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What It Means To Be Nekros


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god forbid pubbies yell at you


It's kind of interesting. You can play Loki without disarming enemies in a pub and people won't yell at you. You can play Vauban without using Vortex in a pub and people will only yell at you occasionally. You can even play Trinity in a pub and Blessing rarely and people won't yell at you. But god forbid you don't let up on that 3 button as Nekros, because people really want that Crushing Ruin or that Decisive Judgment or that slim chance to get something that's not a Delta beacon (I've only gotten one Crushing Ruin to drop and it wasn't when I was using Nekros, either, and Desecrating Prosecutors often yield another couple Delta beacons).


And that's Desecrate's other big problem. It's not even reliable. You can press 3 five or more times and not even loot a corpse (my record is 9, at which point the body despawned). And if you do loot a body, you often just get more nano spores or alloy plate or fusion fodder.


Of course, if you're playing with clanmates or friends, you can be more open with each others' playstyles and let mistakes slide. Or you can play as seriously as you want.

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It's kind of interesting. You can play Loki without disarming enemies in a pub and people won't yell at you. You can play Vauban without using Vortex in a pub and people will only yell at you occasionally. You can even play Trinity in a pub and Blessing rarely and people won't yell at you. But god forbid you don't let up on that 3 button as Nekros, because people really want that Crushing Ruin or that Decisive Judgment or that slim chance to get something that's not a Delta beacon (I've only gotten one Crushing Ruin to drop and it wasn't when I was using Nekros, either, and Desecrating Prosecutors often yield another couple Delta beacons).


And that's Desecrate's other big problem. It's not even reliable. You can press 3 five or more times and not even loot a corpse (my record is 9, at which point the body despawned). And if you do loot a body, you often just get more nano spores or alloy plate or fusion fodder.


Of course, if you're playing with clanmates or friends, you can be more open with each others' playstyles and let mistakes slide. Or you can play as seriously as you want.

Srubs best do some ODA and rock their own Nekros then.

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Nekros is my most used frame. I've only been asked to desecrate once.


I was happy to do so as we were getting to high levels in a defense mission and the extra energy orbs were useful.


But he's far from a one-trick pony.


Shadows is fantastic for defense. He makes it easy to do defense solo.


And assuming I have the energy for it, it pretty much guarantees that the enemy will not get to the cryopod that wave.


It's not overly useful in a lot of other situations as it is slow to cast and doesn't kill enemies particularly quickly.


Terrify is great for when you want to revive team-mates or just get some breathing room.


But I do think both terrify and shadows could use a minor buffing, just to make them more appealing over desecrate.


I'll keep using him anyway. He looks amazing.

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I'm in the camp that would prefer they keep the target limit but remove the Power in Use lockout, especially as tracking down a dispersed crowd of enemies (even slowed enemies) so you can cast Terrify again can be annoying; Chaos' works fairly well because it compels the crowd to clump together to attack each other (leaving very few foes to track down), but a complete scattering skill demands more controlled and situational usage.


The rest of it seems okay, though the math on the armor reduction has historically left much to be desired. It shouldn't require Corrosive Projection to be decent, especially as Corrosive Projection stacks over 100% already. If given a choice between the two, I'd take the slow over the armor reduction any day.

And this is why most people fail with nekros; they dont understand how powerful terrify can be because of the armor reduction debuff.


Take this for example: Terrify + 1 corrosive projection + corrosive weapon = almost 100% armor reduction. If you do not know how powerful or useful that is then you obviously are playing the wrong frame.


His one and only issue is because there is a cap on terrify and the cap maxes at a low amount of enemies. I guarantee you that if the cap was removed nekros would be an extremely viable frame in any mission outside of desecrate builds.


It doesnt matter if enemies scatter because they are slowed and require less effort to shoot them than if they were under normal conditions.


dont try to get him buffed or changed to make him another rhino skill frame, balance him on what needs to be balanced and learn to be effective with it

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And this is why most people fail with nekros; they dont understand how powerful terrify can be because of the armor reduction debuff.


Take this for example: Terrify + 1 corrosive projection + corrosive weapon = almost 100% armor reduction. If you do not know how powerful or useful that is then you obviously are playing the wrong frame.


Small flaw in that logic - Corrosive procs are permanent and stack. Corrosive Projection is permanent and stacks with other auras. Terrify doesn't stack, last, or allow you to land enough hits while it's up.

On its own, Terrify is not enough, while the others can be.


Also, the issue you're referring to is the combination of low cap and inability to recast it enforcing said cap... and Terrified enemies are not naturally slowed (yet).

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Small flaw in that logic - Corrosive procs are permanent and stack. Corrosive Projection is permanent and stacks with other auras. Terrify doesn't stack, last, or allow you to land enough hits while it's up.

On its own, Terrify is not enough, while the others can be.


Also, the issue you're referring to is the combination of low cap and inability to recast it enforcing said cap... and Terrified enemies are not naturally slowed (yet).

So what your saying is terrify will not stack with corrosive projection or corrosive procs? Because as far as i'm aware that is false.



And no the issue i'm reffering to is just its low cap. There is no need to be able to recast it if 1 cast is already going to effect the entire room. What other frame has a cap on their aoe skills?

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Vauban's Bastille, Nova's first, Excalibur's ultimate, non-mutable with Ash's ultimate...

vauben can place multiple bastille's to negate the cap,

nova's first skill is not an aoe,

excalibur's ultimate is not time based and an dps skill, it can be spammed multiple times 

and ash's bladestorm can be spammed to negate the cap.


None of these skills are in the same class as terrify and each one does not suffer from limited enemies affected

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Make Soul Punch's primary target give 1 soul counter on hit.

Remove Terrify's target cap.

Make Desecrate desecrate the body 100%.

Increase SotD's soul cap and increase the unit's damage every mod level and power strength(maybe).


I don't know about you guys but this will be great for me.


Especially 1,2 and 3.

Edited by Uzpian
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This is my idea to fix the problem with desecrate.

1) Increase chance at getting a health orb and chance to roll the enemy's drop table again both to 100%


2) Sometimes desecrate requires a continuous use due to the fact that the enemy's loot table includes a chance to drop nothing. Remove this chance when the bodies are subjected to desecrate.


Less chance to miss (NO chance to miss), no waste of energy, more fun, more use of Nekros.

it's just make a gameplay more various.

Edited by Deios-Ken
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This is my idea to fix the problem with desecrate.

1) Increase chance at getting a health orb and chance to roll the enemy's drop table again both to 100%


2) Sometimes desecrate requires a continuous use due to the fact that the enemy's loot table includes a chance to drop nothing. Remove this chance when the bodies are subjected to desecrate.


Less chance to miss (NO chance to miss), no waste of energy, more fun, more use of Nekros.

it's just make a gameplay more various.

All that does is make nekros less spammy with his 3


It wont change a thing with his other skills that all have issues in one way or another

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Ok, I figured how to change the other skills. 

SOUL PUNCH: if the damage is enough to kill the target, it is raised in the form of a shadow (like SotD copies) to fight alongside you for a short time. This copy is more inclined to act according to the movements of Nekros. Add a maximum range beyond which the copy stops fighting and follows his master. You can only have one copy at a time.
TERRIFY: remove or increase the number of targets, add an effect of random confusion (more consistent) for which the targets after escaping for a certain period, remain paralyzed by fear.

SHADOWS OF THE DEAD: the Uzpian suggestion seems to be the more sensible

Edited by Deios-Ken
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Desecrate needs to be a timed ability that drains energy the more bodies he desecrates. . . Or something like that. 

Nyx's shield absorb was nerfed to require more energy per damage reflected. So lets look into it.  


Make the rank of the ability affect the amount of energy needed to desecrate X number of bodies.  The affected bodies is dependent on the range and available energy in the Nekros.  But the added issue is now there is a cool down that you can negatively affect with power duration.  You can scale it with power efficiency, duration, & range mods. 


The cost could be 25, 10, & 5 energy per body with a 20 10 & 5 second cooldown at ranks 1 2 3.  So 10 bodies in range at R3, would cost 50 energy and scale accordingly with efficiency.  Max 75% efficiency would drop the 10 bodies energy need to 35ish energy (hate Maths) with a 5 second cool down.


It's basically the same energy usage, whether it's spamming desecrate 3 times in 5 seconds or has a cooldown and pressing it once every 5 seconds.  The difference is that bodies will decay faster with the cooldown and you will miss loot.  The spamming option is better overall because it's available at all times.

Edited by Phooney
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Nekros is my Warframe of choice for Infestation missions. Soul-punch, if timed right, can destroy entire areas with one cast. Or, you can shoot the annoying disruptor ancients with a soul punch and that's the end of that. The infested also seem to love the shadows- like moths to walking, volatile flames. Also, the infested offspreys to an experienced Nekros player are weapons at the player's disposal: soul-punch, everything else near it dead.


This is how -I- play Nekros:



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vauben can place multiple bastille's to negate the cap,


Which is exactly what I've been recommending for Terrify.

This whole time.


Bastille has a limit and no Power in Use, so the only target limit is on a per-cast basis, rather than overall. I want the same for Terrify, because you can then control exactly how many foes are fleeing, and if you miss one you aren't penalized if you need to cast it again. At present, missing one runaway means spending the rest of the duration spamming Soul Punches as enemies come, which I think we can agree has the most annoying cast limiter in the game. The Power in Use also enforces the target limit, since if you only hit 3 enemies out of your allotted 12, you still can't cast it a second time until they're dead; remove that limiter, there essentially won't BE a target limit (barring cost efficiency), like you want.


Terrify and Bastille would still be different, both fundamentally (fear vs stun) and mechanically (point-blank instant effect vs thrown totem). They'll just have the per-cast limit in common.

Edited by Archwizard
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Which is exactly what I've been recommending for Terrify.

This whole time.


Bastille has a limit and no Power in Use, so the only target limit is on a per-cast basis, rather than overall. I want the same for Terrify, because you can then control exactly how many foes are fleeing, and if you miss one you aren't penalized if you need to cast it again. At present, missing one runaway means spending the rest of the duration spamming Soul Punches as enemies come, which I think we can agree has the most annoying cast limiter in the game. The Power in Use also enforces the target limit, since if you only hit 3 enemies out of your allotted 12, you still can't cast it a second time until they're dead; remove that limiter, there essentially won't BE a target limit (barring cost efficiency), like you want.


Terrify and Bastille would still be different, both fundamentally (fear vs stun) and mechanically (point-blank instant effect vs thrown totem). They'll just have the per-cast limit in common.

And that could work but you my issue with this is like you said they are 2 completely different skills, not talking about their effects but how the skill functions.

Bastille is a trap, you can deploy it anywhere you want and leave it for x amount of time, meaning newly spawned enemies can continuously walk into it and come under the effect. 

Terrify is an instant aoe that effects everything around nekros as soon as it is cast. It functions more like nova's mprime except it can only effect a certain amount of enemies.


Either way i think a compromise to how terrify should work would be 

-No cap

-No Power in Use



The skill itself is nothing but a debuff so it wouldnt become game breaking if people decide to spam it and it only makes sense that there should be no cap on it considering it is only a debuff, (just like radial disarm and radial blind).

To get full power out of the skill you'd be required to use max power strength increasing the energy cost which is a fair trade i think for the ability to spam the skill. (since you'd still be forced to use it cautiously still unless you plan on blowing through your energy within the first 2 minutes).

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