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So.... As The Tenno We Are Actually Terrorists?


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Right so I know this seems like an odd thing to say, but seriously it does make me wonder.


You raid ships, destroy ships, and mainly terrorize both the corpus and grineer, plant information, and of course rob them blind of any precious material they have.


You also go on a mission to take out a "corrupt" member of the diplomatic council (boss fight) and end up starting a war between the corpus and grineer to profit from both sides struggle.  I mean you only hear about the story from the Lotus.  What if she is lying to us?  What if actually Vey Hek was trying to unify the corpus and grineer?  I mean most of what he was saying is basically translated by Lotus right?  They used to speak gibberish so I wonder if our minds are being skewed towards a different train of thought.


Which led me to thinking.  What if Lotus is actually trying to tip the balance of power in the solar system so that all life can be exterminated.  Pull everything into the void so to speak.  Maybe this is what happened to the ancient civilization.  A sentient AI exterminated all sentient life and then went to hibernation.  Maybe that's why the warframes have been hiding for so long.  But with their memories wiped they don't realize they are working for the inevitable destruction of their race.


What if Stalker is actually trying to restore balance?  What if he is the last Tenno to remember what we are actually fighting about?  I mean he does warn us that what we are doing and that our actions will have consequences.....  What if taking out these key figures is disrupting the natural flow and order of the universe?  What if what we as Tenno are doing is really turning the gears of our own destruction?


Maybe we are just indoctrinated terrorists pulling off some insane AI's plan.  Something to think about at least.

Edited by Masterofm
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You're thinking waaaay too much into it.


The Grineer dominate the solar system. The Corpus are just happy merchants. They occasionally clash every once in a while. The Infested just wanna eat stuff. The Teeno have been trying to liberate the peoples of the solar system from Grineer tyranny, combat sneaky Corpus deals, and wrangle the Infestation.


The issue is that we never actually see any civilians same some dudes from the Red Veil and maybe Darvo. This gives off the impression that only the Grineer and Corpus populate the system. This makes fighting either side feel...strange.


To be completely honest, you'll just have to wait for lore. Maybe in update 37.3 we'll get a coherent story line.

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That kind of falls under the category of a madman more than a terrorist. 


Maybe. Though it's possible tenno have no political ideology of their own.


Note that we only fight towards a distinct goal when tasked to do so by the lotus. Otherwise we seem to be more than happy to just fight for whoever pays better, or even among ourselves. 

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The Grineer dominate the solar system. The Corpus are just happy merchants. They occasionally clash every once in a while. The Infested just wanna eat stuff. The Teeno have been trying to liberate the peoples of the solar system from Grineer tyranny, combat sneaky Corpus deals, and wrangle the Infestation.

Just wanted to say the Corpus are a bit less than happy now, with Alad V being exiled and Darvo refusing to take the seat at the Board (meaning there is still one empty space), then with us messing up their various business and production ventures (not to mention that the Grineer seems to be attacking them with ferocity too). 


Note that we only fight towards a distinct goal when tasked to do so by the lotus. Otherwise we seem to be more than happy to just fight for whoever pays better, or even among ourselves. 

The Lotus kind of guides us (but in terms of saying something along the lines of 'kill every enemy') in Invasions, and for Dark Sector PVP, fully controllable Spectres for us (meaning we are fighting indirectly with each other). 

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Well, the people who we're fighting are worse than we are. So there.

or even among ourselves. 

Please, we only fight in one-on-one sparring duels in the Dojo, or in traditional 2v2 fights in the Conclave, or we hire mercenaries and go around killing each other over who gets to rip off Tenno trying to do Dark Sector missions.


...Wait, what?

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imo, strictly speaking, not.

Though the things being done may seem similar, the motives are not the same.

We don't aim to "terrorize" Corpus or Grineer civilians.


Think some of the more appropriate terms may be: pirates, robbers, spies, serial murderers, parasites :)

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imo, strictly speaking, not.

Though the things being done may seem similar, the motives are not the same.

We don't aim to "terrorize" Corpus or Grineer civilians.


Think some of the more appropriate terms may be: pirates, robbers, spies, serial murderers, parasites :)


I prefer the term parasite-american.

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