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Boltor Prime: Killing The Game?


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U Should atleast try it againt higher level enemie or late game content before come up with strongest weapon in the game


With 4 corrosive projection on lvl 100 Eximus (extra hp one) boltor prime probably get around 1-1.5k pershot synapse or even amprex has much higher fire rate/mag capacity and can go even 20k in one bullet


or phage with 4 corrosive projection using viral even lvl 100 enemie still die pretty quick compare to boltor p. even 2 mag i dont think it can kill them


i use boltor prime alot that why i know it not the strongest weapon in the game even m.prime nova + headshot all the time take an entire mag to kill any lvl 90+ eximus enemie



Don't you know that continuous fire weapons displayed dmg numbers are combined and not per ammo? Boltor P is much more ammo efficient, while Amprex probalay has more DPS vs groups with its chain-lighting but it runs out of ammo in no time at  50+ min survs

And everything falls off when you run into a wall of armor and HP. For normal content these weapons are OP and shouldn't be accessible to beginner players.

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I still do not see why a particular weapon is RUINING the game. I use the Boltor, and it is a fun weapon, but there are other weapons I prefer. It always depends on your style of playing, and if someone manages to pick up a Boltor Prime (either by buying the parts or by grinding for it) then bloody well let them.


This is a cooperative game, after all. I am always very grateful for good players with good weapons when I am being rushed by a mob of level 99 enemies. Seriously.


And not everybody chooses the Boltor - which is not a hit-scan weapon, which requires some skill, and which is a one-trick pony. It just does that trick very well.


There are other weapons which can do tricks, and sometimes those are better suited - yes, the numbers might be lower, but those numbers are theoretically. Using a Mirage with Mirror and shooting an Amprex will clear a room faster than you can aim your Boltor. There are synergies at work, and thus some people like to figure those out and use them, and others just want to shoot stuff in the head.


I suck at aiming - that's why I use a Phage. The Phage is a glorified light saber, or a swiss army knife, depending on how you look at it. At medium spread I could easily kill everything that was coming through the portal during the Gate Crasher event. I was aiming at the portal and they all died before even entering it.


You can't really do that with a Boltor.


Do I run around bleating that Phage is destroying the game? It is my favorite weapon, and I use it whenever I can. Sometimes a mission requires something different, or I am leveling another weapon, but in the end I return to those weapons that I enjoy most.


So if people enjoy the Boltor Prime - what is your smegging problem with it? You don't have to use it. Just use whatever you want and let people play the way THEY want.

I have seen people use a heavily modded and forma'ed Amprex to take down an entire room full of enemies.

And the fact that the Phage is MR 6 required, whereas the Boltor Prime is MR 0 doesn't poke a hole in your argument because...?


We are discussing the fact that the Boltor Prime (among some other primes like Latron Prime) needs to be given a legitimate mastery rank requirement so that newbies don't just run with Boltor Prime immediately, thus spoiling their chances at long term enjoyment of the game. If you are addicted to power, and you find the "most powerful gun" is easily accessible to you even in the earliest stages of the game, you're likely going to do everything in your power to get it. Be it enlisting the help of higher level players to carry you through void missions or simply waiting until MR 2 to buy the gun.

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I can't believe how sidetracked everyone has been getting... kudos to those staying on topic.


I don't think a nerf of the BP is even needed, just make the mastery rank reflective of its firepower, and the rest will sort itself out. We need to stop newbies from getting a gun that lets them clear the star-chart with their hands tied, be it BP or whatever, but BP is the most noticeable case, so we start there.

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Arent you 1 shooting everything with any weapon by using the right mods in "normal" content?

With top weapons yes. Even with no basic damage mods (no Serration or HC just elements and crits)  Boltor P or Soma kills lvl35 heavies under 2  seconds. So its OP even in the hands of a noob with not many mods.

If you use weaker weapons like Karak or regular Boltor you actually need to mod them well and it feels more balanced.

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Hey guys, remember when Soma had its mastery requirement raised for this exact reason and NOBODY complained? Why is this such a big deal now??

The fact that Boltor Prime is still MR 0 and the only justification for why is that it was released through prime access. Anyone who bought it (even at MR 0) ought to be at least MR 6-8 at this point if not higher, assuming of course that they didn't just use the Boltor Prime and get bored of the game.

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I've been using my BP since MR 7 (I'm currently at 11), and yes, I will agree that it needs a massive MR req increase. Boost it to 7-8 and that might be a start.. another thing that would work is to tack on a Fire Rate nerf. Those two things togther will make it a far more niche pick.

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I agree. The Boltor Prime definitely has its place it the highest teirs of this game, so it shouldn't be remove; but it should have a high Mastery Requirement. I would even go as high as rank 8. That was the MR of the Acrid, the last OP weapon before damage 2.0, so I feel that is a fitting milestone for high level play. I have an MR of 12 and still have at least one test to take, and I rarely use the Boltor Prime. I find other weapons are simply more fun. 


I do have to also agree that anyone playing the game for the sole purpose of finding that perfect, best, OP, loadout are kind of doing Warframe wrong; or at least not in a way that promotes long term play of a single game. I attribute my 800 hours played to have every frame and almost every weapon, and switching between them constantly.


So is there a problem with the weapon MR system? Hell yeah. But its also a bit up to the players to watch out for their own gaming longevity. 

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Prime gear is essentially mastery exempt. Raising the mastery requirement isn't a solution in this case.

Which needs to change, wouldn't you agree? It'd be fine if the prime weapons were simply regular weapons with new skins and gold trim, but they have increased stats from their non-primed counterparts, some of which are drastically better.

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It means one less person to play with, it adds up over time. To DE it's effectively snatching a few dollars fast, at the cost of making more dollars down the road. Fact is a lot of people who play games are collectors, and they are usually more apt to open a wallet if it means finishing a collection they have been working on, but the instant they can't finish collecting they take their money elsewhere, and we all lose.


You can call it what you like. I call it bad business. It would be like going down to buy a new truck and the dealer saying sorry we only made 1000 this year and sold them all for 50k each, instead of making 250,000 and selling them for 30k each, and we also decided to stop making trucks. No problem I'm sure someone else is still making trucks and wants my money.


Bad Business is Bad Business, no matter how you slice it, you end up with a slice of Bad Business.


Back on track, Boltor P hardly needs nerfs it like many other things just need MR changes.

This model of "Bad business" is used by numerous companies the world over...

It's limited, that's why it works, and why sometimes some people pay absurd amounts of money for silly things. Because there's just a few of them. Most people don't collect stuff that can be found under any rock anywhere. That's why this "bad business" works. Whether it's truly bad or not is irrelevant unfortunately. I hate that I don't have Straith and Snipetron V, but I'm still here. And apparently a lot of other players are just like me. And like I said, it might come back someday, I don't think DE said it was gone forever. Or did they? Tell me they didn't.^^'


It's true that some may quit because of it though... But they're going to quit quite a few games then... Too bad for them I guess.^^'

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I do think weapons should be Gated on mastery rank based on fully modded/potato/Forma Burst DPS



A friend got a Boltor Prime and now apart from Dread, I can't really suggest another gun.


"use Sybaris after days of Forma, it will be... more..  um..  erm..  Ammo efficient than boltor Prime???"

"use Synapse because... its... erm... well, it looks pretty?"

"Have you tryed using

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Which needs to change, wouldn't you agree? It'd be fine if the prime weapons were simply regular weapons with new skins and gold trim, but they have increased stats from their non-primed counterparts, some of which are drastically better.

Prime gear was designed to work outside of the mastery system. I think the parts being tradable at M2 is the problem

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I suggested in a thread of my own that we need a 'Mastery Boost'.  Prime Access would give a +8 Mastery Booster for 90 days


The Mastery Booster is only useful to allow the player to equip weapons with high mastery requirements, but not to gain achievements for example. 


People didn't understand the reason and I was universally panned. 


The Mastery Booster allows all Prime Weapons and Prime Access packages, to have current and future weapons (and even Prime Warframes) to have high Mastery requirements before they can be used. While also not cutting off revenue from Prime Access packages. And still can create an extra revenue of 3/7 days Mastery boosters for those who don't have Prime Access but can't wait.  



An alternative solution would be to have a 'Mastery Trade' requirement for Prime parts. certain parts would only be tradeable above a certain mastery. 

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Void parts used to be harder to get.  More due to mostly formas dropping from end missions.  Once they added survival and better defense rewards the weapons were easy to obtain.  Also by adding better rare mods it made warframes even stronger and easy to clear.


This makes new players able to easily get the weapons.  Honestly you guys have no one but yourselves to blame for carrying low level players in the void.  This is no different than mmo's, where players carry new players through instances.


I don't even see why you guys cry about this.  Who cares if a new players have a good weapon.  Just constant forum qq.  Thats why everything gets nerfed.  Ohh nova has most kills and the warframe i like doesn't. Ohh the weapon i farmed does less damage than the store weapon. /cry  I don't know you could always use a different warframe or get that weapon.

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Void parts used to be harder to get.  More due to mostly formas dropping from end missions.  Once they added survival and better defense rewards the weapons were easy to obtain.  Also by adding better rare mods it made warframes even stronger and easy to clear.


This makes new players able to easily get the weapons.  Honestly you guys have no one but yourselves to blame for carrying low level players in the void.  This is no different than mmo's, where players carry new players through instances.


I don't even see why you guys cry about this.  Who cares if a new players have a good weapon.  Just constant forum qq.  Thats why everything gets nerfed.  Ohh nova has most kills and the warframe i like doesn't. Ohh the weapon i farmed does less damage than the store weapon. /cry  I don't know you could always use a different warframe or get that weapon.


I agree with you. Thank you.

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Just nerf Boltor prime already, yeah tryhards will move to the next "broken" one like soma but other weapons can catch soma DPS but no that broken 500 innate dps...

IMO it doesn't need a nerf, that would be too harsh for the community to handle. A MR readjustment would be more than sufficient

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I agree that the boltor prime is one of the strongest weapons in the game.


I have mine forma'd 4 times, used it for a bit, then I realized how faceroll the weapon was and never used it again.


If a newbie gets their hands on the BP then I wouldn't be surprised if they get bored quickly.

Edited by MrJxt
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if you remove boltor prime, some other weapon will take its place.

something will, everybody tends to flock towards the "best weapon" or the most talked about. i've been playing since christmas, used a soma till the boltor prime came out, max-dpsbuilt my boltor prime, it's sitting on a shelf waiting for an excuse to whipe it out again, i was big on efficiency after that, started using the latron prime, upgraded to latron wraith (yes upgraded, because it has a slight edge in burst dps) and ever since i've been using latron prime and swapping secondaries around to see what was most fun. pyrana (since it was fixed i thought i would tool around with it) turns out the weapon's fun, but the kick on it rivals that of a giraffe. then kinda went back to dual-pistol builds, akvasto, akbolto, akmagnus for infested/grineer/corpus respectively, then fooling around of course with various weapons depending on my mood. they got bored because they couldn't be bothered to find an aspect of another weapon they liked, boltor prime is currently the most reliably high dps midrange rifle in the game, but if you want sheer power per hit, get a dread, if you want aoe overkill, whip out penta or ogris depending on your favored mechanic, you like a high burst semi-auto rifle that's pretty fraggling solid, get the latron prime (and overkill version, latron wraith if you were around for the event)  people who leave because a weapon that's good makes it boring aren't looking very hard for something to entertain them, this game is repetitive, it's grindy and it's still in development, there are good things about it and bad things, boltor prime's ironic weakness is that heavy caliber barely effects its accuracy  in mid-range situations and it's almost TOO reliable, guarantee you a lot less people would be using it if the bullet spread was much worse than HC makes it now. all the dps in the world doesn't help if you can't hit the broad side of a borg cube.

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