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Ugh... The Paywalls!



So, definitely a new player here. Right now I don't have much money and I am finding it really difficult to enjoy this game without paying for things. I know you can get a lot of things in game without paying, but you have to wait 24 hours to rank up, pass or fail, the starter weapons seem really bad compared to the rest of the weapons, and its extremely hard to get the resources I need to even make new ones! Oh, and when I do, finally, I have to wait 12 hours for the thing to process.


Like... was it intentional to make F2P players lives HELL. 


I can't even do solo missions where my frame level is +5 the missions reqs because I just have such crap gear. I am a burden to teams because I can't pull my weight, I am always hiding and regenerating my shields or something, and barely do much damage. 


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How many games have you played where you get all the best stuff right of the bat? Yes, starting stuff isnt as good as later stuff, but later enemies are harder too.


Also, there is no way to pay to reduce the ranking timer. Its a mechanic built in to make ranking mean more that 'i just tried it till i completed it'.


The game is all about using mods to make weapons better. If your stuck, do some xp farming. Go on a defence mission and get mods and xp from it. And play co-op. eveyone starts off weak.

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I honestly think warframe isn't the kind of game you should be playing for more than 3-4 hours at a time unless you are set on farming something (RNG god favoring you).


Just take it slow the first few days. Play a couple hours at a time and ALWAYS start making things before you go to bed, cause when you wake up 12 hours later, it seemed like you never waited for anything in the first place. The only really bad wait wail is for warframes.

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So, definitely a new player here. Right now I don't have much money and I am finding it really difficult to enjoy this game without paying for things. I know you can get a lot of things in game without paying, but you have to wait 24 hours to rank up, pass or fail, the starter weapons seem really bad compared to the rest of the weapons, and its extremely hard to get the resources I need to even make new ones! Oh, and when I do, finally, I have to wait 12 hours for the thing to process.


Like... was it intentional to make F2P players lives HELL. 


I can't even do solo missions where my frame level is +5 the missions reqs because I just have such crap gear. I am a burden to teams because I can't pull my weight, I am always hiding and regenerating my shields or something, and barely do much damage. 

Welcome to Warframe. 

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I am unemployed at the moment, spent all saturday playing, will probably be spending good chunks of time throughout the days. 


I upgraded my Shock and shield mods so far, not much else to do. 


I am using the

Volt [16]

mk1-braton[17] (feels so underpowered)

Lato [14]

mk1-bo [15]


And I don't have access to anything else. :/

I've spent 10 hours in game so far. I feel like I have hit a wall that is actually punishing me for playing consecutive hours over a shorter span. 


I like my frame, it's the weapons that I am having a hard time with, and late nights mean hardly anyone to team with. 

Dude...10 hours. What do you expect? This is an online game not some call of duty clone, where you can blow through the campaing in 5 hours. I have personally clocked in more than 600 hours  and I have seen a lot of people with more than 1000 hours. Keep playing and in no time you'll start doing much much better. read the wiki, the forums and ask for advice and you will get them. People here generally help each other so don't worry, you'll get there. Also a lot of people started playing this game when it was hell of a lot harder for newbies and we still managed just fine. The game has no paywall at all. Anything that is not a cosmetic feature can be attained in the game for free. DE even made it possible to get platinum if you have the patience and valuable mods or parts to trade. I am rank 13 and have not bought even a single weapon or frame. I assure most players are like that. Yes you might want to buy slots, but that is the only important thing that can't be crafted.


Now, onto the important stuff. Since damage 2.0 most weapons, if not end game viable, are certainly good enough to succeed in any mission. Mods make or break the game so go to the wiki(warframe.wikia.com/wiki/WARFRAME_Wiki) or ask around which mods are useful for which weapon and play untill you get them. Also, farm dark sectors for money and resources. Yes the enemies are tough there, but there are plenty high level players leveling stuff and they don't really care if they have to carry your &#! or revive you. I'd suggest you start abusing this. Just an example, a 5 minute dark sector survival on Pluto gets you 20k credits.of course you might want to stick to some lower level planets initially but its only a matter of time untul you start rolling in money. Just don't die and stay close to the group and you'll be fine.


You are certainly not the first guy to complain about this and DE have fixed early game to an extend so its not as bad as you think it is.

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The game can be very rough at the beginning but once you put the time in and start finding better mods things become more manageable..early on its hard to run missions solo so you should find some people in to play with. there are plenty of people who will help new players out you just have to find them.


I've been playing Warframe for over a year and its 100 times more accessible than it was back then. If you need some help shoot me a friend request 

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Step One: Definitely buy a Braton. It may have a smaller clip, but in other aspects it is a straight upgrade.


BRB, just going to go and get the game on X1 and see how it is for you. I remember struggling a fair amount, but it does get easier as you fuse your mods to higher ranks.


Edit: By "You", I mean new players.

Edited by Corvid
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Wrong. Buying new weapons or frames are NOT going to help. Neither is "getting better". I say this as a person who jumped into the game with good 80%+ accuracy right off the bat (many of these shots landing on the head). What will help is obtaining mods, and that comes with grind.


What you need?


Split Chamber



Hell's Chamber

Point Blank


Barrel Diffusion

Hornet Strike


If you fancy melee you definitely need

Pressure Point

and Fury



Mods are you strength. Without these, every weapon will feel weak. You don't NEED a potato (Orokin catalyst/reactor) but it REALLY helps. You can obtain taters in the market for plat, or you can wait until after a dev livestream and they give one of the two out as a blueprint in an alert.


Now, you CAN obtain these mods from other players. You can buy the mods from the player (for plat btw) or they could be nice and hand them out. Ya never know. How you get them is up to you.


Also, remember that each enemy has a specific pool of mods; meaning, you need to kill certain guys for certain mods. Use the wiki. It helps a lot.


Good luck! The beginning grind is the worst, but it all goes 90 degrees straight up from here.


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^but you have to wait 24 hours to rank up, pass or fail,


This is new to me....

Did they change this?


Either way... jump over the walls I'd say... If there are any..

1) the starter weapons aren't crap. I lvl'd the Mk1 Bo for mastery exp and I was positively surprised by it's power. Same goes for the mk1 furis. (maybe also for the mk1 paris.. I don't like bow weapons... at all)

2) If you really feel the need to buy stuff, get plat by selling stuff. Look up the recru chat, let people invite you to t1-3 runs... ext and cap would be best for you.... unless the host mentions a mastery requirement you don't meet.

3) yes, it all takes time. The main requirement for f2p gamers here is patience.


I haven't paid a single cent yet.

I am mastery 16. I consider myself a good experienced player.

I have maxxed all weapons and own all warframes minus loki prime ; Haven't sold a single warframe yet. Got a slot for everyone.

I got at least 1 cosmetic item of each kind + the proto excalibur skin.


Tell me again how there is a paywall.


I say that most new players are to give up too soon.

And why so upset about getting killed? That's why teammates can revive you.

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Wrong. Buying new weapons or frames are NOT going to help. Neither is "getting better". I say this as a person who jumped into the game with good 80%+ accuracy right off the bat (many of these shots landing on the head). What will help is obtaining mods, and that comes with grind.


What you need?


Split Chamber



Hell's Chamber

Point Blank


Barrel Diffusion

Hornet Strike


If you fancy melee you definitely need

Pressure Point

and Fury



Mods are you strength. Without these, every weapon will feel weak. You don't NEED a potato (Orokin catalyst/reactor) but it REALLY helps. You can obtain taters in the market for plat, or you can wait until after a dev livestream and they give one of the two out as a blueprint in an alert.


Now, you CAN obtain these mods from other players. You can buy the mods from the player (for plat btw) or they could be nice and hand them out. Ya never know. How you get them is up to you.


Also, remember that each enemy has a specific pool of mods; meaning, you need to kill certain guys for certain mods. Use the wiki. It helps a lot.


Good luck! The beginning grind is the worst, but it all goes 90 degrees straight up from here.


Also Elemental Mods are essential to do more damage but certain combinations are better with different factions.


Radiation, Corrosive, Heat and Viral are good against Grineer

Magnetic,Cold and Toxin against Corpus

Corrosive, Heat against Infested (Gas is passable vs low level)

Corrosive, Cold and Heat vs the Corrupted


This is the link but it can be confusing  at first  http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Damage

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Dude...10 hours. What do you expect? 

I expect a lot more than still being geared in my baby gear. 


I have played Star Trek Online, APB Reloaded, Path of Exile, Guild Wars 2, numerous NUMEROUS other games, both F2P, P2P ans subscription. I have never seen a game move slower than this one in gear. Mods are nice, yes, but they are hard to come by and when you level a new weapon you have to start over. The fresh reset to 0 really kills things for me, and is a semi backwards view on play and rewards systems. 


In 10 hours I could have accumulated a lot more in any of the other games I mentioned than I had in this game. 


Thank you everyone for the advice, I will be following it pretty well, and also looking for a clan. If you see me in game, feel free to send me a message, I would be more than willing to follow you around and zap things in missions for anyone.


edit2: I also meant paywalls as more of a reference to the timewalls, a way that the devs decided to make the game progression a lot slower for people without money.... something I frown upon. 

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The start is a steep curve. You use your starting gear for what seems like an eternity. 


As you eventually get one more weapons then two. 


Eventually build your first frame. 


The longer you play the easier and quicker access becomes to everything. Eventually reaching the point where you have piles of everything. 

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There are at least four topics like this one, OP.


Every reply will be the same - just play the game. The only thing you need money for are cosmetics, weapon slots, and maybe potatoes if you can't wait for the Friday cycles.


Here's some advice: take things a little slower instead of tackling the hardest content first; stop comparing yourself to people who have been here in the game, because chances are that you're good at what you do, yourself; and realize that those who pay get their things more quickly because you finance the game, but nothing in this game is under a "paywall" - just a "play-wall".

Edited by Kashiki
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I have all the warframes, and am mastery rank 14 I've never purchased a single weapon, warframe, resource pack, or booster. Resources are extraordinarily easy to come by.


if you are having trouble getting them, try finding someone to run the nekros warframe with you to use the desecrate ability. if you cant find anyone add me and send me a PM.  


the wait times are there so that if you REALLY want something you will rush it (I've never done that)


there is only three things that you cant get with credits, and that is Warframe slots, weapon slots, and Kubrow slots. if you cant afford those items, you can got to recruiting and find people doing vault runs. after you have grabbed a few mods you can sell them for a lump sum of platinum.(thats what I did)

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there is only three things that you cant get with credits, and that is Warframe slots, weapon slots, and Kubrow slots. if you cant afford those items, you can got to recruiting and find people doing vault runs. after you have grabbed a few mods you can sell them for a lump sum of platinum.(thats what I did)


Even then, I'm just putting this out there: it's about 5 dollars to be able to purchase 12 weapon slots/3 Warframe slots. If you have a job/bank account, it's so easy to get.

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Am I missing how to do this? Is this just inter-player trading or is there a market that I have just blindly overlooked?


Trading chat tab in the game. Go there, and start selling. You can also use the trading section here.


Here are some buzzwords:

WTB: Want to Buy

WTS: Want to Sell

WTT: Want to Trade


Other than that, use WF Trading for prices in the economy and check to see what's on demand. When you get someone to trade with, go to a dojo and use the Trade Kiosk. You'll need to meet the value of their trade, which will determine how much you pay in tax. However, if you only have less than 10k Credits, I would suggest not trading at all, yet.

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Am I missing how to do this? Is this just inter-player trading or is there a market that I have just blindly overlooked?


It is all laissez-faire (free hand), meaning a market where you can dictate and haggle with other players. I've achieved over 3k plat by this method, not a single penny was used to make this possible. It seems tough, but with time and education you can find yourself on elevated ground without having to use real money.

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