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[Warframe Concept] Dracul - Vampire/blood Knight Wip ~Update Concept~


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Dracul  -  The meaning of the name

During his life Vlad wrote his name in Latin documents as Wladislaus Dragwlya, vaivoda partium Transalpinarum (1475).

His Romanian patronymic Dragwlya (or Dragkwlya) Dragulea, Dragolea, Drăculea, is a diminutive of the epithet Dracul carried by his father Vlad II, who in 1431 was inducted as a member of the Order of the Dragon, a chivalric order founded by Sigismund of Hungary in 1408. Dracul is the Romanian definite form, the -ul being the suffixal definite article (deriving from Latin ille). The noun drac "dragon" itself continues Latin draco. Thus, Dracula literally means "Son of the Dragon". In Modern Romanian, the word drac has adopted the meaning of "devil".

Vlad's nickname of Tepes ("Impaler") identifies his favourite method of execution but was only attached to his name posthumously, in 1550. Before this, however, he was known as Kazıklı Bey (Sir Impaler) by the Ottoman Empire after their armies encountered his "forests" of impalement victims.

Vampire/Blood Knight


Jack of All Trades Master of None (able to fulfill nearly any role on a team).

Short Bio

The inspiration for Dracul stems primarily from Bram Stoker's Dracula as well as the thought of who or what Typhus might have been like prior to Alad V's experimentation upon him (and prior to the Bloodline comic I am working on in the little spare time I have).

Dracul could be considered sadistic from his veritable "evil" tactics, but he's a renouned hero of the Tenno. Like Vlad the Impaler he was incredibly brutal so his allies wouldn't have to be. His brutality served not only to decimate his opponents but to deter future conflict and even pacify his enemies through scare tactics.


Powers List


Blood Needles (25, special) - From his palm, Dracul fires needle-like projectiles formed from his own blood with enough speed and force to puncture enemy armor (similar to how a CNC water mill cuts through metal with a stream of water). Dracul can either charge up the initial volley by expending his health to do more damage and/or continually fire needles in a fully automatic fashion while draining energy (25 energy for initial volley, 5 energy and 5 health for continuous fire; holding down the skill key will drain health to charge up the shot and rapidly tapping the key will cause Dracul to launch needles rapid fire). 

Blink (35 w/o target, 50 w/ target) - Dracul quantized its body to a mist like or cloth like form to travel a great distance almost instantaneously. When targeting an enemy with this ability, Dracul will reappear behind the enemy and perform a melee stealth execution for additional energy regardless of whether the frame has been detected or not. Attacking enemies with this skill replenishes a little bit of health if the target is organic.

Taunt (Challenge, Taste for Blood) (75) - Dracul attracts the attention of all nearby enemies and taunts them into trying to engage him in close combat with guns blazing (Optional Effect: in Grineers' case he insults their mothers; at max rank it causes Grineer to use their "You leave my mother out of this!" line). Especially useful for luring enemies into Vampiric Field.

Vampiric Field (100, sustained) - Dracul creates a wide field of effect around itself which drains the blood of all nearby enemies, gradually replenishing Dracul's health while doing light damage over time as well as slightly weakening enemies' physical attack and movement speed. (This ability doesn't offer Dracul any added protection and only affects enemies within the limited range of the ability). Only organic creatures are affected by this ability.
Dracul is currently a work in progress, everything is subject to change and some details are still being added! Thank you for your patience.
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I really like this new concept you made Red, and it might just fit the Warframe franchise quite well (I mean, we already have a necromancer, a paladin, a berserker, a pirate and a joker, so why not vampire?). The abilities seem very good and well rounded, to me he looks like the kind of character that grabs the attention of the enemy and then weakens them instead of strengthening himself, making it easier not only for himself, but for his teammates as well. Overall, I like it, keep up the good work.

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No matter what form of vamp she is shes still a vamp or a succubus in female terms

nope she's mainly a healer

only Energy Vampire and maybe Well of Life is like draining but its more like her abilities allow her allies to be vampires and suck energy & health

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I really like the concept, but the skills don't attract me much. 

How about this skill-set?


First Skill: Shadow Charge

Dracul 'dashes' forward, in a blur of darkness, which looks to a casual observer a bat-like creature. Unlike Slash Dash, this attack deals Puncture damage (inspired by vampire fangs).


Second Skill: Chiroptera

Dracul sends forth a torrent of dark energy, manifesting itself in the form of a flurry of bats (Ciroptera is the scientific name for the bat).

Second Skill Alt: Huntsman

Dracul bends light waves around him, and creates a section of darkness, reducing sound, visibility, etc.

Basically a stealth mechanism, like Invisibility or Smokescreen.


Third Skill: Quench (a better name for this would be appreciated)

Dracul targets an enemy, drains the life source outta him,  and then discharges it in a radial burst that heals teammates and restores their energy.


Fourth Skill: Bloodrain

Dracula creates two more clones of himself, which travel around attacking enemies, in the same 'blur of darkness' method, causing powerful damage and creating chaos. Imagine letting loose two creatures, slashing, tearing and ripping their enemies to oblivion. 

Edited by (PS4)Strifedecer
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I really like the concept, but the skills don't attract me much. 

How about this skill-set?


First Skill: Shadow Charge

Dracul 'dashes' forward, in a blur of darkness, which looks to a casual observer a bat-like creature. Unlike Slash Dash, this attack deals Puncture damage (inspired by vampire fangs).


Second Skill: Chiroptera

Dracul sends forth a torrent of dark energy, manifesting itself in the form of a flurry of bats (Ciroptera is the scientific name for the bat).

Second Skill Alt: Huntsman

Dracul bends light waves around him, and creates a section of darkness, reducing sound, visibility, etc.

Basically a stealth mechanism, like Invisibility or Smokescreen.


Third Skill: Quench (a better name for this would be appreciated)

Dracul targets an enemy, drains the life source outta him,  and then discharges it in a radial burst that heals teammates and restores their energy.


Fourth Skill: Bloodrain

Dracula creates two more clones of himself, which travel around attacking enemies, in the same 'blur of darkness' method, causing powerful damage and creating chaos. Imagine letting loose two creatures, slashing, tearing and ripping their enemies to oblivion. 

the third(would be extremely useful when fighting Corrupted vor with other squishy warframes like nyx)  and the fourth skill are awesome but the first and second seem repetitive

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I really like the concept, but the skills don't attract me much. 

How about this skill-set?


First Skill: Shadow Charge

Dracul 'dashes' forward, in a blur of darkness, which looks to a casual observer a bat-like creature. Unlike Slash Dash, this attack deals Puncture damage (inspired by vampire fangs).


Second Skill: Chiroptera

Dracul sends forth a torrent of dark energy, manifesting itself in the form of a flurry of bats (Ciroptera is the scientific name for the bat).

Second Skill Alt: Huntsman

Dracul bends light waves around him, and creates a section of darkness, reducing sound, visibility, etc.

Basically a stealth mechanism, like Invisibility or Smokescreen.


Third Skill: Quench (a better name for this would be appreciated)

Dracul targets an enemy, drains the life source outta him,  and then discharges it in a radial burst that heals teammates and restores their energy.


Fourth Skill: Bloodrain

Dracula creates two more clones of himself, which travel around attacking enemies, in the same 'blur of darkness' method, causing powerful damage and creating chaos. Imagine letting loose two creatures, slashing, tearing and ripping their enemies to oblivion. 

I found his skills to be a good fit for a jack of all traits.

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if i may point out, he could solidify the blood spear before hurling it, me and a buddy have been working on a story in which 2 of it's deutoragonists study and practice "haemalchemy", which is the alchemy of blood, solidifying blood, freezing blood, boiling blood, complete blood manipulation in general, in the existing lore we based said story in, the vampires can use haemalchemy, so... yeah... perhaps dracul could do so?


also, great concept, I FREAKIN' NEED THIS FRAME

Edited by ParaGondrak
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