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Pre-U14 Ghosts From The Past...


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After collecting infos from every previous devstreams & developers workshops, some questions rose in my spirit.What is the status/progress of :


I ) New enemies :


- the grineer kubrow units? Nobody's asking where these buddies are?




- the Vulture/bird of prey concept? Could they possibly lead to an awesome pet addition?( Imagine yourself doing a mission with a genetically modified eagle on your shoulder...that'd just be amazing!)


(shown in devstream 21,most likely a n Earth wildlife element.)




- Other wildlife concepts?outdoor maps & enemies in general lacks a bit of "life".(the next ones are supposed to appear in dojo aquarium. Or underwater levels maybe? ;) Source : devstream 15.)




- The new infested units?


The devourer.



The bipedal infested moa.





The pus ancient.



The diseased ancient.





- J3-Golem?





- Enemies of the tenno submissions :













And hopefully, I cross my fingers about the other great submissions not being deleted. So much enemy diversity needed.


- Bosses rework? Tyl Regor,the Anyo family,Kela...(I think that they're coming in big events)


Tyl Regor.





II ) Liset's customization? (Interior/exterior customization. Sauce : devstream 32)



III ) Weapons :


- Mio?





- Dual wielding tonfas? The addition of Silva & Aegis ,however, may suggest a release in a near 14.(...) update. (shown in devstream #32)




- the Corpus Freeze Ray?(same thought,and the model is already made, devstream #32)




IV ) Warframes appearance :


- Cloth physics? (Sauce : the "Sword alone" trailer, devstream #25, 40'05".)


- Metallic/chromatic palette?


V ) Upcoming tiles :


- The Corpus Ice tileset?(I guess it's coming U15 or during a major event.)


- A sci-fi geyser area? (devstream #15, ideal for a moon planet)

VI ) Stealth? Promised since devstream 8,it's been an eternal question.(One step in the right direction with the rescue event, and with the sound awareness of too loud invisible frames. But it still needs a lot of attention.)




-Stealth animations for enemies (shown in the devstream #8,15'40". Still not implemented.)

- Natural reactions to noises (again, devstream #8 at 15'40".)

-Stealth finishers for moa's...


VII ) Old core gameplay mechanics fixes?


 "A redistribution of the void drop tables to help with its long term health and increase the odds of getting gear you want." [D.E.]Sheldon,2013.


VIII ) Difficulty settings? Normal mode is challenging for beginners, but adding a hard mode for veterans (or even let them be able to play all nodes on nightmare mode) could surprise them aswell...


IX ) Tenno gardens/aquarium for the dojo? (like in the devstream #15)


X ) Warframe emotes?Being expressive without removing our helmets is possible... (sauce : devstream 21, 24'45".)


XI ) What about the Vesper relay space station you showed us in the devstream #22, 31'25"? Now that ships are here....That might become some serious business.


XII ) Enhanced kubrow animations?(shown in devstream 24,53'12") I might be wrong,but I didn't see any kubrow do these things in the sessions I joined.


XIII ) More different cutscenes?



At the moment,I got the feeling (or I may be wrong) that 80% of the discussions are about UI/Ships/friendly kubrows and a lot of interesting things are skipped (maybe this, or devs didn't show WIP in their streams.I really appreciate devs intervention & insights in the upcoming content). These questions may be asked too soon, but I couldn't help but worrying about it.

("Hey man, proxy wars & focus are missing!" I know tenno, Steve said that it'll come in less than one year if everything goes well.)



Oh, and 3 off-topic things: First,is it just me or the gamemode missions diorama just disappeared? Can we have them back in the codex for instance(or before logging in)? With an explanation of the different mission types & tips for beginners like how to deal effectively with survival missions,and so on... 




Secondly, tilesets were much darker back in the days.We used our own flashlight and it really gave more atmosphere.Nowadays,we only get this phenomena after destroying a core during a mission but even then,it still is too bright(I liked being a ninja progressing in the pure darkness). Is it possible to bring this mood back?(it would occur randomly)








Lastly, I might have a solution for those who really want the charge attacks brought back : why not putting them in the stance mod and unlock them once the mod has reached its max level?


Sending enemies flying miles away was a lot of fun!






Edited by unknow99
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I have always felt that DE promises us a lot of cool content but then they kinda forget it. Stealth is only viable on Loki or Ash, Kubrows and the Sand skates are still the only wildlife NPCs and we haven't had any new enemy types except Mutalist Ospreys (which everyone hates). DE promised those things ages ago!

Edited by PeanutMonster
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Some of the stuff is most likely still in work. Other put on ice for the time being. But maybe it's good to remind everyone of it.


As for that video at the end.

- Buzzsaw Sawmen.

- Lancers wielding Bratons.

- Everything on Corpus ships only.

- Someone willingly using a Fragor.

- Someone willingly using a Gorgon.


Man this is really a blast from the past.

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DE forgot about good things like emotes and difficulty changes and stealth and instead chose to add rubish like a head ache inducing user interface and a dog with a stupid death clock... Favourite word is 'and'. There are good things around but ultimately DE are slowly falling into oblivion with each change they make, this is just my opinion.

Edited by (PS4)infuriatedplayer
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The OP produces nice list of some things that we have not yet got and need to be released or update on.


How come you just put one mention of proxy war and focus system?


That is the biggest promise and we are over halfway through the year with no progress on either!

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The OP produces nice list of some things that we have not yet got and need to be released or update on.


How come you just put one mention of proxy war and focus system?


That is the biggest promise and we are over halfway through the year with no progress on either!

They said previously that it required tons of work and won't be here for U15/the end of the year.


However, if they could show us their wip, that'd be cool...

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Armored Kubrows, Mutant Fishes and Earth birds seemingly have been forgotten, though.

We kind of already have armoured Kubrows in the form of Feral Kubrows (Ferrite Armour + Flesh) and our own Kubrows, but I see your point. 

Edited by Renegade343
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They said previously that it required tons of work and won't be here for U15/the end of the year.


However, if they could show us their wip, that'd be cool...

They did?


I watch every live-stream and never heard this exactly. All I heard is that it was not going to be in Update 14 (which was obvious) and that Focus had gone back to the drawing board a while back. We have had nothing since.

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We kind of already have armoured Kubrows in the form of Feral Kubrows (Ferrite Armour + Flesh) and our own Kubrows, but I see your point. 

... We are not talking about some random stats...the armored Grineer Kubrow actually looks like a tank/rhino. 

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... We are not talking about some random stats...the armored Grineer Kubrow actually looks like a tank/rhino. 

I know what you are talking about, but I just pointed out that technically, the current Kubrows we have do have armour, albeit not shown and such. 

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They did?


I watch every live-stream and never heard this exactly. All I heard is that it was not going to be in Update 14 (which was obvious) and that Focus had gone back to the drawing board a while back. We have had nothing since.

Yea I also didn't hear anything about them say that it won't make it for U15 or anything....

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