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Is It Just Me? Or... (Communuity Hot Topics Votes)


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Why is there this over-prevalent idea that "the first thing you get your hands on should always be the absolute weakest?" It's semi-acceptable with MK-1 weapons, mostly because they now generally have upgraded counterparts. Warframes, on the other hand, should stand on equal footing. They are unique characters, and what was a starter for one player may not be for another. Excalibur drops from PLUTO normally. Warframes should be a matter of preference, not hierarchy. 

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Hmmm... agreed...

I wonder why everyone is so obsessed with excal all of a sudden.


The only skill that really needs a re-work is Super jump.

I mean... Super jump as it is now, is a joke.

I dunno what you'd expect from a skill named 'Super Jump' other than.... jumping.


Super Jump : "Excalibur jumps with a force so great that he leaves behind a shockwave, rendering all enemies in an area suspended in stasis. " 



Edited by Neah
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I dunno what you'd expect from a skill said 'Super Jump' other than.... jumping.


Super Jump : "Excalibur jumps with a force so great that he leaves behind a shockwave, rendering all enemies in an area suspended in stasis. " lel


no idea... maybe he could just jump...........



So high, his head gets stuck in the ceiling, and he dies a slow and painfull death.

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Hmmm... agreed...

I wonder why everyone is so obsessed with excal all of a sudden.


We've gotten a consistent message from DE_Scott that the flow is supposed to be damage early -> utility later. Excal has no utility if Radial Blind becomes ineffective. If it requires LoS and gets nothing in return, on a frame with no sustain or defense of any kind, then it is ineffective because at the high end you'll just be shot to death while positioning and animating. That means he's a broken frame that never gets out of the mid levels.


People will quote me and argue but the truth is that's rare. There's a tier list of course, but pretty much any frame can contribute on some level and bring some kind of utility at the high end against some faction. Excalibur would go from uniquely applicable to being uniquely FUBAR if they nerf Radial Blind.


I say this as someone who both wants Radial Blind nerfed, and as someone who's most played frame at Rank17 is still Excalibur Prime from my Founder's pack. I want him to be balanced and make sense, not be broken or centering on one OP skill.

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So...you're saying starter warframes shouldn't be good? Volt and Mag beg to differ.

Indeed... Volt is like a God of War... He is like the Raiden of Metal Gear Rising... The Ninja friggin Gaiden of Warframe. Plus Mag is evil... stealing all kills, and blending them up in her nightmare pull, and grind.

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No frame or weapon should really be "crap for the sake of being crap." In my opinion, but especially warframes shouldn't be crap.  "It's a starter!"  Isn't an excuse since warframes in themselves are intended to support play styles.   However, weapons can be justifiably tiered in terms of "raw potential" and still work out - DE can easily make a new fully automatic assault rifle that's like an MKI Braton (lower RoF, damage, and crit for greater accuracy,) only better, simply put.  In the end simple point and shoot bullet hoses are more like a flavor than a play style.  Same goes for shotguns, sniper rifles, bows, etc.  In some cases though, it really is just a choice of damage type.


At least the MKI Braton and Lato actually got something of a buff recently.  Not exactly upper tier, but they're not miserable to work with anymore either.  It's a start. 


Now to really put things into perspective for why warframe availability shouldn't have any bearing on actual power potential, why is it that despite Excalibur being a starter Warframe, his parts come from Pluto?

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Excalibur needs to turn into Excaliman.


Give him the strengths of Superman and none of his weaknesses.



- Heat Vision

- Radial Blinding

- Fly

- Freezing breath


His natural melee should also do 200,000% damage because he's the Excalibur of Steel :D

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Please explain how Super Jump is a joke. Ever tried a build revolving around Super Jump?

Yep... should see the forma's I stuffed in my Excalibur. I now ONLY use slash dash for strictly movement. I don't even kill stuff with excalibur's abilities anymore. I just radial blind, radial blind, and radial blind some more. Thats the trick to winning. Blind everything, and if your in a hurry dash dash dash...

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Please explain how Super Jump is a joke. Ever tried a build revolving around Super Jump?


errrr tbh , nay.

I can't really imagine that either.... except maybe connecting it with heavy impact- which, I have rad, isn't possible / effective since super jump doesn't make you jump high enough (was a while back though. might have changed)

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I dunno what you'd expect from a skill said 'Super Jump' other than.... jumping.


Super Jump : "Excalibur jumps with a force so great that he leaves behind a shockwave, rendering all enemies in an area suspended in stasis. " lel



or this https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/308555-super-jump-is-overshadowed-and-here-is-my-change-sorta-buff-proposal/#entry3496468

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 ever tried super jumping in ships corridor or any other of the many limited head room areas ...its not nearly as usefull as a majority of others frames#2 abilitys

because that is totaly where and how you would use this ability. when i said "revolve around Super Jump" i didnt not mean take ONLY Super jump with you. SJ +natural talent+ radial javelin is a really good combo

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because that is totaly where and how you would use this ability. when i said "revolve around Super Jump" i didnt not mean take ONLY Super jump with you. SJ +natural talent+ radial javelin is a really good combo

Radial Javelin is a meh ability... Unlike everyone elses 4 THAT GOES THROUGH FRIGGIN WALLS!!!


Why would you even use that with Super jump. Your just asking to die sooner with an ability that gets STUCK AND STOPPED BY EVERYTHING...

Edited by Arlayn
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Radial Javelin is a positional ability, not a "PRESS 4 TO WIN" ability. Radial javelin has the highest possible single target damage out put of all the ultimates, IF you hit it right

Not really... First of all you get stuck, and then your ability will strike at enemies around you, but not the ones behind them... about 90% of the time for whatever strange unknown reason... I mean like dang it can't just punch through and kill the guys behind it, and why not? It should be a spread strike, and do alittle more then just damage. Everyone elses press 4 is actually useful... Mag will stop enemies for a moment, and Volt will shock the heck out of everything, and it gets a boost from machines being nearby. Excalibur has limited capability. Nerfing Radial blind just makes him EVEN MORE LIMITED... He needs a super buff in his super jump at the VERY LEAST to make him super versatile. Like how I mentioned in the previous post. His slash dash is also utterly useless as an offensive technique, BUT the movement part is USEFUL. As it is good for moving past crowds in a hurry to reach a certain location. Especially when I need to reach a capsule in time I just dash dash dash all the way there. Excalibur needs an effective movement ability at the very least. For now I strictly rely on slash dash for speed, and radial blind to slow enemies down as its his only two useful abilities.

Edited by Arlayn
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The only skill that really needs a re-work is Super jump.

I mean... Super jump as it is now, is a joke.


Superjump should be reworked to have a knockback blast from lauch. Knockback is mandatory. But with strenght mods, you could make the blast a take more damage. 

Edited by Cpt_Atroxium
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in my opinion


i think excalibur should be the only starter frame. 


•and make slash dash gain additional % with equipped mellee weapon

•plus making superjump to have unchangeable minimum jump height of 10meters and can be higher with mods


the nerf attempt on radial blind is just cray cray and unfun, if they decide on making walls unbypassable by abilities they should probably do it with all abilities , you want realism right? jeez.



thats just my opinion k.

Edited by Ritchel
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