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Ordis. Or: The Most Annoying Thing That Ever Happened To Warframe


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Not to worry, Ordis will definitely be getting more varied lines so that he isn't as repetitive.


i thought so, its great to know that you develop the game and ordis is not a problem for me


btw, please do the on/off-button asap for the annoying radio-voice in the background, it really disturbs me (and im shure im not alone)


thank you ))

Edited by 7ENN0
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I love the gineer Radio. I stand next to it and listen quite a lot. Would be nice if it were interactive, maybe different stations, or even a TX function :)


I'm inclined to agree. If there were more varied dialogue it would be a bit more bearable, but as it stands now, the 'charm' of Ordis has not only worn off but it's now getting under my skin.


The grineer radio is alright though.

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I totally agree. now if only there was a way to do it even better like I don't know... strapping his computer chip to a large asteroid and fling it into the void for example...

Bad idea. That bugger will show up in next void run and start pondering: "Why operator abandoned me".


And count me among grineer radio haters. How do exactly can anyone enjoy: "Errr, agh, errr, agh, yeah, errr, agh"?

Edited by Prany
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Not to worry, Ordis will definitely be getting more varied lines so that he isn't as repetitive.


mhhh....i have some lines in mind...annnd....well..here you go:3 (orange = Ordis, Red= Lotus)


- "Operator, if you press this button i won be able t-/*#/" or "I am still here Operator...watchin\#/- supporting you." 

(This plays if you push the mute button inside the ship -maybe on the left console near the window?-)


"I will miss this ugl#/- loyal companion of yours, Operator."  or "Finally this place is a little bit cleaner. Thank you Operator." 

Ordis comment if you release your Kubrow.)


 "Did you know that Lotus likes to wear~-~- "Tenno, I am... "sorry" to interrupt but I spotted a very dangerous target. I marked it on your map..."

or "Tenno, there is a-~-~Operator, I noticed an enemy signal and marked it on your map. Hurry! "

(New lines if an alert/ operation pops up. The first line is very rare^^)


-"I see you got a new thing Operator. How \-~# fast can it crush our enemies?"

(If you buy a new weapon/finished building a weapon.)


random lines:

"Operator, i thought about a thing called BRICK. Do you know something about this?

"What is love, Operator?"

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Just putting my own opinion here, but I personally have no problems with Ordis / the radio. If it's the same line I tune it out but having a voice every few minutes kinda fills the empty void of space. But as people have suggested, more lines/ mute button

Ordis - yes he needs more lines or for those that can't stand him a mute option.

The Radio - Grineer only? Why no corpus? I mean if we're parked next to Earth I would understand if we pick up Grineer chatter, but places like Jupiter where it's occupied by the Corpus, if there's an invasion why not mixed chatter between the two factions regarding the invasion? If there's infested why not reports of it or warnings to stay away from that sector. Of course mute option for those that can't stand it :x

Reason(s) for these? well lore or immersion of the game, I would understand why Ordis is there, who else is going to send the Liset to pick us up, of course his little 'hiccups' do annoy me at times. The whole radio chatter thing is just my way of thinking that we Tenno are keeping track of the factions to keep the balance, as lore would state...

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Really just want a mute option for Ordis and Lotus.  Unless it's mission/quest critical lines I don't want to hear any idle banter or 'flavor messages' - nor do I want to see the transmission box on the left side of the screen.


Ordis is especially annoying to me since his transmission box is constantly blocking what I am trying to do using the on-ship menus.

Edited by AZAG0TH
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Just putting my own opinion here, but I personally have no problems with Ordis / the radio. If it's the same line I tune it out but having a voice every few minutes kinda fills the empty void of space. But as people have suggested, more lines/ mute button

Ordis - yes he needs more lines or for those that can't stand him a mute option.

The Radio - Grineer only? Why no corpus? I mean if we're parked next to Earth I would understand if we pick up Grineer chatter, but places like Jupiter where it's occupied by the Corpus, if there's an invasion why not mixed chatter between the two factions regarding the invasion? If there's infested why not reports of it or warnings to stay away from that sector. Of course mute option for those that can't stand it :x

Reason(s) for these? well lore or immersion of the game, I would understand why Ordis is there, who else is going to send the Liset to pick us up, of course his little 'hiccups' do annoy me at times. The whole radio chatter thing is just my way of thinking that we Tenno are keeping track of the factions to keep the balance, as lore would state...

I agree been saying this since we got our ships.

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Ordis: Ship Cephalon.

The advanced AI guiding an ancient stealth ship designed with technology long lost, ferrying the Tenno throught a dying galaxy.

"Ordis is hap*zzz*ANGRY"

"I was thinking, operator. I thought you'd want to know"

"Perhaps Ordis will get mail someday..."

"Ordis wonders, what are you thinking about?"

Why does he sound like he has the intelligence of a child? The lines he says seem more like a Kubrow's internal monolouge than an advanced piece of Orokin (or Orokin based) technology. The first thing I thought when hearing him is "oh neat, an AI. When can I get the ship module to fix his annoying personality? It doesn't belong in the ship of a stoic, vicious ancient warrior." the answer? There is none; he's going to talk to you till you stop playing. I'll be staring into space, listening to the eery sounds of the void a mere foot in front of me while pondering the vista, only to hear him quip about some random emotion he shouldn't be having in the first place.


I get that some people enjoy him, I appreciate the idea behind him, and I know that his being like this is a conscious decision, but please just add a mute button.

Edited by Sswordplay
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Please tell me which actor does Ordis remind you ?


Notice Trailer and game design corrections after viewing the trailer and checking the game so far:


1.Archwing requires armament add ons

2.Ordis should speak like the operating system from the Nanosuit in Crysis 3

3.There is still not enough Lore in the game neither in the teraser

4.We are expecting T Virus lab as long it is accompanied by serious enemies and Lore

5.Grineer should look more Samurai

6.Lotus should be playable in Tutorial

7.Anatomy of the Warframe suit is a must

8.Human character or other spieces creation is more than a must

9.Warframe suit Gender change and lore bridge to Dark Sector is required


Thanks for your time

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