicting, don't you think? What about the various warframe abilities that enabled the same reasoning behind the infinite wall-running? Shouldn't the level designers already be fixing the spots where glitches can occur regardless of these "exploits"?

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So do you guys find pleasure in &!$$ing off the fanbase or something? Everything seems to be made to make gameplay slower and slower every time.

You know theres this thing called a power creep that make us stronger and stronger


People that complain about enemy buffs dont ever take that into account


Then there are balances between enemy and player to keep it engaging

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Infinite wallruns up out of level bounds is game breaking and it has no positive gameplay impact. Hence its removal.


Infinite Wallruns were the solution, when you were trapped due to a different glitch.

Like in the bottom of the reactor room in the dojo. The only way to get out w/o leaving the dojo was... an Infinite wallrun upwards.

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