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[U15 Megathread] Archwing/syndicates/limbo (It's Here Edition)


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26 pages I'll never read.  The whole 1990's linear forum thing is just ugh.


Anyway, they did that Wyrmius joke then transitioned to this combat-in-space thing and I still thought it was a joke ... but they were actually being serious.  I'm still super perplexed.  Are current issues ever going to be addressed?  In a F2P/P2W game you definitely need new players, but ninjas _LITERALLY IN SPACE_ ???  What the EFF.

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I'm not going to bash it, however I find that it's strange to me. Why not have you fight in the liset? A ship with customization guns and such things. Why is your warframe flying around with jets and wings? How are we running out of air on ships, but we can breath in space? Why not have Liset combat, destruction missions with the liset, to attack ships and do special mission types. I feel like this upcoming update will break the lore (?) What about Zephyr? What about flying with the archwing on planets?


If we get archwings, can we fight a dragon? (I'm not kidding - No sarcasm at all) Warframes can fly in space and battle drones, why not jump all the way in? 


I really don't mind this update, but after thirsting for each update and each new thing, this announcement was my least favorite of all. IF it worked in my mind (realize I love anime and over the top combat.) I feel like the time spent making this could be used to make even more quests, more mission types, more weapons, more warframes, more work on the Focus system...etc. This game's potential is endless. What about the story/lore? What about more player created stuff? What about new enemies, a new faction, other things that would add more?


We have the basis of scifi, ninjas, mercenaries, samurais, assassins. The combination of these worlds and influences/references makes the weapons of old a place to start and the goal, shooting into the stars. 


I can understand this game has shaky lore, and with this much content and influence, explaining everything gets ridiculous. I want to see Boss quests, news pieces of the lore and other things. Invasions could be deeper and connect with the factions better. 


With Darvo around, why can we have weapons sold on the black market? The Snipetron doesn't fit the lore? What if the corpus tried to develop a projectile shooting weapons? Darvo "obtained" this information and sells it to the Tenno? What about the other weapons? Darvo could sell them. The blackmarket is the place for useless (but wanted weapons) Can we trade the special weapons? I never wanted the Snipetron Vandal or the normal one, my pal wants it so bad because he enjoys sniper rifles. He started playing two or three weeks ago, he didn't have the chance to get ANY of these special weapons.


What about an auction house? 


What about the community made enemies? Could we see an early prototype? What about the backstory for each boss? Stalker? Lephantis? We fight these bosses and we know a bit about them, but what about the society of all the factions? We know the corpus is a space corporation, the Grineer are govern by Twin Queens, and the infested were created to fight the sentients. Can we have more background on their society and the Orokin and the Sentients? 


I think honestly that the events should be relaunched; in order to get things, you have to do exactly what everyone else did for those weapons/mods...etc. (although it cannot change the result of the events themselves.) I have a couple friends that started today as well, they can't get everything I have because I started the game earlier. Too bad, he should have bough a better computer, right?


I don't agree with this content, it's coming and I can't stop it, but I don't believe that I will enjoy it as much as something else. 






Archwing and the other minigame? I don't necessarily feel that that it the way to go.

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Allow me to offer a rebuttal *ahem*










...Besides, Liset isn't a combat pod, didn't you watch the trailer?



Edit: Sorry, just to make it clear, I'm not saying your opinion is invalid. I'm just saying you are very, very wrong.


Edit Edit: Read more of your post. Did you watch the TennoLive stream or just see the trailer alone? They teased new game modes, swathes of new enemies, an imminent new tileset and associated game mode, and a future tileset with completely new movement mechanics. They're working on everything and it's all so beautiful.

Edited by DeiUmbrarum
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If it was like that, then every enemy would drop life support. And look how little those things add to your percentage.

I'm not even sure what you think you were replying to.


Compare Tenno tech with every other non-extinct faction in WF. They are leagues ahead.

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Allow me to offer a rebuttal *ahem*










...Besides, Liset isn't a combat pod, didn't you watch the trailer?



Edit: Sorry, just to make it clear, I'm not saying your opinion is invalid. I'm just saying you are very, very wrong.


Valid opinion yes, wrong? I can't answer that. It's something I feel strong about and I'd like to know what others think. Thank for your opinion.

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I'm not sure where you guys are getting the Gundam references from.  Gundam involves robots the size of skyscrapers.  The Archwing is human-sized.


...I'm still waiting for a building-sized boss.  Nu!Hek and Lephantis were close, but not close enough.  T_T

oh god yes! maybe a warframe version of metal gear rising revengance!

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If we get archwings, can we fight a dragon? (I'm not kidding - No sarcasm at all) Warframes can fly in space and battle drones, why not jump all the way in? 



I'm not entirely against this. I would love some REAL boss battles. Lephantis was refreshing, I want some serious (specifically intelligent) bosses to fight. However, I want to fight them... not necessarily in space. So we are in agreement there. I mean as much as I liked the game Zone of the Enders, I don't necessarily need it in Warframe.

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I bet they change Survivals from picking up LS due to lack of air to some kind of air scrubbers because of poisonous air. 


Even that doesn't make sense though.  So the air is poisonous, but we have sealed suits which support breathing in space... see where i'm going with this? ;)


The other odd thing about Survival games:  enemies without helmets.  How do they not die?  

I'm guessing Kubrow should die with no oxygen/poison gas (or maybe they can only starve to death)?

On outside areas you likewise shouldn't be able to be poisoned (dilution of particles).


If Archwing has a life support unit, can i have an intact unit for flying about in space (and why don't i just shoot things from my spaceship?), and then a second Archwing, where i pull off the wings, and just have a backpack with the life support unit, to walk around inside for survival missions?


or is it all just ninja space magic...

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U14 is not even fleshed out yet, people already complaining about U15...


I myself not fond of Archwing. It is a Hollywood approach - throw flashy stuff into the audience's eyes to kepp them exited. At least, that what it seems to be. But ONLY SEEMS. Just f*cking wait for Archwing to come out, just wait for more info. Until then - stop complaining. You are only annoying everyone.

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U14 is not even fleshed out yet, people already complaining about U15...


I myself not fond of Archwing. It is a Hollywood approach - throw flashy stuff into the audience's eyes to kepp them exited. At least, that what it seems to be. But ONLY SEEMS. Just f*cking wait for Archwing to come out, just wait for more info. Until then - stop complaining. You are only annoying everyone.


U14 was a good, but bugged update. I enjoyed it a lot so far and it's fine with me. The new UI is okay besides a few bugs here and there, as well the things I didn't agree with design wise. The upcoming U15 concerns me. 

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"That thing can't have Tenno-tech life support, because the standard LS pack used for Corpus, Grineer, and Infested looks huge ... after it falls on the floor."


Yeah, ok. Makes perfect sense to you, I suppose.

Lol you say that like there is any space on all those enemies to keep the actually lifesupport.

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i also do think that if it involves, space, wings, lasers and crushing metal bots its already come from the gundam series


although, im expecting original battle styles from warframe.


im also skeptical of how the wings look. 


but all in all, it will be a good addition and gameplay change.

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