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The New Event Mods.


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The new mods are just... meh to be honest.


The already existing physical damage mods should have been buffed to +120% (the way it was proposed by several people ever since the release of Damage 2.0), all the while the event mods should have been dualstat mods with +60% slash and whatever other stat DE likes.


But the current mods aren't worth the trouble to be honest. The negative effects on most factions cancel the bonus of slash damage out anyways. It's only good against Infested if at all... and then it counts only the already existing slash damage rather than the total base damage of the weapon... which renders them in pretty bad shape compared to even the worst elemental mods.


So even with +120% they are mostly not worth equipping but maybe on a handful of niche weapons I'll probably never touch again because I ranked them to 30 already. ^^

Edited by MeduSalem
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The new mods are just... meh to be honest.


The already existing physical damage mods should have been buffed to +120% (the way it was proposed by several people ever since the release of Damage 2.0), all the while the event mods should have been dualstat mods with +60% slash and whatever other stat DE likes.


But the current mods aren't worth the trouble to be honest. The negative effects on most factions cancel the bonus of slash damage out anyways. It's only good against Infested if at all... and then it counts only the already existing slash damage rather than the total base damage of the weapon... which renders them in pretty bad shape compared to even the worst elemental mods.


So even with +120% they are mostly not worth equipping but maybe on a handful of niche weapons I'll probably never touch again because I ranked them to 30 already. ^^


They are worth using for any weapon with 75% or more of the damage as slashing. 75% is the break even point between these and the 90% elemental mods. So they are good on pretty much any weapon that focuses on slashing. If the ratio of slashing damage is higher than 75% then the new mods are better than elemental mods.

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They are worth using for any weapon with 75% or more of the damage as slashing. 75% is the break even point between these and the 90% elemental mods. So they are good on pretty much any weapon that focuses on slashing. If the ratio of slashing damage is higher than 75% then the new mods are better than elemental mods.


They are not.




Say a melee-weapon has 100 base damage... and lets say it's 75 slash damage and 12.5 Impact and 12.5 Puncture. The Impact/Puncture stays pretty much untouched throughout the calculation.




The calculation using the new slash mod in acompany with the old Jagged Edge (120%+90%):


For physical damage only the related base physical damage is important, so 75.


75 + 210%*75 = 232.5 overall Slash damage


With Slash bonus against Infested (only viable faction in my opinion for Slash damage because of the negative effects the others have) is +25% (for chargers/leapers f.e.):


232.5 + 25%*232.5 = 290.625 overall slash damage per swing.




The same calculation with lets say Gas-damage and let's say there would be only 120% of it. To achieve that we take the Fire and Toxin Dualstat mods from the past events, which also offer us together a nice +120% Proc Chance.


For elementals the whole base damage is considered no matter what, so 100:


75 Slash damage, which remain the same, since we don't add any slash damage on top.




120%*100 = 120 Gas damage.


Adding the faction bonus:


Slash bonus is +25%:


75+25%*75=93.75 Slash damage


Gas bonus is +75%:


120 + 75%*120 = 210 Gas damage.


Overall Damage per swing = 93.75 + 210 = 303.75



Clearly the elemental combination won and that using even less percent per mod.


So which one would you rather take in the long run? The physical crap that can't reach the elemental damage at all or the elemental-combination that outperforms physical damage and offers a decent status chance as well?


That said it is even easier to buff the elementals up because there are the single-stat elemental mods with +90% as well. Could you imagine how much more damage it would be using them instead of the event-dualstat ones? Wouldn't be surprised if it does at least 1.5 or 1.75 as much damage compared to the physical ones.


Basically... physical damage is not worth it, or maybe only if you have space for ONE physical/elemental mod... but even then +90% Fire alone might outperform the +120% of Slash because of the way Fire would be calculated from the overall base damage instead of slash alone. There you might be right that the 75% is the break-even point for a weapon with exactly that (or better) distribution, but I never use only one elemental mod so that break-even point is quite unrealistic and becomes even more uninteresting once you have 3 or 4 elementals on the weapon.


Sidearms and especial rifles are even worse because their existing physical damage mods are just ridiculous.


And yes that's the actual way the damage is calculated at least according to most DPS calculators like the one Gogge made after Damage 2.0 and extensive testing.

Edited by MeduSalem
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Why would you be using the new Slash mod with Jagged Edge? If you're going to use it, you wouldn't be using Jagged Edge at all, and would still be using an elemental with it. Frankly, melee weapons probably have enough free space as it is to make use of the new slash mods, while it will be more difficult to see how it helps ranged weapons, though I agree it has potential on weapons like the Pyrana. Other Slash-based weapons, like the Dread, might have a more difficult time justifying a slot for it. Regardless, I agree that with Damage 2.0 it will probably be hard to find weapons where this will be the most powerful option, which is a bit disappointing. It's a step in the right direction, but I wish these were dual stat mods instead of a strict upgrade to what we already have.

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They are not.




Say a melee-weapon has 100 base damage... and lets say it's 75 slash damage and 12.5 Impact and 12.5 Puncture. The Impact/Puncture stays pretty much untouched throughout the calculation.




The calculation using the new slash mod in acompany with the old Jagged Edge (120%+90%):


For physical damage only the related base physical damage is important, so 75.


75 + 210%*75 = 232.5 overall Slash damage


With Slash bonus against Infested (only viable faction in my opinion for Slash damage because of the negative effects the others have) is +25% (for chargers/leapers f.e.):


232.5 + 25%*232.5 = 290.625 overall slash damage per swing.




The same calculation with lets say Gas-damage and let's say there would be only 120% of it. To achieve that we take the Fire and Toxin Dualstat mods from the past events, which also offer us together a nice +120% Proc Chance.


For elementals the whole base damage is considered no matter what, so 100:


75 Slash damage, which remain the same, since we don't add any slash damage on top.




120%*100 = 120 Gas damage.


Adding the faction bonus:


Slash bonus is +25%:


75+25%*75=93.75 Slash damage


Gas bonus is +75%:


120 + 75%*120 = 210 Gas damage.


Overall Damage per swing = 93.75 + 210 = 303.75



Clearly the elemental combination won and that using even less percent per mod.


So which one would you rather take in the long run? The physical crap that can't reach the elemental damage at all or the elemental-combination that outperforms physical damage and offers a decent status chance as well?


That said it is even easier to buff the elementals up because there are the single-stat elemental mods with +90% as well. Could you imagine how much more damage it would be using them instead of the event-dualstat ones? Wouldn't be surprised if it does at least 1.5 or 1.75 as much damage compared to the physical ones.


Basically... physical damage is not worth it, or maybe only if you have space for ONE physical/elemental mod... but even then +90% Fire alone might outperform the +120% of Slash because of the way Fire would be calculated from the overall base damage instead of slash alone. There you might be right that the 75% is the break-even point for a weapon with exactly that (or better) distribution, but I never use only one elemental mod so that break-even point is quite unrealistic and becomes even more uninteresting once you have 3 or 4 elementals on the weapon.


Sidearms and especial rifles are even worse because their existing physical damage mods are just ridiculous.


And yes that's the actual way the damage is calculated at least according to most DPS calculators like the one Gogge made after Damage 2.0 and extensive testing.


All points you've written are very true.  Very useful info and great analysis.


I do believe however that if one is using all of the elementals and damage mods with spoiled strike on a high slash melee weapon like Dakra Prime, the new melee slash mod could replace the spoiled strike and it would be favorable.  (since we'd be getting a damage bonus and no longer losing attack speed.)  I use a build like that for dakra, because I don't usually channel with it when running on my Loki/Ash.


What do you think about that?  (I'm asking, because you really have a good handle on the numbers.)

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All points you've written are very true.  Very useful info and great analysis.


I do believe however that if one is using all of the elementals and damage mods with spoiled strike on a high slash melee weapon like Dakra Prime, the new melee slash mod could replace the spoiled strike and it would be favorable.  (since we'd be getting a damage bonus and no longer losing attack speed.)  I use a build like that for dakra, because I don't usually channel with it when running on my Loki/Ash.


What do you think about that?  (I'm asking, because you really have a good handle on the numbers.)

I'm not him, but I'd like to note that Spoiled Strike modifies base damage which is calculated before elemental damage is calculated meaning that it also increases elemental damage, but IPS is calculated after so these mods wouldn't increase elemental damage. If you aren't running elemental damage, this is a fair enough trade especially considering it stacks multiplicatively with Pressure Point unlike the way Spoiled Strike stacks addatively. But if you are using elemental mods you're more than likely still going to get more DPS out of the Spoiled Strike, regardless of the attack speed loss.


Editing for numbers:

using his nicely rounded imaginary weapon of 100(75/12.5/12.5)

With a Pressure Point (because if you're putting in Spoiled Strike it's because you've already slotted this and wanted moar damage) you get 220% damage.

Now you get a nice 75 * 2.2 + 12.5 * 2.2 * 2 = 165 + 27.5 + 27.5 = 220

If you were to use Spoiled Strike it would give +100% base damage for 320% total.

So you'd get 75*3.2 + 12.5 * 2.2 * 2 = 240 + 40 + 40 = 320


However if you were to replace that with the slash mod you'd instead get:

75 * 2.2 * 1.2 + 12.5 * 2.2 * 2 = 363 + 27.5 + 27.5 = 418


So you'd get higher total damage (assuming you're not using any elemental damage at all, but it would be more focused in Slash damage, which is only good against health which isn't great. Infested are the only ones where health is truly important given that Grineer have great armour which you have to get through before hitting their decent health pools, Corpus are pretty much all shield pools with a little health to it, and Orokin are a mix of all that.


On the upside though, you wouldn't lose any attack speed.

Edited by Vaarsuvius
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In fairness to his argument, the competition you gave to his would take up 2 mod slots and 14 mod power, whereas his would only take 1 and 11 respectively.


Now this is a poor argument for almost everything, seeing as I'd rather have the increased status chance and the specific elemental damage type that would allow me to just destroy a faction over the slightly higher slash damage if possible. However, in the case of mastery fodder weapons, it can be harder to spare that 3 mod points, often with a final build on an unpotatoed, mastery fodder weapon ending in [base damage mod/quality of life mod/single elemental mod] or something to that effect. In the case of a weapon with much higher slash damage it could be fair enough to replace the single elemental mod with this and get higher damage.


Other than that, I wouldn't bother with these as you're almost always better off stacking higher base damage, then elemental damage and status chance to increase the odds of the really good statuses proccing, not to mention the typically higher damage modifier of special elemental types.

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I'm not him, but I'd like to note that Spoiled Strike modifies base damage which is calculated before elemental damage is calculated meaning that it also increases elemental damage, but IPS is calculated after so these mods wouldn't increase elemental damage. If you aren't running elemental damage, this is a fair enough trade especially considering it stacks multiplicatively with Pressure Point unlike the way Spoiled Strike stacks addatively. But if you are using elemental mods you're more than likely still going to get more DPS out of the Spoiled Strike, regardless of the attack speed loss.


Hey Thanks for that info.  I was afraid these mods worked like Jagged Edge (which don't increase elemental damage either.)  I was hoping that the 120% bonus and no -20% affect on speed would help a bit.)  My logic was that -20% attack speed is -20% on everything all damage (including elementals), but yeah I see your point.


Thanks again.

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Honestly, a lot of melee weapon Infested builds use Jagged Edge (Glaive Prime, Orthus Prime, Dragon Nikana) and I had never managed to get a hold of Jagged Edge.  Now I've got a mod that's even better and with less mod points I think.  Even if not, it's a whole 30% higher base slash bonus, which is rather considerable.


If we can expect to see Impact and Puncture mods like this, then we'll see some ridiculous Corpus/Grineer weapon numbers.  Right now, the mods we got will make going through Dark Sectors and high-level ODDs that much easier.

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They are not.




Say a melee-weapon has 100 base damage... and lets say it's 75 slash damage and 12.5 Impact and 12.5 Puncture. The Impact/Puncture stays pretty much untouched throughout the calculation.




The calculation using the new slash mod in acompany with the old Jagged Edge (120%+90%):


For physical damage only the related base physical damage is important, so 75.


75 + 210%*75 = 232.5 overall Slash damage


With Slash bonus against Infested (only viable faction in my opinion for Slash damage because of the negative effects the others have) is +25% (for chargers/leapers f.e.):


232.5 + 25%*232.5 = 290.625 overall slash damage per swing.




The same calculation with lets say Gas-damage and let's say there would be only 120% of it. To achieve that we take the Fire and Toxin Dualstat mods from the past events, which also offer us together a nice +120% Proc Chance.


For elementals the whole base damage is considered no matter what, so 100:


75 Slash damage, which remain the same, since we don't add any slash damage on top.




120%*100 = 120 Gas damage.


Adding the faction bonus:


Slash bonus is +25%:


75+25%*75=93.75 Slash damage


Gas bonus is +75%:


120 + 75%*120 = 210 Gas damage.


Overall Damage per swing = 93.75 + 210 = 303.75



Clearly the elemental combination won and that using even less percent per mod.


So which one would you rather take in the long run? The physical crap that can't reach the elemental damage at all or the elemental-combination that outperforms physical damage and offers a decent status chance as well?


That said it is even easier to buff the elementals up because there are the single-stat elemental mods with +90% as well. Could you imagine how much more damage it would be using them instead of the event-dualstat ones? Wouldn't be surprised if it does at least 1.5 or 1.75 as much damage compared to the physical ones.


Basically... physical damage is not worth it, or maybe only if you have space for ONE physical/elemental mod... but even then +90% Fire alone might outperform the +120% of Slash because of the way Fire would be calculated from the overall base damage instead of slash alone. There you might be right that the 75% is the break-even point for a weapon with exactly that (or better) distribution, but I never use only one elemental mod so that break-even point is quite unrealistic and becomes even more uninteresting once you have 3 or 4 elementals on the weapon.


Sidearms and especial rifles are even worse because their existing physical damage mods are just ridiculous.


And yes that's the actual way the damage is calculated at least according to most DPS calculators like the one Gogge made after Damage 2.0 and extensive testing.

I'd still take Slash, because the slash proc is awesome.
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