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Kubrows Vs Sents


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So now that I've gotten a taste of Kubrows myself I wonder to myself what exactly I'm missing that makes them worth all the effort and credits, 100k for this things medication, and having to ensure it doesn't die in missions so its loyalty doesn't fall is pretty tough(especially since from the looks of it your Kubrow won't respawn if you have to use a revive, it also instantly dies if you need to revive...), on top of the fact the bleedout mod doesn't work. 


Also I think it's worth mentioning that Kubrows should hold more utility, Sents can form a shield around you while you revive, restore your shields, and then they have their unique function like Shade stealth or Wyrm knockdown; While only one Kubrow can restore the shields of its owner and the rest are pretty much weak in terms of utility. 


So! Why exactly should I spend 100k every week or so just to maintain these dogs if they're weaker then sents(sents, who don't require any form of maintenance what-so-ever...)

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I WILL FOREVER USED MY SHADE! I don't care what anyone else thinks!


OP: Imo, Sentinels are better because Kubrows require care, stabilizers, loyalty, they get weaker after a few missions so you use your sentinel, and everything a kubrow can do, a sentinel can do better.

Edited by Sorez
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Also I think it's worth mentioning that Kubrows should hold more utility, Sents can form a shield around you while you revive, restore your shields, and then they have their unique function like Shade stealth or Wyrm knockdown; While only one Kubrow can restore the shields of its owner and the rest are pretty much weak in terms of utility. 


So! Why exactly should I spend 100k every week or so just to maintain these dogs if they're weaker then sents(sents, who don't require any form of maintenance what-so-ever...)

To be fair that shield while you revive doesn't do much on even low level stuff and shade's stealth isn't unique, there is a kubrow equivalent which is pretty much the same. There is also some things kubrows can do that sentinels can't like locking down VIP targets in captures and the sahasa kubrow digs up life support on survival I hear. 

Edited by Zulaica
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Cause space dawgs, and they do things like run around, and you can pet them.  And they parkour and they bite things.  And reasons.


Really they're not worth it and I honestly think they are just a huge disappointment.  They're a complete pain in the &#! to get too.  I don't get why people want to though all the RNG and Grindwalls just to MAYBE get a kind that they'd like and then go though the pain in the &#! ordeal of raising and maintaining the things.  


With sentinels you know what you're getting, you can customize it how you want it, and there is zero upkeep involved.  


It's even more frustrating when you consider how much DE hyped these kubrows up to be so great and awesome and how they are "The most advanced and complicated thing in Warframe to date", and instead what we get are ridiculously expensive and time consuming tamagatchi pets that we can't even get in the first place unless we jump though all the RNG hoops, and climb all the grindwalls.   OR pay plat.  I love the game and appreciate what DE is trying to do, but I just can't help be think about what other awesome features we're missing out on and what core fixes could have been made instead with all the time and effort that went into making these damn space dogs.

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Personally i find kubrows more complicated, i find it borinf now to run around with a sentinel that does everything for me, with a kubrow i have to stay on my toes and that for me adds a small twist in how i have to approach different situations, but as i say often, to each thiervown, aslong as they dont try to push you into doing what they are doing. We as people have a right to do what we want, aslong as it doesnt harmfully effect someone else directly or force them to believe what you believe. Had to raise myself that way cause i had no one to raise me otherwise.

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I used one sentinel. The shade and that's it.

I prefer kubrows, mainly because I love them. I am a dog person so when my kubrow is sleeping on my ship I feel all cuddly inside. With that said, yeah there are differences between them but that doesn't mean either side sucks. 


A sentinel is a tool. Designed for a primary purpose


Cause space dawgs, and they do things like run around, and you can pet them.  And they parkour and they bite things.  And reasons.


Really they're not worth it and I honestly think they are just a huge disappointment.  They're a complete pain in the @$$ to get too.  I don't get why people want to though all the RNG and Grindwalls just to MAYBE get a kind that they'd like and then go though the pain in the @$$ ordeal of raising and maintaining the things.  


With sentinels you know what you're getting, you can customize it how you want it, and there is zero upkeep involved.  


It's even more frustrating when you consider how much DE hyped these kubrows up to be so great and awesome and how they are "The most advanced and complicated thing in Warframe to date", and instead what we get are ridiculously expensive and time consuming tamagatchi pets that we can't even get in the first place unless we jump though all the RNG hoops, and climb all the grindwalls.   OR pay plat.  I love the game and appreciate what DE is trying to do, but I just can't help be think about what other awesome features we're missing out on and what core fixes could have been made instead with all the time and effort that went into making these damn space dogs.



1. Understandable, at th emoment they are difficult to get.

2. Well to someone who loves kubrows, it's just another thing that makes them not care for them (in terms of upkeep, which btw it's just 100,000 creds. Go do a sechura run 4 or 5 times in 5 waves with a group and you get that in a flash).

3. I think rebecca said it best: The ones who work on the core fixes and other features WERE NOT designated to the kubrow development team.

Edited by TheErebus
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Cause space dawgs, and they do things like run around, and you can pet them.  And they parkour and they bite things.  And reasons.


Really they're not worth it and I honestly think they are just a huge disappointment.  They're a complete pain in the @$$ to get too.  I don't get why people want to though all the RNG and Grindwalls just to MAYBE get a kind that they'd like and then go though the pain in the @$$ ordeal of raising and maintaining the things.  


With sentinels you know what you're getting, you can customize it how you want it, and there is zero upkeep involved.  


It's even more frustrating when you consider how much DE hyped these kubrows up to be so great and awesome and how they are "The most advanced and complicated thing in Warframe to date", and instead what we get are ridiculously expensive and time consuming tamagatchi pets that we can't even get in the first place unless we jump though all the RNG hoops, and climb all the grindwalls.   OR pay plat.  I love the game and appreciate what DE is trying to do, but I just can't help be think about what other awesome features we're missing out on and what core fixes could have been made instead with all the time and effort that went into making these damn space dogs.

If you can level 'em up enough, they turn into killing machines. 9l Lasers annihilate them, but yeah. Other than that; they will destroy things once they get out of their early rough patch.

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So! Why exactly should I spend 100k every week or so just to maintain these dogs if they're weaker then sents(sents, who don't require any form of maintenance what-so-ever...)

Kubrows have the potential to have higher health, armor, and shields than warframes, and they deal a lot more damage than sentinels. Also the bleedout mod does work.


Are we even playing the same game?

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I don't think my sentinel's killed anything other than a level 1 butcher.  My kubrow, on the other hand....let's just say when I get home I'm going to pay Vor a visit.

You must not be modding your Sentinels' weapons then. 

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I have a feeling that 90% of the sentinel advocates actually never looked into the dogs. Melee lifesteal, over 3k hp, better cloak than shade. Ihaven't even tried others than the cloaking one yet and I'm liking it a lot more than sentinels. Really missing the shield restore but win some lose some,

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I have a feeling that 90% of the sentinel advocates actually never looked into the dogs. Melee lifesteal, over 3k hp, better cloak than shade. Ihaven't even tried others than the cloaking one yet and I'm liking it a lot more than sentinels. Really missing the shield restore but win some lose some,

Raksas have shield restore.

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they have potential, but they are just too buggy and slow currently, i used huras, and he need faster attack animations, im waiting for sahasa to gronw and i hope it can use normal attacks and not just finishers, a few fixes and impruvments and they can be better then sentinels, keep giving feedback and help impruve them.

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