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Event Weapons Punish New Players


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It has deeply concerned me that the event weapons, which could only be acquired for a limited time at their respective events and cannot be traded, are statistically better than their non-event counterparts. This means that a new player who has joined the game after these events have ended will never be able to acquire these weapons, putting them at a permanent disadvantage compared to the older players who participated in these events. Imagine if CS:GO players could only get the AWP if they picked up the game on launch day. This is basically what is happening with event weapons. I'm fine with cosmetic exclusive items, it's nice to have a souvenir to prove you participated in an event, but when items that are only available for a limited time have an effect on gameplay, you have a problem. I don't think statistically superior event items should be removed from the game, however. Being allowed to trade event items would be nice, but I came up with a way to stop putting new players at a disadvantage, and still keep event items exclusive to events. If all the event weapons in the game were added to a drop pool, and every time a new event happened, players could get a random event weapon from this drop pool, then new players would have a chance to finally level the playing field, and event items would still be exclusive to events.

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You cannot compare event weapons to something as an AWP in CS:GO. Also you cannot compare CS:GO to Warframe, it's like comparing CoD to WoW or DotA 2.


Also, they said they will come back some time and the questing system would allow for that to happen in a very interesting way as well as tiering weapons. There are enough weapons to not make the event ones missed :S

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You cannot compare event weapons to something as an AWP in CS:GO. Also you cannot compare CS:GO to Warframe, it's like comparing CoD to WoW or DotA 2.


Also, they said they will come back some time and the questing system would allow for that to happen in a very interesting way as well as tiering weapons. There are enough weapons to not make the event ones missed :S

He's comparing exclusive items to exclusive items, regardless of the genre they're in.


Now to OP, most of these event weapons are cosmetic or a status symbol (Aka Weak). If something like the 'Dex Soma' was exclusive for a week to those who participated, then i'd agree. But so far people only show off those weapons.

Edited by (PS4)kiddplay13
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A lot of Tenno are big fans of exclusivity, don't expect this idea to go come to fruition. I don't mind that I can't get a Gorgon Wraith, or Snipetron Vandal, it's not a big deal. I just get a different weapon if I can't get the exclusive variant. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have both of those guns, but I don't exactly expect it. I will say, there should be some way of making a wraith/vandal version of your weapons that requires rare resources and the weapon at max level. That would be nice.

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the only Statistically better "Event Weapons", really, were the Wraith weapons, whose in-game counterparts, besides Twin Vipers, were removed ANYWAY.


the Dex Furis is better than the AFuris, but the AkZani does almost exactly what they do. and Lato/Skana Prime are still trash, no matter how fancy they look >.>

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The whole point of those weapons is for them to be limited time rewards....

not to mention that there not all too amazing, sure, they look cool and all but its not like there the most amazing weapons in the game and are definitely NOT putting anyone at a disadvantage


I could understand if the Prova vandal was so OP that everyone used it, then new player couldent grab it, but

that's not the case.

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A lot of Tenno are big fans of exclusivity, don't expect this idea to be without backlash. I don't mind that I can't get a Gorgon Wraith, or Snipetron Vandal, it's not a big deal. I just get a different weapon if I can't get the exclusive variant. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have both of those guns, but I don't exactly expect it. I will say, there should be some way of making a wraith/vandal version of your weapons that requires rare resources and the weapon at max level. That would be nice.

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You know what makes a weapon really powerful is the way you mod it right? It doesn't matter what little diferent stats it has compared to the original version. Besides, there's always new events that the new player can catch up to.

Also, if they weren't at the time of the event to get their weapons, so what? they can't complain much, it's their fault for not being here, next thing i know you're complaining about people being at a certain advantage because they have excalibur prime and we can't have it anymore.


I.e i missed the event where i could've got the prime chamber mod which costs 4K plat, do you see me complaining? no, it's my fault because either A. I didn't know about it or B. I just choosed to ignore it.

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Well i been a player since APril of 2013, i missed out on a few events and thus wepaons like the wraith gorgon and twin vipers, but hey that is part how any free online game. there will be weapons and even items such as the anti-toxin items, tehy are useless now, its part of the mmo universe. I mean i play Ro2 and i ahve missed event titles that give more benefits but hey once again part of the mmo universe.  They may re-release them, i mean rumor has it that a few weapons that were once common like the regualr boar might be back for a short time.


Though as far as the weapons themselves, really it comes down to one key thing, The mods one puts on them. i mean some poeple have put 6 forma on a starter wepaon and it does more damage than some weapons that hvae a higher damge base because no one uses forma on those.

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It has deeply concerned me that the event weapons, which could only be acquired for a limited time at their respective events and cannot be traded, are statistically better than their non-event counterparts. This means that a new player who has joined the game after these events have ended will never be able to acquire these weapons, putting them at a permanent disadvantage compared to the older players who participated in these events. Imagine if CS:GO players could only get the AWP if they picked up the game on launch day. This is basically what is happening with event weapons. I'm fine with cosmetic exclusive items, it's nice to have a souvenir to prove you participated in an event, but when items that are only available for a limited time have an effect on gameplay, you have a problem. I don't think statistically superior event items should be removed from the game, however. Being allowed to trade event items would be nice, but I came up with a way to stop putting new players at a disadvantage, and still keep event items exclusive to events. If all the event weapons in the game were added to a drop pool, and every time a new event happened, players could get a random event weapon from this drop pool, then new players would have a chance to finally level the playing field, and event items would still be exclusive to events.

Uhhh, no.


If this game were competitively PVP, yeah, it would be outrageous to give some players a permanent advantage. Seeing as this game is co-op, why should I care if my teammate can help me kill the enemy faster? They earned it, after all.

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Because folks are totally running SnipeVandals, Wraith Gorgon/Strun/Vipers instead of Boltor Primes.

God I am so sick of Boltor Prime. I've had it since the second week it was available and made a godly build on it, now I don't touch it. Makes the game waaaaay too easy. 

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A lot of Tenno are big fans of exclusivity, don't expect this idea to go come to fruition. I don't mind that I can't get a Gorgon Wraith, or Snipetron Vandal, it's not a big deal. I just get a different weapon if I can't get the exclusive variant. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have both of those guns, but I don't exactly expect it. I will say, there should be some way of making a wraith/vandal version of your weapons that requires rare resources and the weapon at max level. That would be nice.


Event weapons were never stated as an exclusive. So that argument is completely invalid. They will likely be reputation or quest rewards from factions, such as the Red Veil. Its all up in the air at the moment with many ideas being thrown around I'm sure, but the one thing you can bet on is that they will return eventually.

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Event weapons were never stated as an exclusive. So that argument is completely invalid. They will likely be reputation or quest rewards from factions, such as the Red Veil. Its all up in the air at the moment with many ideas being thrown around I'm sure, but the one thing you can bet on is that they will return eventually.

I was mostly referencing the trading aspect (should have stated as such, I now realize)

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It has deeply concerned me that the event weapons, which could only be acquired for a limited time at their respective events and cannot be traded, are statistically better than their non-event counterparts. This means that a new player who has joined the game after these events have ended will never be able to acquire these weapons, putting them at a permanent disadvantage compared to the older players who participated in these events. Imagine if CS:GO players could only get the AWP if they picked up the game on launch day. This is basically what is happening with event weapons. I'm fine with cosmetic exclusive items, it's nice to have a souvenir to prove you participated in an event, but when items that are only available for a limited time have an effect on gameplay, you have a problem. I don't think statistically superior event items should be removed from the game, however. Being allowed to trade event items would be nice, but I came up with a way to stop putting new players at a disadvantage, and still keep event items exclusive to events. If all the event weapons in the game were added to a drop pool, and every time a new event happened, players could get a random event weapon from this drop pool, then new players would have a chance to finally level the playing field, and event items would still be exclusive to events.

That would ruin event items. I prefer to keep event items like the snipertron vandal out of it. Because that is a "special" weapon that shows your commitment and time-frame in warframe.

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The whole point of those weapons is for them to be limited time rewards....

not to mention that there not all too amazing, sure, they look cool and all but its not like there the most amazing weapons in the game and are definitely NOT putting anyone at a disadvantage


I could understand if the Prova vandal was so OP that everyone used it, then new player couldent grab it, but

that's not the case.



Because folks are totally running SnipeVandals, Wraith Gorgon/Strun/Vipers instead of Boltor Primes.



This would be a great argument if only the event weapons weren't useless

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The only event reward I'm legitimately upset about not having is the badge from Tethra's Doom (could be wrong about which event grants it) that makes your left arm glow with energy. Any word on them planning to re release cosmetic event rewards such as this one?

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The only event reward I'm legitimately upset about not having is the badge from Tethra's Doom (could be wrong about which event grants it) that makes your left arm glow with energy. Any word on them planning to re release cosmetic event rewards such as this one?

Badges, as I understand it, will remain exclusive to the event they are tied to. Don't worry, they'll likely be more energy ones later on.

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Badges, as I understand it, will remain exclusive to the event they are tied to. Don't worry, they'll likely be more energy ones later on.

I figured as much, and honestly that makes sense. However I won't mask my regret at not getting that badge, I didn't have internet for the month that it was released unfortunately. Really hoping you're right about them releasing more energy badges. The regular badges just don't compete when it comes to aesthetic style.

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What's with everyone saying the event weapons suck? They are almost all high tier weapons. Just because they aren't the absolute best weapons in the game does not mean they aren't overpowered.


I pretty consistently oneshot even high level Grineer with the Snipetron Vandal and both the Machete Wraith and the Proval Vandal are fairly strong compared to most of the other melee weapons. My Dex Furies and Twin Wraith Vipers shred just about every Grineer and Corpus unit respectively in absurdly little time. Even the Strun Wraith stands out as being nearly the best shotgun in the game (most other comparable weapons have a lower firerate or higher spread). The only exclusive weapon I got that seems disappointingly weak is the Gorgon Wraith, and even that isn't so much bad as overshadowed by many of my other weapons.


Additionally they all come with weapon slots, prepotatoed and with polarities. The Snipetron and the Snipetron Vandals also stand out as being the only puncture damage focused sniper rifles in the game, but are not available anymore, which leaves most players stuck without an effective anti-Grineer sniper rifle.

Edited by Grilleds
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