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[U15 Megathread] Archwing/syndicates/limbo (It's Here Edition)


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you know they always seam to pull a devstream at or after a major update and the next one is on the 17th so if could drop on ether the 17th or 16th that or another god damn patch so in the mean time



Yep that was my original guess. The 17th, and with this latest hotfix and added content it seems to be just about the right amount of time.

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I'm assuming next Wednesday they'll release the hype sub-website and then suddenly, this thread will have at least +100 pages (as in however many it has before that site goes live + 100 more) within a day. The hype train shall reach titanic proportions and blot out the sun. And it shall be glorious.

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Idea is neat and this def looks cool but on other hand...those wings in those vids look so fugly which I assume was planned.


So any ball park figure how much nice wings will cost?


20-60 bucks maybe?


Oh and it seems that only certain frames/weapons will excell at this new mode thus...new stuff planned there as well?

Edited by fizbit
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Welp a event is coming tomorrow that will countdown to U15.



Its confirmed. 


You can't argue.


Don't argue.



Well Glen did say he would be playing tomorrow and though we can hope it is probably not going to be a surprise U15, a countdown? maybe or some new event or something else Or they are just playing with us at this point because DE knows what we want and they know of the hype.... still if it does mean something ether we get U15 tomorrow or we get a surprise. (my bet is on the surprise)

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Well Glen did say he would be playing tomorrow and though we can hope it is probably not going to be a surprise U15, a countdown? maybe or some new event or something else Or they are just playing with us at this point because DE knows what we want and they know of the hype.... still if it does mean something ether we get U15 tomorrow or we get a surprise. (my bet is on the surprise)

Or the tactical event is all a rouse and it really is quest that starts U15!


But you are probably right....

Edited by erikandrew
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Or the tactical event is all a rouse and it really is quest that starts U15!


But you are probably right....

yeah still it would be nice if archwing was tomorrow BUT best to have a working version instead of an unplayable one besides it might be a tactical event or it might be the release of a new quest hell even an event possibly about archwing that or he was just messing with us because they know... they know what we want... I swear to god if it is some new weapon or skin I am going to go to Mercury and do terminus......someone need to die

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I have never met the extraction is destroyed before archwing!!!!! that's mean ordis destroy it just want you to use archwing.....


and I wonder how penta's going on? projectile -> O -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

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