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Now That We Can Get Over 100% Status Chance, Is It Time For Super Procs? Double Procs? Procs That Proc Procs?


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When people got their crit chances over 100%, DE added red crits to make super-crit builds viable and give them a purpose. But until recently, we couldn't get our proc chances up to those insane levels. Now with the help of a full set of elemental+proc chance mods, a couple weapons can now get over 100% proc chance. Granted, they only barely get over 100%, but I still hate seeing wasted numbers. 


So what now? Maybe it will be the same as how red crits work where it's the same effect, only amplified, maybe you can proc 2 elements at once, maybe they all become AOE, maybe the same proc happens twice. 


I'm curious to see what DE will do with this. But first, we need a buff to the standard proc chance booster mods.

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Before we start thinking about uber status builds, let's improve quality of life for basic status effects.  Right now, status performance of physical damage weapons is BADLY diluted by physical damage procs.   The benefit of having a weapon that can do 60% status chance per shot is reduced when at least half of those will just be Punctures and Impacts instead of the Corrosion or Radiation or whatever it is that you are actually trying to build for.


1.) Physical damage type mods need to scale a little higher than elemental type mods, because they are limited in practicality to weapons which have strongly biased damage types to start with; and even then, I can't think of any physical damage weapons which are completely biased.  This means that while an elemental mod might do +90% damage for 11 points, a physical mod should do +120% for 11 points.


2.) Status rolls need to ignore damage types which are too weak to be the focus of the users's build. If you have, for example, 50 impact, 50 puncture, 100 slash, and 400 fire damage...   This build should not be proccing anything but fire.  It is obvious that the player has heavily invested in a specific direction to achieve a specific effect.  I'm thinking that the cutoff point should be put such that any damage type which is less than 1/4 of the total damage will be ignored. Combined with the improvements to physical damage mods, the player can have more influence over exactly they want.

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No idea what a "super proc" would be.

Magnetism, Virus, Toxic, Slash, Puncture, Gas, and Corrosive all have effects that can be scaled up easily enough.


But Fire, Blast, Impact, Cold and radiation are much trickery.  how do you Double light some one on fire?

You light them on fire twice as hard.

Edited by Plasmaface
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I wish the base damage mods (impact / puncture / slash) would also increase their effectiveness of their status effects I.E higher bleed ticks. longer stun times and less damage dealt by target. if that happend I would totally use them

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Since if you do get a status proc it chooses one from random on your weapon to apply, with over 100% that extra percent should give you a chance to proc another status from your weapon. 

Exactly what i talked about in this: (https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/302569-how-to-fix-statusgrakata-and-status-weapons/)

A mod that lets you levy what statuses are proced and boosts your proc, inorder to both make it more viable in high teir and more effective.


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It would probably be more interesting to have varied level of Proc, rather then have a weapon Proc or not. If using cold, L1 could be a small slowdown, an L2 a short freeze and the L3 they go ice solid and shatter is more damage applied. For fire, L1 would be a short burn duration a L2 would be on fire and staggered while they burn, and L3 a high fire damage and burn duration and stun.


Right now unless a weapon has a high proc, no one will build for it, and the procs that happen will be overkill anyway, would make more sense, to me anyway, that lower Proc just mean "lower level" procs, but still have them happen a decent amount, just for flavor.


An example would be a Flux Rifle with dual fire mods and say, a 25% proc that would still L1 and set enemies on fire a lot, but only a small DoT, and one modded for 60% proc that causes the odd L3, and if it was possible to get it to over 100%, then it would cause a LOT of L3's.


Anyway, I don't like this exact idea, I just like the idea of having Proc's scale with the Proc chance, not just increase the fact that it will or will not happen. With this method, each pellet from a shotgun has a chance to cause a variety of levels as well.




Went to check what Borderlands did. They used something called a "Tech Pool" to determine how often Procs happen, if you read it, it's not actually a bad system.



Edited by DSpite
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Since if you do get a status proc it chooses one from random on your weapon to apply, with over 100% that extra percent should give you a chance to proc one of the other status's from your weapon. 


The Tysis can already do this because of multishot and its 100% status chance. What is strange, though, is that it doesn't always seem to proc multiple statuses at a time. In fact, it's pretty rare.

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Exactly what i talked about in this: (https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/302569-how-to-fix-statusgrakata-and-status-weapons/)

A mod that lets you levy what statuses are proced and boosts your proc, inorder to both make it more viable in high teir and more effective.


It's an interesting thought, but I dunno about making it a mod.  There just aren't that many slots.

I think it'd just be nice to remove the physical bias in the proc system and make it totally weighted on the quantities of damage.

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The Tysis can already do this because of multishot and its 100% status chance. What is strange, though, is that it doesn't always seem to proc multiple statuses at a time. In fact, it's pretty rare.

I dont think weapons can proc multiple statuses at once


Shotguns are a good example of this


When i use my boar prime with  a status build its always 100 procs of the same thing

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I dont think weapons can proc multiple statuses at once


Shotguns are a good example of this


When i use my boar prime with  a status build its always 100 procs of the same thing


Hmm. I swore I saw both the Radiation and the Viral symbol pop up on the same number cluster when I shot a Grineer the other day. I'll keep my eye out and take a picture next time this happens. And yeah, I was under the impression that all bullets on the same trigger pull procced the same element, though perhaps that bug with Swirling Tiger (was that it?) that procced EVERY status at once is evidence that weapons are capable of proccing multiple statuses on the same hit somehow.

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2.) Status rolls need to ignore damage types which are too weak to be the focus of the users's build. If you have, for example, 50 impact, 50 puncture, 100 slash, and 400 fire damage...   This build should not be proccing anything but fire.  It is obvious that the player has heavily invested in a specific direction to achieve a specific effect.  I'm thinking that the cutoff point should be put such that any damage type which is less than 1/4 of the total damage will be ignored. Combined with the improvements to physical damage mods, the player can have more influence over exactly they want.

I always thought basing it off of the percentage of damage contributed would be the way to go. For instance if 50% of your total damage output was fire, then you would have a 50% chance of it being a fire proc.

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I always thought basing it off of the percentage of damage contributed would be the way to go. For instance if 50% of your total damage output was fire, then you would have a 50% chance of it being a fire proc.

Some guy tested and result was that is not the case.  If you Split element into 2 groups, Primary (Impact Slash Punture) and Secondary (Corrosive, Magnetic, Radiation etc).  You tends to proc Primary more even though your secondary elements damage would be way higher than your primary.  It is not even distribution either.


Here is the guy posts:


  I collected some data.


General conditions:


Loki (for invisibilty)

Burston prime (only elemental mods for testing purposes)

Testing corrosive damage only



Turn invisible, shoot one 3 round burst at a time, tally down procs as "physical" or "corrosive".

*I was originally going to tally down impact/puncure/slash procs, but it was hard to quickly distinguish between slash and puncture procs.




Condition 1 (2x dual stat mods):

11.7 puncture

11.7 impact

15.6 slash

46.8 corrosive


Physical/elemental damage balance:

45.5% to 55.5%


Proc results:

31 physical, 8 corrosive 

(79.5% to 20.5%)




Condition 2 (2x dual stat + elemental mods):

11.7 puncture

11.7 impact

15.6 slash

117.0 corrosive


Physical/elemental damage balance:

25% to 75%


Proc results:

29 physical, 18 corrosive

(61.5% to 38.5%)




Quick findings:

- Ratio of physical/corrosive procs is not equal to the ratio of physical/corrosive damage

- Increasing the amount of corrosive damage does affect the proc rate proportion.

- Changing the proportion of physical/corrosive damage by +36% (corrosive proportion from 55.5% to 75%) appears to have doubled the proportion of corrosive procs (from 20.5% to 38.5%)


Anyone else want to test this out to confirm or refute my general findings?

Edited by Hueminator
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