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If You Could Betray The Lotus, Would You?


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If I could leave the Lotus, I would go to the one place that always intrigued me. If the void could make Vor so powerful, what else could it do? No tenno has been exposed to the void for a very prolonged amount of time to discover what true secrets exist within, and I'd be interested to see what I would discover.


Ignoring delusions of ironic hyperbole, NO. I would NOT.

*cough* that's how tenno were made was from exposure to the void *cough*

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betray the lotus you say? "somebody say oh yeah!!" like many people on this post I would also betray lotus in a heart beat. she drives me insane with her captain obvious statements. in fact if I didn't know any better id say she was ms.captain obvious. 


if I found her would I kill her? probably based on how much she annoys  me alone. then of coarse is ordis. strap that #*%@ to a asteroid shoot it at the grineer and watch it burn baby...watch...it...BURN!


I also have no idea if I can trust lotus of not. if I ever fell out of a cryo pod and landed face first on the floor and the first thing I heard was "you have leave now there's no time to explain!" my first though and thing I said would be "umm im sorry who the #%@* are you again??" if warframe didn't just shove me in the direction it did I would have never followed lotus after the first few missions.


and as for who I would now join it would either be #1 no one. no freinds, no regrets,no responsibility's  and no problems  P-P Oh yeah...

#2 the corpus. id work with them till I gained their trust so I can show them that once you hire me I stay. then id work up my rep till i would be getting hired by the man him self  Friod friggen bek!

#3 be a pirate and start up a crew. our own rules, our loot ,our rum and 100% lack of lotus. 


as for the grineer? for me never. never liked ruk or hek and I think there space nazis in a nutshell. also a pass for the red veil as they like the lotus to much for me to ever join em.

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The lore's there, you just have to piece it together... not every game is CoD or MW and hits you over the head with story-explosions.


Me? I'm very firmly in Team Lotus... even if she turns out to be the villain, I will still be standing at her side with a glowing-red-eyed warframe, holding a giant melee weapon covered in Tenno blood as I hold my next victim by the throat above my head kicking and screaming for mercy. And then, with a nod of the Lotus' head, I would end their screaming forever.


...does that make me a bad guy?

Please stop shilling. There is no lore and no valid reason for our characters to follow her.


You can't apply the "piece it together" story telling method here like in dark souls because here you aren't alone like your character in dark souls and there's no feeling of urgency either. In dark souls you were aware that the world is ending, humanity was going to fully turn into the undead and every bit of light in the world will vanish. That's why you chase down prophecies - in hopes of preventing this from happening.



Here you are part of a larger organization with a leader. Its simply stupid that our characters mindlessly follow the lotus instead of perhaps wondering why they were frozen in the first place and why do the corpus, our enemies, apparently know more about us than we do.


The cheap excuse for a lore is again an immense missed opportunity with this game.


Also it's nice to know that you consider CoD and MW games with lore. Looks like someone never heard of good games like the dragon age or mass effect series :).

Edited by Cabadath5
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That depends on a bunch of factors, and since I don't know those factors, no, I would not. Just joining some other side is not incentive enough, not when I get to play with both sides' toys while siding with Lotus. Nebulous claims of profit don't cut it, sorry. ;)

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The amount of traitors in this thread is disgusting.

I'll enjoy presenting all your skulls to Lotus..!


On a serious note though, I'll probably play the loyalist Tenno and be a pawn of Lotus till the end. Doesn't matter if she was actually evil and all that and was manipulating us from the start, actually trying to become like the ruthless leader of the galaxy or something. I don't know, but actually staying loyal to a crazy, ruthless, genocidal, super-manipulator, evil AI and actually helping her reach her goals and get everyone enslaved under her rule seems more... attractive to me for some reason. (I really hope she actually turns out to be evil in the end)


Death to all the traitors!!

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An idea on how you could serve the Stalker: The Stalker wants to kill the Tenno for some big betrayal from the past or something along the lines of, right? So, perhaps the Stalker can offer you redemption by having you kill Tenno. What you would have to do to get that offer, I have no clue.

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Dunno, from my point of view Lotus and Tenno have mutually beneficial relationship, while Grineer and Corpus show open hostility. Not just because those factions are bad or Tenno are good, I mean just living under Grineer rule is not a very pleasant experience at all. And uncontrollable power of mega-corporations of Corpus isn't much better in that sense. Tenno told by Lotus constantly about balance and all but from game-play standpoint all Tenno are really interested in are power and mass murder. It seems like Tenno enjoy killing immensely and hold lives of others in little regard as well as others property. But common sense dictates that independence, freedom and power are three very best things in life all of which are never truly attainable neither in real life nor in games. But Tenno seems to be in situation which are very closely resemble all these things, considering of course soft guidance of Lotus (which are sometimes seems more like rule of iron fist if stretched too far) so no, I don't see any reason to betray Lotus nor do I want to, if given the ability to do so.


Sorry for misspells and grammar, as Rhino I bound to pound my head against solid objects often which is hindering my ability to express myself somewhat. 

Edited by phetaduck
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no valid reason for our characters to follow her.


She saved our lives and stopped Vor making us his little play thing.


Until someone gives me a reason not to trust her i'll continue to do so.


The Corpus and Grineer have no chance though. Both of them have tried to kill me and i'd rather follow the pixelated genocide route and wipe them both out than consider working for them.


If Lotus does turn out to be a bit on the dodgy side then i'll join a rogue Tenno faction rather than one of the ones we've done nothing but slaughter.

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If you could, it would add a lot more to the game. You can go Dark Souls style invade someone while they are doing a mission and assassinate them, you can have a Corpus VS Grineer war with Tenno on both sides, etc. Just think of the possibilities!


If this were possible, I would quit instantly.  It doesn't matter how much I like the game, it doesn't matter how much I like DE, I don't care what other feature they add to go with it: If they add involuntary PVP of any kind, they lose me as a player.  I don't know how much more clearly I can convey how deeply I revile this idea.


As far as betraying Lotus, the extent of my betrayal would be limited to becoming an independent mercenary for one of the resistance groups in the system.  The Corpus and Grineer are both terrible and I wouldn't work for them.  It is good to fight against them.  The problem is that I'm just not sure what Lotus' long term strategic goals are. For that matter we don't even know WHAT Lotus is, she may be an 'it', or even a hive-minded 'them'.  It's impossible to trust under these circumstances. So I would strongly consider breaking with her, but actively working against Lotus and the attached Tenno is a whole other bag of angry cats.

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I thought I already have multipe times when I choose to fight the G3 instead of running away like a little coward she suggests us to act like or when failing missions on purpose when my mate and me tried to experiment with something.


But on a more serious manner I'm on the fence of betraying her:


One reason why I maybe would betray her is because she keeps secrets from us, especially about our past. She knows more than she's revealing to us and that makes me not fully trust her because I want to know more than just being her day-to-day tool. Also there were some other things throughout the course of some events that leave me in an unsatisfied suspicious state.


On the other hand she wants to keep the existing balance in the system instead of freeing the system from all of its evil. So that thought kinda leaves Lotus in a shady state herself and somehow I like that. That gains much favor in me because that means when I come back tomorrow there will still be some Grineer or Corpus to fight rather than boring-*ss peace. I'll still get paid for doing my job and if we do especially good we get even better rewards. Imagine a boring desk job in the Tenno headquarters where all your skill goes to waste by lifting pencils. Nah... Peace is not worth it.

Edited by MeduSalem
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awwww you love grineer meat don't you.

You wheren't asking me but...Yes I do. In case there are any grineer ladys reading, I like dangerous runs on the beach, preferably under fire, and moonlight, it makes your eyes glow, and me harder to see for the sneaky sneaky staby staby.... (no double entedres where intended.)


it depends. Will i get better stuff if i obey her, or if i betray her?

This guy/girl/man/woman knows what's up.

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