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Combo Moves Discovered


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Kind of silly to add this one but I need it to describe another one.


Sprint + Jump

(angled less then ~20 degress away from the wall)

-Wall backwards flip-

Wall Climb > Jump

(causes you to do a backflip away from the wall)

-Wall Sliding-

Wall Climb + hold jump

(at the end of the climb you will start to decend slowly down the wall)

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Ive seen your lengthy post before you edited it. That stuff was in the OP already, there is a section specifically for the Wallwalking part further down the post.

Could you describe the chargeslide thing again? and the stuff with double tapping Shift, that was new to me, and probably to some others as well. I will usually try out stuff and discuss with my mates before i include a new move into the guide, just to see if my description enables them to perform that move, so allow some time for the update.

As I subscribed to this thread and update the OP regularly (trying weekly), rest assured that no move posted here will slip my eyes!

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Here's a mini thing I did with the help of my friend Battleseed and Wrathminded, in a recent update they removed the roll button completely, so you might want to change that

I've been corrected. You can hold the direction and then hit shift. It easier for most of them to hit shift twice however, especially with the wall climb roll. In the recent update, you can now just press shift without any directions and it will roll.

**** NOTE: Foward + Shift and Shift Twice have the same effect, however Foward + Shift will not work in the Wall Climb Roll or the Quick Ground Slam. All the references to shift twice act as buffers, there is an exact timing and you can do them all with just pressing shift once, however it can be a bit difficult especially in battle.

GIVEN AKA References you should understand from the guide/for these skills

Shift : Sprint button

+ : And

> : Followed by

>> : Immediately After

Wall Climb : Shift + hold Jump while running at a wall with less than ~25 degree angle away from it

RMB : Right Mouse Button also will refer to as Zoom

-Wall Climb Cancel-

Wall Climb > Crouch

(The crouch at the end of this will end you higher without throwing you away from the wall and lets you angle where you want to go, also can be used for getting of lips or small over hangs that block you)

-Wall Climb Roll-

Wall Climb > Shift Twice > release jump

(This enables you to get around/over slightly larger lips than the Wall Climb Cancel without putting you into a sliding animation, also launches you higher up the wall)

Different broken down way to do this.

Walk towards wall, hold shift, hold jump, left go of shift, towards top of jump press shift, then roughly .3 - .4 seconds later release the jump.

-Improved Ledge Grab-

Jump >> Crouch

(This allows you to grab onto things you normally can't. Or thing considered too small to grab, but also works on some larger things. In a nutshell, when you press the crouch during the jump it causes the game to think the jump is over and as such counts it as the peak of the jump so you can grab on to things quicker or things you normally couldn't have in the first place)

-Sliding Charged Melee-

Shift + Holding melee >> Crouch

-Quick Air to Ground Melee Slam-

Jump > Melee >> Shift Twice (after you hit the ground)

(This cuts out a lot of the delay you get from this attack)

-Ground Melee Slam Cancel-

Jump > Melee >> Shift Twice

-Rolling Melee-

Melee >> Shift Twice

(Only works well or at all with medium - fast melee weapons)

-Rolling Charged Melee-

Hold Melee > Shift Twice

(Only works well or at all with fast melee weapons)

NOTE: For Charged Rolling the double shift must be done near the end of the charge.

-Back Flip Melee-

Hold Zoom (RMB) > Melee >> Hold Move Down >> Shift Twice

(Only works well or at all with medium - fast melee weapons)

-Back Flip Charged Melee-

Hold Melee >> Hold Zoom (RMB) > Hold Move Down > Shift Twice

(Only works well or at all with fast melee weapons)

NOTE: You can also do Move down + Shift instead of holding down and hitting shift twice. Also same as the Rolling Charged Melee, you must do the double shift near the end of the charge.

If you want me to show them to you, I'll try to add you in game and show you them Nevrmoor. Also anyone can add me if they want to see it done and ask and ill show them as well

Edited by Smith0rz
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is there a training feild somewhere that i can go to and practise new moves the whole dancing on walls thing seems cool the designer said that pro players would no longer use the ground . I want to get there but practise is a bit hard to do with enemies on your neck. If there's a dojo or training feild where is it and if not there should be one if any founders see this it would be cool to suggext this if you can.

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is there a training feild somewhere that i can go to and practise new moves the whole dancing on walls thing seems cool the designer said that pro players would no longer use the ground . I want to get there but practise is a bit hard to do with enemies on your neck. If there's a dojo or training feild where is it and if not there should be one if any founders see this it would be cool to suggext this if you can.

use corpus def missions, there is everything you need. just clear it and you can practice forever. Just ping me when you need some help.

You can just use the first exterminate mission, they give you a count of how many enemies are left, and if you've leveled your frame a bit it should be a walkthrough. then you have a whole level to play around in.
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Shift+space does a standing forward flip where he sticks the landing without rolling. Not sure if that one was listed. It's great for getting over the energy stomp thing the yellow Corpus Walkers unleash. Do it to flip right over their knockdown barrier thing and position yourself right in front of them for melee strikes or bullets to face...er whatever that thing is they shoot from.

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Shift+space does a standing forward flip where he sticks the landing without rolling. Not sure if that one was listed. It's great for getting over the energy stomp thing the yellow Corpus Walkers unleash. Do it to flip right over their knockdown barrier thing and position yourself right in front of them for melee strikes or bullets to face...er whatever that thing is they shoot from.

Think it has been meantioned, you can also do it by jumpping and hitting shift twice quickly.

Btw has anyone come up with a possible better keymapping to pull these off? I've put crouch toggle on mouse button 5 and melee on mouse 4 which helps with some of it quite abit. Also changed E to activiate (that made stuff alot easier).

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i found the default mapping quite fitting. there is a nice synergy between shift and ctrl on most moves, while i press shift with my pinky tip, i roll down the rest of the finger to hit ctrl as well, works like a charm.

I tend to avoid putting anything but aim and fire on my mouse, because as soon as you have to coordinate lefthand button pressing and righthand aiming with button pressing on your right hand, timings get really loose. Of course you can adopt to that, but i like to just aim with my right hand and do all the movement magic with my left.

But yeah, one more button to press and im out of fingers xD

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Oh my!

Yesterday, when fooling around with Botskiz, we were able to get the exact mechanics of vertical connects right.

You basically have to quickly relase all the buttons and press them again for the next wall.

We already had great fun with that, like on corpus def maps, on the far left end, you can WW up there with ease now. Or in Grineer boss levels, those elevator frame things, you can go all the way up to the ceiling of the room.

Now go my fellow tennos and try and practice it!

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the roll only works from the wallwalk, its kinda odd though and really hard to put to good use.

Using a roll jump after a horizontal run is a reliable way to do a very long jump. So it's quite useful if you need to bridge a long distance after your last run.

As for its use after a vertical run, it's not reliably suited to climb high obstacles, since you don't gain any forward momentum, but with a bit of practice it can still be used for that purpose in some specific places.

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Using a roll jump after a horizontal run is a reliable way to do a very long jump. So it's quite useful if you need to bridge a long distance after your last run.

As for its use after a vertical run, it's not reliably suited to climb high obstacles, since you don't gain any forward momentum, but with a bit of practice it can still be used for that purpose in some specific places.

Excellent stuff. Didn't realize you could do the forward flip on vertical wall run. THANK YOU!

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You want combo...

Flying kick at an enemy to knock them down. If there is a wall behind the enemy you can continue your flying kick to the wall. You can go into a vertical wall run. Release JUMP and then do the backflip off the wall. Press melee to come down on the fallen enemy with your downward blade strike!

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Using a roll jump after a horizontal run is a reliable way to do a very long jump. So it's quite useful if you need to bridge a long distance after your last run.

As for its use after a vertical run, it's not reliably suited to climb high obstacles, since you don't gain any forward momentum, but with a bit of practice it can still be used for that purpose in some specific places.

How are you doing that roll jump while wall running? I can't seem to nail it. I can do the roll jump from a stationary standing position and while running. But not while vertically wall running.

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double tap sprint while performing a vert wallrun, upon release of the jump key you will do the forward roll.

Its "saving" that roll until you release jump

works with horizontal wallruns as well

Edited by Nevrmoor
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