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Lex Prime And Marelok


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Lex Prime is just based of a crappy secondary weapon. Marelok can't consistently headshot at long ranges. Grinlok is just a poorly designed gun, which was based off a then poorly designed gun, Vulkar (which is now fun).


A prime weapon that would be in the same tier as a Marelok would be Vasto or Magnus Primes.

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My accusation i guess may be the fact that because the Lex IS a sniper pistol the Marelok is a sawed off SNIPER mabye we should remember sniper rifles are more powerful then sniper pistols.


Increasing Lex damage in my opinion would be ridiculous because it shouldn't out power a Marelok which fires sniper rounds, last time i checked sawed off didn't mean caliber reduction. However lowering Marelok accuracy is not.


....oh... and technically sniper pistols don't exist....

Space ninjas don't exist a two laser to one laser electric rifle that shoots bubbles don't exist also. (Quanta) The grinlok is less powerful than the marelok. Read before you say things that are wrong. Based on all these damn graphs that take 10 minutes to understand and read, the marelok is super powerful and easier to get depending on time and RNG. People are clawing at each other because you don't want to nerf a weapon. Ridiculous. I even suggested nerf a part of the lex prime to buff the other parts.  

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Lex Prime is just based of a crappy secondary weapon. Marelok can't consistently headshot at long ranges. Grinlok is just a poorly designed gun, which was based off a then poorly designed gun, Vulkar (which is now fun).


A prime weapon that would be in the same tier as a Marelok would be Vasto or Magnus Primes.

Lex is crappy? Funny. Vasto and magnus? A revolver weapon. None are primed even. Did you even read the charts about the dps and damage per shot of the weapons? You skip to the end and comment like this is the first post on the thread. Bringing up sniper rifles. What is wrong with you? The marelok is better than it's sniper variant so why even mention it? You my friend are all over the place with what you are saying. This is about 2 weapons nothing else. 

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I'd agree that the basic Lex, when you first start shooting with it, is a bit lackluster. Once you start putting some levels on it and then some good mods, it's a pretty respectable sidearm for something that requires only 50k credits and no build time to acquire.


The Lex Prime is a straight and significant upgrade to the Lex, requiring a BP and two parts that drop in the Void, 10 Orokin Cells, 15k credits, and 12 hours of build time.

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My accusation i guess may be the fact that because the Lex IS a sniper pistol the Marelok is a sawed off SNIPER mabye we should remember sniper rifles are more powerful then sniper pistols.


Increasing Lex damage in my opinion would be ridiculous because it shouldn't out power a Marelok which fires sniper rounds, last time i checked sawed off didn't mean caliber reduction. However lowering Marelok accuracy is not.


....oh... and technically sniper pistols don't exist....


So you admit you claim power creep, defined as new content rendering old obsolete, is completely off base and irrelevant to the discussion, and you made the post even though I explicitly addressed this earlier in the thread?



So unless you can provide a solid reason as to why Lex Prime shouldn't be buffed, good day to you. Don't try to argue power creep because Lex Prime came after Marelok, Lex Prime in build 13.0, and Marelok in build 12.3.


Thank you.



A prime weapon that would be in the same tier as a Marelok would be Vasto or Magnus Primes.


See, this part makes sense. Note how it says same tier, not better, not worse. Braton Prime is also "based off a crappy weapon", and there are plenty of legitimate reasons to buff it as well, which is a story for another time. Primes should be roughly equal, considering that unlike the originals, some requiring just credits and others crafting, all of them require Prime parts, blueprints, and Orokin Cells, each taking a similar amount of effort.

Edited by Arabaxus
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So you admit you claim power creep, defined as new content rendering old obsolete, is completely off base and irrelevant to the discussion, and you made the post even though I explicitly addressed this earlier in the thread?




Thank you.




See, this part makes sense. Note how it says same tier, not better, not worse. Braton Prime is also "based off a crappy weapon", and there are plenty of legitimate reasons to buff it as well, which is a story for another time. Primes should be roughly equal, considering that unlike the originals, some requiring just credits and others crafting, all of them require Prime parts, blueprints, and Orokin Cells, each taking a similar amount of effort.

Everyone argues with everything but the fact that the Marelok is shooting bullets the caliber of a sniper rifle while the lex is shooting pistol caliber bullets..... This is ridiculous. SNIPER ROUNDS. V. PISTOL rounds. I dont know about you but if they just buffed all the pistols to be better then all the snipers people would be and should be pissed. Sure the lex is "Weak" and out classed by a saw off sniper. Big deal. One way to solve this is force the marelok to use rifle mods. Afterall it is a sniperrifle in pistol form.

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Everyone argues with everything but the fact that the Marelok is shooting bullets the caliber of a sniper rifle while the lex is shooting pistol caliber bullets..... This is ridiculous. SNIPER ROUNDS. V. PISTOL rounds. I dont know about you but if they just buffed all the pistols to be better then all the snipers people would be and should be &!$$ed. Sure the lex is "Weak" and out classed by a saw off sniper. Big deal. One way to solve this is force the marelok to use rifle mods. Afterall it is a sniperrifle in pistol form.

Most stupidest thing I have ever seen. Sorry to be so rude but what you suggested doesn't make sense in the game. Let's go in order. The lex prime and marelok use pistol ammo which is because they are secondary just like the soma and boltor prime use rifle ammo but one fires bullets and one fires bolts. Not all pistols are better than snipers. Snipers are support weapons pistols or secondaries as things like the acrid are not a pistol are suppoer to be your second weapons simple. The lex is weak to some but it is a very good pistol for new players. When I got the Karak I thought gg because I never had such a powerful weapon when I was mastery rank 2. Now again the marelok is a secondary it pulls from the pistol ammo pool. Another note the acrid fires darts which it is not a pistol and it doesn't fire bullets like the soma and boltor prime thing I just listed. Sniperrifle in pistol form yet the lex prime is a sniper pistol. Sawed sniper or sniper pistol. Both I can just call semi-auto pistols. This has little to do with buffing the lex prime which is what I want to happen if you read the OP which I typed. 

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Afterall it is a sniperrifle in pistol form.


Even though you're talking about the Marelok, what you just described ironically is essentially the Lex Prime. A pistol with heavy damage and that's accurate even at long range.


The Marelok is definitely a sawed-off sniper rifle, no argument there, but it is not necessarily a sniper rifle in pistol form. It's low accuracy at long range is proof of that. Pulling off headshots with a Marelok at medium to long range is rather difficult, but with the Lex / Lex Prime, it's fairly easy. Part of what defines a sniper weapon is the ability to hit with consistent precision at long range and the Marelok can't really do that - nor should it ever for that matter.

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The vocal minority will always demand buffs to no-OP things while insisting that OP things be left alone.  The feral masses that populate these forums are not representative of the playerbase at large.  

Well to b technical about it


We do represent them


Anyone has a chance to voice something but most dont so the minority has the most influence aside from numbers DE reads.


The silent choose to have no direct voice in matters

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Even though you're talking about the Marelok, what you just described ironically is essentially the Lex Prime. A pistol with heavy damage and that's accurate even at long range.


The Marelok is definitely a sawed-off sniper rifle, no argument there, but it is not necessarily a sniper rifle in pistol form. It's low accuracy at long range is proof of that. Pulling off headshots with a Marelok at medium to long range is rather difficult, but with the Lex / Lex Prime, it's fairly easy. Part of what defines a sniper weapon is the ability to hit with consistent precision at long range and the Marelok can't really do that - nor should it ever for that matter.


YES EXACTLY! And I am not saying the marelok shouldnt have an accuracy debuff. I am saying that essentially becuase the lex prime is designed for headshots it doesnt need a buff you can get an extra 2x damage on your weapon. So stop hounding for a buff. It is fine where it is. Leave the weapon alone. Or would you rather they debuff everything in the game so that the lex looks godly?! LEAVE IT alone. NO More power creep. I believe currently the player base has too much power we demand unneccesary buffs leave the lex alone. why whine about the lex when there are weapons in more need of a buff I.E. Ignis (Which is worse then Mk1 braton in terms of DPS. 

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YES EXACTLY! And I am not saying the marelok shouldnt have an accuracy debuff. I am saying that essentially becuase the lex prime is designed for headshots it doesnt need a buff you can get an extra 2x damage on your weapon. So stop hounding for a buff. It is fine where it is. Leave the weapon alone. Or would you rather they debuff everything in the game so that the lex looks godly?! LEAVE IT alone. NO More power creep. I believe currently the player base has too much power we demand unneccesary buffs leave the lex alone. why whine about the lex when there are weapons in more need of a buff I.E. Ignis (Which is worse then Mk1 braton in terms of DPS. 





#1 I do not want to debuff/nerf anything #2 Designed for headshots yet a weapon that is easier to get deals more damage than it more matter whatif you would look a couple posts back with the graphs #3 So you vote to leave it alone okay #4 debuff everything in the game? Look at the first page the akbolto and akvasto both MR0 weapons out dps the marelok which all 3 of those out dps the lex prime. They are single shot weapons so you don't need to debuff anything to buff something. #5 Power creep? Marelok came out BEFORE the lex prime. I do not want the lex prime more powerful than the marelok since if you get a headshot everytime and with the required buffs it will be better than the marelok if you land every single shot perfectly. Yet again the marelok has it's pros and cons and the lex prime has it's pros and cons. #6 This is a thread about 2 single shot pistols not the ignis having less dps than the mk-1 braton. This is not the thread for this. Do you see me saying "BUFFTHE FAKIN LEX PRIME OMG MARELOK SO OP OMG NERF THE MARELOK CLAN TECH VS PRIME!?!?!!?!??!?! OMG WTF DE PRIME VS ClAN TECH NERF THAT AND BUFF THIS OMG WHY DE SO STUPID" yea thought so. Buff lex prime leave marelok alone. PS: The player base having too much power and we demand unnecessary buffs? Nonsense as the playerbase doesn't want more buffs they want more nerfs. Okay good example is the ignis having less dps than the mk-1 braton and shotguns needing a buff what else needs buffing? Thought so. 

Edited by blade00000009
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Lex is crappy? Funny. Vasto and magnus? A revolver weapon. None are primed even. Did you even read the charts about the dps and damage per shot of the weapons? You skip to the end and comment like this is the first post on the thread. Bringing up sniper rifles. What is wrong with you? The marelok is better than it's sniper variant so why even mention it? You my friend are all over the place with what you are saying. This is about 2 weapons nothing else. 


Reading comprehension guy.


Lex is a starter weapon, you can sink as many formas into it and yeah, it'll be good but the Braton and MK-1 can be good, too. It's not going to pull it out of that even with the primed version. The base just has lackluster natural attributes aside from having pinpoint accuracy. Your DPS charts doesn't mean crap because they are obviously in two different tiers. Why do they have to be balanced together? I didn't respond to the first post because it's obviously really stupid, posts about how Marelok is better than Grinlok is much more meaningful. Rarity doesn't mean crap, if it did then Lato Prime should be one shotting everything, Sicarus isn't top tier, Broncos in both forms are still crap because they are based off a crappy weapon.


Vasto and Magnus are a tier higher than the Lex in both utility and damage, hence, if they ever get primed, that's when they will be able to match the Marelok. It's the reason why I mentioned it but lacking reading comprehension, I get how that could go over your head. Your bias for a gun that you must really love is understandable but you're suggesting to push a gun based off a gun you can buy using creds at the store towards weapons that pushes the envelope, which is then called powercreeping. Also, revolver weapons? Why are you pointing out stupid things to somehow try to dismiss my argument? Lex is a heavy caliber pistol and the Marelok is a sawed off rifle, completely two different things, so by your logic, your argument isn't worth anything.


Also, for your last part, about why I brought up Grinlok and Vulkar, it has nothing to do with you.

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Reading comprehension guy.


Lex is a starter weapon, you can sink as many formas into it and yeah, it'll be good but the Braton and MK-1 can be good, too. It's not going to pull it out of that even with the primed version. The base just has lackluster natural attributes aside from having pinpoint accuracy. Your DPS charts doesn't mean crap because they are obviously in two different tiers. Why do they have to be balanced together? I didn't respond to the first post because it's obviously really stupid, posts about how Marelok is better than Grinlok is much more meaningful. Rarity doesn't mean crap, if it did then Lato Prime should be one shotting everything, Sicarus isn't top tier, Broncos in both forms are still crap because they are based off a crappy weapon.


Vasto and Magnus are a tier higher than the Lex in both utility and damage, hence, if they ever get primed, that's when they will be able to match the Marelok. It's the reason why I mentioned it but lacking reading comprehension, I get how that could go over your head. Your bias for a gun that you must really love is understandable but you're suggesting to push a gun based off a gun you can buy using creds at the store towards weapons that pushes the envelope, which is then called powercreeping. Also, revolver weapons? Why are you pointing out stupid things to somehow try to dismiss my argument? Lex is a heavy caliber pistol and the Marelok is a sawed off rifle, completely two different things, so by your logic, your argument isn't worth anything.


Also, for your last part, about why I brought up Grinlok and Vulkar, it has nothing to do with you.

Loving the attitude. #1 Reading comprehension? #2 Lex is a starter weapon so the prime version shouldn't be good? #3 Lackluster attributes except pinpoint accuracy?  Sorry didn't know a hefty 50 some odd damage with 1 one that is a starter weapon is lackluster. #4 I never made any DPS charts even so they are all based on raw damage and no faction. #5 Going to say "Really stupid" without proper reasoning funny as what did I do to make what I typed to be stupid? #6  Most of the time rarity means something *Ahem* Boltor prime BP being in t3 and t4 MD's and the soma being a mastery rank 6 weapon both are hard tog get it may vary on how you get it but none the less they are both the best fully auto rifles in the game. #7  Lato prime is a weapon that people cannot get anymore. Shouldn't even be listed because of the fact you cannot get it. Like I said not all rare weapons perform good a example is the Ankyros prime. #8 Sicarus and the Bronco's are somewhat starter weapons or mid tier weapons and the fact I never mentioned it there is no point in you typing it. #9 Vasto and Magnus deal less damage than the lex prime not sure what utility they have but okay. If they ever get primed? Well both a tenno weapons so they may get primed but the akvasto and the akmagnus already have more dps than the marelok and you say only the primed version can match the marelok? I also see some hypocritical things here. The akvasto is a starter weapon and the lex is a starter weapon so if one gets primed it can be good and if one doesn't it can be bad? #10   Not bias toward any weapon. If I was bias I would want the marelok to be nerfed instead of the lex prime to be buffed. #11 Just because a gun based on another gun that you can buy with credits makes it automatically bad that I want the better and harder to get version of it to be buffed? #12 Define power creeping - Unbalancing of the game due to new released content. Marelok came before the lex prime and it is more powerful and I do not want the lex prime to outperform the the marelok i want it on par. #13 Revolver weapons yes because they outperform both weapons this whole thread is about? Yes pretty significant.  #14 Lex is a heavy caliber pistol and the Marelok is a sawed off rifle, completely two different things, so by your logic, your argument isn't worth anything.

 I laugh at this word in games "Logic" many things I can say about this, but I will narrow it down. We are space ninjas called tenno and we kill things endlessly without gaining no territory. Orthos prime is made out of something that explodes when exposed to air. We are space ninjas again because lots of logic in a GAME with space ninjas. Learn to not put logic into any game ever. You say completely two different things yet they perform the same way not damage wise but in how you use them. Very powerful semi-auto secondaries. I still cannot believe on my own thread I am replying to these off comment posts and not discussing to what the main point of the thread is. Anymore you have to say? If I have to have a internet argument about a game we can take this somewhere else.   
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My attitude only got sour because you're overly aggressive tone towards other people is unnecessary. Want to be treated like a decent human being? ACT like one.

#1. Yes, reading comprehension. Get some, so I don't have to explain things like this to you.

#2. No but you aren't going to leap from a starter weapon all the way out to end game, especially when the base weapon is already lackluster to begin with.

#3. Slow reload, slow fire rate. Yeah, lackluster.
#4. Reading comprehension again. ANY DPS chart isn't going to matter because Marelok is above Lex Prime, like how Soma is above Karak in tier.
#5. So you don't like "This is the stupidest thing I have ever read?" do you? Also, see #6.

#6. Rarity doesn't mean anything and applying MMO rules to this game is stupid (#5) because there are lots of weapons that are rare and still crap and common weapons like Grakata that are not crap.

#7. Then why does the Lex Prime have to? Especially, when the majority of the prime weapons aren't as good as top tier weapons.

#8. Man, you seriously let stuff go over your head don't you? Missed the point... again...

#9. Do you not understand seriously why I brought up the Vasto and Magnus? Seriously? Lex < Magnus/Vasto. Lex Prime < Magnus/Vasto Prime = Marelok.

#10. If you were unbiased you would already admit that Lex Prime is just a slightly upgraded Lex and wasn't made to be contending with a Marelok.

#11. Start your game, go to the market, observe all the weapons you can buy with creds, come back here and list them.

#12. The real question is: WHY DOES THE LEX PRIME HAVE TO BE ON PAR WITH ANYTHING? Because it's primed? Because it's rare? Those aren't good reasons. This game does not have to be balanced in that way and it's not.

#13. Revolver weapons? No, they don't. But a single Vasto or Magnus will outperform a Lex. Do you understand how that would apply to Primed weaponry?

#14. It's the same logic you tried using on someone else in this very same thread!

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#12. The real question is: WHY DOES THE LEX PRIME HAVE TO BE ON PAR WITH ANYTHING? Because it's primed? Because it's rare? Those aren't good reasons. This game does not have to be balanced in that way and it's not.



#6. Rarity doesn't mean anything and applying MMO rules to this game is stupid (#5) because there are lots of weapons that are rare and still crap and common weapons like Grakata that are not crap.


They are and they should be, and the game is.


I have addressed this previously, proving that you have clearly not read the entire thread:



1. This is already a clear mistake in the fundamental system of how weapon and weapon progression works. 


2. Clan-Tech is not an independent system. Shop, Clan-Tech, and Prime Weapons are all methods of acquiring different weapons. Shop and Clantech both involve being able to replicate the same weapon over and over after an initial investment. Prime Weapons must be farmed for the parts every single time. You can argue that Prime weapons aren't the best like the other poster, but seeing that most of the most powerful weapons, Paris Prime, Boltor Prime, Latron Prime, and Amprex, the strongest of the generic niches, Bows, Precision Rifles, and Automatic Rifles, are stronger. Amprex does not fit into the lore of Orokin Technology, and thus as a special niche weapon, it has every right to be on top, even though it is clantech. Angstrum was, and still is one of the most powerful secondaries in shop, but explosive secondaries again do not fit into Orokin lore, and thus Angstrum is justifiably powerful.


3. It matters, if nothing else, due to the fact numbers are not subjective, and you are simply incorrect, showing the amount of research you have actually done to support your argument other than state subjective facts. 


4. It should. And if you have examined the weapon categories, past history also supports that Prime versions are equivalent to the top, if not the top, of every single category that fits into Orokin Lore. Consider this:


Automatic Rifles: The most powerful of them is Boltor Prime.


Semi-Automatic Rifles: The most powerful of them is shared between Latron Wraith and Latron Prime


Bows: Paris Prime and Dread share the top spot.


Shotguns: Boar Prime is on top, arguably equal to Strun Wraith though one is rapid fire and one focuses on more powerful, slower shots.


Sniper Rifles: No Orokin Sniper exists.


Secondary Shotguns: AKBronco Prime is equal/greater than AKBronco, while Brakk is on top because it is rarer than AKBronco Prime, and the parts cannot be traded. Even when Prime is not on top, the rarity rule is followed and maintained.


Single Handed Swords: Dakra Prime is on top as the strongest physical damage sword.


Nikana: No Orokin Katana exists


Polearm: Orthos Prime is the best physical damage polearm, Serro is the best elemental damage polearm.


Staff: Bo Prime is the strongest Staff.


So, based on evidence, rarity does indeed have to do with power. It is not simply whether a weapon is a Prime or not, as Brakk is living proof.



Again, please do not state things as facts when you have no evidence, especially when they are false. Thank you.

Edited by Arabaxus
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My attitude only got sour because you're overly aggressive tone towards other people is unnecessary. Want to be treated like a decent human being? ACT like one.

#1. Yes, reading comprehension. Get some, so I don't have to explain things like this to you.

#2. No but you aren't going to leap from a starter weapon all the way out to end game, especially when the base weapon is already lackluster to begin with.

#3. Slow reload, slow fire rate. Yeah, lackluster.

#4. Reading comprehension again. ANY DPS chart isn't going to matter because Marelok is above Lex Prime, like how Soma is above Karak in tier.

#5. So you don't like "This is the stupidest thing I have ever read?" do you? Also, see #6.

#6. Rarity doesn't mean anything and applying MMO rules to this game is stupid (#5) because there are lots of weapons that are rare and still crap and common weapons like Grakata that are not crap.

#7. Then why does the Lex Prime have to? Especially, when the majority of the prime weapons aren't as good as top tier weapons.

#8. Man, you seriously let stuff go over your head don't you? Missed the point... again...

#9. Do you not understand seriously why I brought up the Vasto and Magnus? Seriously? Lex < Magnus/Vasto. Lex Prime < Magnus/Vasto Prime = Marelok.

#10. If you were unbiased you would already admit that Lex Prime is just a slightly upgraded Lex and wasn't made to be contending with a Marelok.

#11. Start your game, go to the market, observe all the weapons you can buy with creds, come back here and list them.

#12. The real question is: WHY DOES THE LEX PRIME HAVE TO BE ON PAR WITH ANYTHING? Because it's primed? Because it's rare? Those aren't good reasons. This game does not have to be balanced in that way and it's not.

#13. Revolver weapons? No, they don't. But a single Vasto or Magnus will outperform a Lex. Do you understand how that would apply to Primed weaponry?

#14. It's the same logic you tried using on someone else in this very same thread!

#1 Reading comprehension - Ability to read and understand text. I understood you

#2 I used my dual heat swords till t3 until I got the serro the dual heat swords without a catalyst yes a starter weapon. Not all starters are crappy 

#3 Marelok 2 rounds a second reload 1.7s Lex not primed 1.1 rounds a second reload  2.35 oo wow .9 faster at shooting a bullet and .6 faster at reloading that is the only stats you can come up with? Yea it's a starter weapon what do you think it is going to have 1.0 reload and shoot 20 rounds a second? Lackluster the boltor was lackluster to me. Boltor prime ahem that is all I have to say

#4 Soma and Karak 2 different tiers and they are assault rifles but function in different ways. Unlike the marelok and lex prime which one is harder to get and one is better than the other one and they both function the same way. This soma vs Karak is boosting the more expensive rare things are better

#5 See #6 um okay?

#6 Proving my point again thank you. Garkata which I could get when I was a mere mastery rank 1 and I could get the lex also. So you are saying some starter weapons don't suck. Good I like this one. 

#7 Majority of prime weapons are not good as top tier weapons? Prime weapon are top tier Boar prime, Boltor prime, paris prime, burston prime, latron prime, dakra prime, bo prime, orthos prime. 

#8 Broncos are crap I have to agree but because they are based of a crappy weapon means they automatically suck? To me the boltor was to slow and was bad. Boltor prime again all I have to say. 

#9 Vasto and magnus primed or not still beat the marelok in dps. You are saying only good weapons that get primed will be good and you are clearly saying the akvasto and aknagnus primed can beat the marelok when they already beat it when they are not primed. 

#10 Bias - Leaning towards something because you like it more than another thing I like the marelok and lex point is why I want the lex to have a buff and the marelok to not get a nerf. 

#11 This proves a point that all weapons that you can buy with credits are bad okay. Lex is the only one that is good that you can buy with credits. May I ask do you even have the lex lex prime and marelok? 

#12 Um yes. Prime weapons are a orokin enchantment to something making it well better and the rarity is a very good reason for only these set of weapons and function exactly the same.

#13 I am talking about the akimbo weapon not the single weapons, so both the akbolto and akvasto (I think I said akmagnus some time ago this was wrong) is better than the marelok lex and lex prime. I see no point here simply because you mentioned the single versions being better than the lex. 

#14 Whoops show me? Because on some things you said you clearly never read the whole thread as already said by Arabaxus.



Anymore pointless arguing? My fingers are getting quite the workout. You do not want the lex prime to get a buff you don't need to say all these things for 1 sentence you could of said like some examples here 


Primes do not need to be the strongest! 

The lex is in a good spot 


My good friend SergeiTheBeast - Buff Lex Prime.


Leave Marelok alone.

Also yes I want DE to do exactly what sergei said. Buff lex prime leave marelok alone. If you have a problem with my saying then go argue about other things that you mentioned like ignis vs mk-1 braton and think about all the weapons that got nerfed and that got buffed. That is a very very long list of things. 

#1 Reading comprehension - Ability to read and understand text. I understood you

#2 I used my dual heat swords till t3 until I got the serro the dual heat swords without a catalyst yes a starter weapon. Not all starters are crappy 

#3 Marelok 2 rounds a second reload 1.7s Lex not primed 1.1 rounds a second reload  2.35 oo wow .9 faster at shooting a bullet and .6 faster at reloading that is the only stats you can come up with? Yea it's a starter weapon what do you think it is going to have 1.0 reload and shoot 20 rounds a second? Lackluster the boltor was lackluster to me. Boltor prime ahem that is all I have to say

#4 Soma and Karak 2 different tiers and they are assault rifles but function in different ways. Unlike the marelok and lex prime which one is harder to get and one is better than the other one and they both function the same way. This soma vs Karak is boosting the more expensive rare things are better

#5 See #6 um okay?

#6 Proving my point again thank you. Garkata which I could get when I was a mere mastery rank 1 and I could get the lex also. So you are saying some starter weapons don't suck. Good I like this one. 

#7 Majority of prime weapons are not good as top tier weapons? Prime weapon are top tier Boar prime, Boltor prime, paris prime, burston prime, latron prime, dakra prime, bo prime, orthos prime. 

#8 Broncos are crap I have to agree but because they are based of a crappy weapon means they automatically suck? To me the boltor was to slow and was bad. Boltor prime again all I have to say. 

#9 Vasto and magnus primed or not still beat the marelok in dps. You are saying only good weapons that get primed will be good and you are clearly saying the akvasto and aknagnus primed can beat the marelok when they already beat it when they are not primed. 

#10 Bias - Leaning towards something because you like it more than another thing I like the marelok and lex point is why I want the lex to have a buff and the marelok to not get a nerf. 

#11 This proves a point that all weapons that you can buy with credits are bad okay. Lex is the only one that is good that you can buy with credits. May I ask do you even have the lex lex prime and marelok? 

#12 Um yes. Prime weapons are a orokin enchantment to something making it well better and the rarity is a very good reason for only these set of weapons and function exactly the same.

#13 I am talking about the akimbo weapon not the single weapons, so both the akbolto and akvasto (I think I said akmagnus some time ago this was wrong) is better than the marelok lex and lex prime. I see no point here simply because you mentioned the single versions being better than the lex. 

#14 Whoops show me? Because on some things you said you clearly never read the whole thread as already said by Arabaxus.



Anymore pointless arguing? My fingers are getting quite the workout. You do not want the lex prime to get a buff you don't need to say all these things for 1 sentence you could of said like some examples here 


Primes do not need to be the strongest! 

The lex is in a good spot 


My good friend SergeiTheBeast - Buff Lex Prime.


Leave Marelok alone.

Also yes I want DE to do exactly what sergei said. Buff lex prime leave marelok alone. If you have a problem with my saying then go argue about other things that you mentioned like ignis vs mk-1 braton and think about all the weapons that got nerfed and that got buffed. That is a very very long list of things. 

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I have a 4 forma Marelok and I don't mind a damage nerf to 150.

Then Grinlok gets 160 damage.


They should be alternates of each other, with the Marelok trading some damage for a bit more ROF.

Lex Prime should be re-made as a crit pistol, but until target cracker stops sucking, you guys can only dream.


That's all I can say.

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I have a 4 forma Marelok and I don't mind a damage nerf to 150.

Then Grinlok gets 160 damage.


They should be alternates of each other, with the Marelok trading some damage for a bit more ROF.

Lex Prime should be re-made as a crit pistol, but until target cracker stops sucking, you guys can only dream.


That's all I can say.

Well that is exactly the things I don't want to nerd the marelok but instead buff the lex prime and yea target cracker is crappy. 60%+ more crit damage >.> 

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