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[U15 Megathread] Archwing/syndicates/limbo (It's Here Edition)


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Aaaaaand even warframe... even warframe meet his end, I mean seriously? wings? space fights? even bobafett needed his own spaceship to fight in space, but tenno? heh...


Since upcoming updates more likely ruin the game than make it more NINJA and more LORE, i quit this game, and its not easy for me cos i spend with this game many fun hours, when you added PvP (which you said you will never add it) i wasnt completly sure in what direction goes lore and whole game cos tenno fighting against eachother for me is equal to complete disaster, they are hunted not only by griners and corpus but also by his own kind... latelly you reduced ammo on ogris and penta cos what? PvP monkeys wanted "balance?"


Not to mention that Kubrows are still one big mess, and before you will fix them they are more likelly a trash. but enough about the past, game is changing in very bad direction, like i mentioned it doesnt anymore ninja its more like some very bad copy of gundam/zone of enders/and who else knows what else.





At the end i can only say: Im proud i was able to play with you tennos, it was a very good time, but now im leaving and even if you dont care, still you loose at least one guy who was fighting for you.



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Aaaaaand even warframe... even warframe meet his end, I mean seriously? wings? space fights? even bobafett needed his own spaceship to fight in space, but tenno? heh...


Since upcoming updates more likely ruin the game than make it more NINJA and more LORE, i quit this game, and its not easy for me cos i spend with this game many fun hours, when you added PvP (which you said you will never add it) i wasnt completly sure in what direction goes lore and whole game cos tenno fighting against eachother for me is equal to complete disaster, they are hunted not only by griners and corpus but also by his own kind... latelly you reduced ammo on ogris and penta cos what? PvP monkeys wanted "balance?"


Not to mention that Kubrows are still one big mess, and before you will fix them they are more likelly a trash. but enough about the past, game is changing in very bad direction, like i mentioned it doesnt anymore ninja its more like some very bad copy of gundam/zone of enders/and who else knows what else.





At the end i can only say: Im proud i was able to play with you tennos, it was a very good time, but now im leaving and even if you dont care, still you loose at least one guy who was fighting for you.




1. you just called 1/3 of the community monkeys, you dissed a more popular form of play that will bring more money and players to the game, and are saying the DE are trying to ruin the game.....


2. Lore has already been added, QUEST SYSTEM!


3. my post above, Ninjas are mercenaries. -.-


Good bye, you 1 out of 7000000 person will make a huge impact on the game. :)


Well you did get me to post, so you technically win. :p I hope my attention made you happy. ^.^

Edited by Feallike
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from the trailer, the archwing mode seems more like open space fight, the part with the sword seemed more like a minigame, maybe if you do special conditions with "open part" archwing, you activate a special sword minigame? that s what it would look like for me


My guess and speculation is that for the purpose of the trailer, they had those enemies aligned; it's possible that once ingame, 'melee' attacks will have some kind of magnetic lock on to the nearest target in range. If you ever played Zone of the Enders : The Second Runner, that's about what I'd expect Archwing Melee to work like.


In fact, if Archwing combat is even 50% of what that game's combat was, it'll be fun as hek

Edited by Wiegraf
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That's amazing SabreUr.  Thanks for sharing that.


I wonder if it's RNG activated, like stalker, etc. but with different triggering factors of course.  (extended survival, etc.)



Oooo... RNG.


Be like:


Ordis: Hurry up and jump into space because I'm not a combat vessel...and we just got that Archwing thing with the latest update.

Player: Umm...okay. *jump*

Ordis: Here's your Archwing... *RNG* Oh damn, I forgot...your Archwing is in the shop still... Oops...sorry.

Player: *thrashes about with 0 life support then becomes still*

Ordis: Oh well, I never liked <Player> anyhow... Eh, I don't need this damn Kubrow either. *ejects Incubator*

Kubrow: *thrashes about with 0 life support then becomes still*

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Aaaaaand even warframe... even warframe meet his end, I mean seriously? wings? space fights? even bobafett needed his own spaceship to fight in space, but tenno? heh...


Since upcoming updates more likely ruin the game than make it more NINJA and more LORE, i quit this game, and its not easy for me cos i spend with this game many fun hours, when you added PvP (which you said you will never add it) i wasnt completly sure in what direction goes lore and whole game cos tenno fighting against eachother for me is equal to complete disaster, they are hunted not only by griners and corpus but also by his own kind... latelly you reduced ammo on ogris and penta cos what? PvP monkeys wanted "balance?"


Not to mention that Kubrows are still one big mess, and before you will fix them they are more likelly a trash. but enough about the past, game is changing in very bad direction, like i mentioned it doesnt anymore ninja its more like some very bad copy of gundam/zone of enders/and who else knows what else.





At the end i can only say: Im proud i was able to play with you tennos, it was a very good time, but now im leaving and even if you dont care, still you loose at least one guy who was fighting for you.




Well see ya later dude.  


You know...


It's not like the devs are taking away any parts of warframe that you enjoyed before by adding new content.  I admit, I'm not a fan of PvP either, but I've learned to live with it and even played a couple of rounds to see what it was like.


Variety is the spice of life my friend, and that's what I believe the developers are doing here.  Don't you ever feel a bit claustrophobic in Warframe?  (while some of the maps are big, it's still very much a corridor shooter.)


U14 gave us our own ships, Invasion missions had the occasional outer space (outside the ship) battles, The infested breeding grounds event gave us a further taste of venturing outside of the maps (at extraction we're in space) so I think it's only logical that the developers grow upon that.


For the space ninja naysayers.  "Ninja" was a marketing catchphrase when the game was early in development, and yeah back then we were more like ninjas with superpowers, but we have to remember this is WARFRAME, which basically means exo-armor suit.  That's really broad, and I feel the diversity in Warframe is great for many different players of different tastes.  (we're not limited to 3-5 classes, etc.)


Warframe is no longer a Ninja game.  XD


Edited by sushidubya
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I can't think of anything witty to comment in response to this........


 Is their someone who knows how to get off Spacemagic???? All i can fine is places that deal with Drug problems... I need help..... I am a Magic addict. ;-;


(Please don't be offended. :/ This is not to offend anyone who is actually addicted to Drugs .-.)

Edited by Feallike
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Oooo... RNG.


Be like:


Ordis: Hurry up and jump into space because I'm not a combat vessel...and we just got that Archwing thing with the latest update.

Player: Umm...okay. *jump*

Ordis: Here's your Archwing... *RNG* Oh damn, I forgot...your Archwing is in the shop still... Oops...sorry.

Player: *thrashes about with 0 life support then becomes still*

Ordis: Oh well, I never liked <Player> anyhow... Eh, I don't need this damn Kubrow either. *ejects Incubator*

Kubrow: *thrashes about with 0 life support then becomes still*


LOL imagine getting jettisoned into space with no Archwing.  Excalibro be like, "hurr durr...  darn..."  XD

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I can't think of anything witty to comment in response to this........


 Is their someone who knows how to get off Spacemagic???? All i can fine is places that deal with Drug problems... I need help..... I am a Magic addict. ;-;


(Please don't be offended. :/ This is not to offend anyone who is actually addicted to Drugs .-.)

I'm sure Darvo has to have SOMETHING, hell... He even sells us Stalkers Gear


\/ \/ Guy below me got Ninja'd 

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