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Ordis. Or: The Most Annoying Thing That Ever Happened To Warframe


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Warframe is in Beta, we are supposed to give as much feedback as possible. It is not whining.

Feedback looks like this: "Ordis is a nice addition to the game and sometimes is even amusing. However, in my opinion, it lacks diversity. I mean, he has only a handful of lines and this can be boring if you spend a lot of time in the Liset. Can you add a few more lines?"

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Feedback looks like this: "Ordis is a nice addition to the game and sometimes is even amusing. However, in my opinion, it lacks diversity. I mean, he has only a handful of lines and this can be boring if you spend a lot of time in the Liset. Can you add a few more lines?"


Feedback doesn't always have to sound so positive. In fact, feedback with negative tone tends to get more attention, and therefore get noticed quicker by DE.

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Feedback doesn't always have to sound so positive. In fact, feedback with negative tone tends to get more attention, and therefore get noticed quicker by DE.

Dismissing a team's work from the start or calling it "the most annoying thing" doesn't get the proper attention, it just starts an argument, where both parties are trying to win over each other. To me the original post sounds even offensive. I mean, is there really nothing good about the hard work of a smart, talented team?! Feedback needs to outline both the positive and the negative sides of a product and a possible solution to the negative parts. The lack of a solution makes this feedback only a complain, and this was never a creative thing.

Anyway, I'm sure the developers know themselves that Ordis needs more lines, they play the game as well and they are always a few steps ahead of us.

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I neither do like it nor dislike it, but i support the idea of having the possibility to shut him up. Maybe there should be an option to just remove some dialogues, like the ones we dont need, and the dialogues about quests and stuff can stay. I dont know... Im just saying

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Dismissing a team's work from the start or calling it "the most annoying thing" doesn't get the proper attention, it just starts an argument, where both parties are trying to win over each other. To me the original post sounds even offensive. I mean, is there really nothing good about the hard work of a smart, talented team?! Feedback needs to outline both the positive and the negative sides of a product and a possible solution to the negative parts. The lack of a solution makes this feedback only a complain, and this was never a creative thing.

Anyway, I'm sure the developers know themselves that Ordis needs more lines, they play the game as well and they are always a few steps ahead of us.

^Totally agree, that's the definition- OF INSANITY - uh... i mean feedback...


Personally, i don't know why you're hating something that its barely real... (first, if you like the inmersive perspective, he's just a program. second, he's a program inside another program, seeing it in the real life). I do and do not like Ordis, he has his good an bad things, like anything else, but when he appears and say something i just ignore him, i dont have the need to hate him. Or if he appears when im in any menu (Mods, Foundry, Arsenal) i just wait patiently till he comes out... his lines doesnt even last 5 seconds!.


Now, I do agree the implementation of "Shut Ordis" and "Shut Lotus". I do agree with Ordis interrupting Lotus and vise-versa (Lotus interrupting Ordis). I do agree more voices for the Ship's AI and would be nice that in the space between "Navigation" and "News", we can get an Ordis Avatar, why?, because Mr.Darvo can give us some other "Personality Cores" (yes i know, is like in Portal...) and we can switch the core personality, add and remove additional personalities to make our... uh... "perfect" (i'm out of concepts, sorry) Ordis... that if you want variation... but everything is up to DE and the Dev's team...


Vykhram's Out!!!

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Hes only a prototype Ordis, this isn't even his final form....


They'll update and improve him down the line obviously. Don't diss the devs' work man, they put this proto Ordis in to see how we react and whether we'd like more. Some say yes, some say no.well end up with a better version sooner or later


Ordis is liek windows 99 tbh, then we got Windows XP, which was bettern (sorry for windows reference)

Edited by Somedude1000
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Hes only a prototype Ordis, this isn't even his final form....


They'll update and improve him down the line obviously. Don't diss the devs' work man, they put this proto Ordis in to see how we react and whether we'd like more. Some say yes, some say no.well end up with a better version sooner or later


Ordis is liek windows 99 tbh, then we got Windows XP, which was bettern (sorry for windows reference)

There was no windows 99 though.

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Not to worry, Ordis will definitely be getting more varied lines so that he isn't as repetitive.


That's awesome news.  Even though I'm an Ordis lover, I've been starting to feel the pinch, so I'd say, yes, a few more lines, and ease off on the frequency the longer someone's been playing the game.


IOW, when I started playing the game, I enjoyed hearing that he'd been thinking; he's a nice touch. 


But by now, I only want to hear that once in a blue moon to make me chuckle, not every time I log on.

Edited by Omnimorph
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Oh how I wish Ordis was that great of a character.


But, I highly doubt he will ever come close to the perfection that was HK-47.


Unlike characters like the Lotus, or Stalker that evoke emotion and feelings and sometimes thought when you meet them, Ordis is simply a side character that's simply... there, his presence neither positively nor negatively affects us in noticeable enough ways for us to care about him

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Me personally I like Ordis But, to be honest it is a little to repetitious. And would more than love to have the option to change the voice to a female. (like DE Megan or some one like that.


I think they made it "male" to differentiate it from the Lotus. While I agree I'd rather it be female too, I can also understand the logic.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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Ordis is the vapid offshoot cousin of every great steward AI and HAL-alike. He mouths what they say, yet doesn't understand the spirit that goes into what he's saying. He repeats himself when it wasn't funny the first time. Instead of terrifying me, or making me smile to myself as I try to join Nuovo without the UI bugging out for the fifth time, he just annoys me. Sometimes, I hear him babbling while I have the game alt+tabbed and I'm reading somethggn else or eating a snack.


Please give us a toggle. I enjoy the solitude of my cramped ship.

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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I don't know if I'm just lucky but Ordis hasn't spoken to me for weeks. The only reason I can think of is because I still have Lotus telling me to craft the Mirage helmet every time i get into my ship!!!

The thing is it is not even in my inventory now as I sold the blueprint....and bought Mirage instead.


Now, "annoying" is the Lotus telling me to get Ordis to craft the helmet blueprint every time I log in and every time I return from a mission.

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