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Was Radial Blind Stealth Nerfed?


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In my experience using Excalibur I never had that issue. Radial Blind stuns all enemies in a given range, not just a set number of enemies. Not sure if there was a fix to this or just a bug. Maybe you had a small range on it? Mods like Narrowminded will cut the range big time even for a max Radial Blind.

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In my experience using Excalibur I never had that issue. Radial Blind stuns all enemies in a given range, not just a set number of enemies. Not sure if there was a fix to this or just a bug. Maybe you had a small range on it? Mods like Narrowminded will cut the range big time even for a max Radial Blind.


I think your mistaking my observation for ignorance. I have a max range (stretch and overextended) radial blind 4 forma Excal. Since the latest patch not only has my blind not worked for enemies behind cover but has additionally seemed to "ignore" the skill when I let myself be swarmed.

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This was officially changed quite a while ago... like around u12 or so. It can't blind enemies that have no LoS to the casting tenno.


 I can only observe what I am seeing now not what was said a few patches ago. Yesterday all enemies in range would be blinded today that is not the case. I can understand the change and the reasoning for it. What I can not understand is not putting a major change like this in the patch notes in which it was applied. 

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I'm gonna check this out with Excalibur tonight, Blind and Dash are the only powers I use in my Excal build, so if its broken then all hope is lost.


As for OP's reply, I think my wording made it sound like I took it as ignorance. My fault on that.


Edit: New to using the Warframe forums, still learning how to quote in direct response :P

Edited by (PS4)Hollow118
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It would be interesting if this was intentional, since quite a few threads have popped up recently stating that the lack of a LoS (Line of Sight) requirement for the game's most powerful abilities is what makes it too easy/boring. The one thing that stands out to me that might make it a bug, though, is enemies blocking the blind effect from other enemies. Though this could be unintentional in that RB is now blocked by all solid cover and someone messed up and forgot to flag enemies as not solid cover.

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DE, please fix this. It's absurd. Of all the frames in the game, no one really wanted Excal in teams to begin with. The one redeeming quality of Excalibur was Radial Blind. Slash Dash's damage falls off fast and is trumped by Rhino Charge. Super Jump is very situational and most areas you'd Jump to you can simply wall-run/parkour to. Radial Javelin has limited damage, does no punch through, and is only useful in late game when combined with Bullet Attractor.


I'd just given up on using Slash Dash for damage and used it as a very effective travel tool, but people do that for no energy cost by coptering.


Why take Radial Blind from us?


Aside from that, you gave the Radial Blind stun to Oberon's ultimate, and it doesn't need line of sight.


Come on.

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This is not cool at all. I just spent a reactor, 4 forma, and a S#&$load of hours ranking Excalibur to help my team with Radial Blind and now he's utterly useless. RD was not overpowered before, blinded enemies could still easily kill you or the objective with one of their overpowered grenades.

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As an avid excalibro user, putting 5 forma into my Excalibur, this is rather disappointing. Was radial blind op? You bet your buttons. But this just killed the ability altogether. I think the only change that should have been the number of enemies it effects is affected by power strength. Even w/o overextended it still reaches pretty far. Also if they were gonna take RB down a step or in this case a whole flight of stairs they should have AT LEAST buffed his other three mediocre abilities.

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The line of sight is buggy as all hell and the number of enemies effected just rubs salt in the wound. It's not like Mirages ultimate has the same issue (to my knowledge as I don't enjoy playing her.) so what all does Excal have now? The incredibly archaic feeling mobility offered by his 1 and 3 that a lot of other frames can do better with more utility?

Excalibur needs BUFFED, not Heavy Slammed into something only the most sentimental Excal players will run.

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