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Should Earning Mastery Ranks Yield Better Rewards?


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I definitely think so. i've noticed after ranking up each mastery you dont really unlock anything, except "now i can use this thing" or "now i can craft that thing" although it does get me to play more (im mastery 5 trying to get to 6 just for the Soma) it would better if you actually unlocked something you could use, so heres what i think should be unlocked;


Discounts. because why not


Weapon slots. because deleting weapons just to get another and continue to rank up is annoying and bad game design


Warframe slots. since you only have 2 at the start and 1 is taken by the Frame you choose at the beginning, so after you get another one your Warframe experience is over unless you buy another slot


note that this geared towards people who cannot spend money on this game, so any comments like "no because you can just buy everything!" will be completely ignored


heres a graph of how i think the unlocks should work;


Mastery 1: Nothing


Mastery 2: 5% off Discount for 48 Hours


Mastery 3: Weapon Slot *EDIT* Some Weapon Blueprint


Mastery 4: Warframe Slot *EDIT* Some Warframe Blueprint


Mastery 5: Nothing


Mastery 6: 10% off Discount for 48 Hours


Mastery 7: Weapon Slot


Mastery 8: Warframe Slot


Mastery 9: Nothing


Mastery 10: 15% off Discount for 72 Hours


Mastery 11: Weapon Slot


Mastery 12: Warframe Slot


Mastery 13: Nothing


Mastery 14: 20% off Discount for 72 Hours


Mastery 15: Weapon Slot / Orokin Catalyst


Mastery 16: Warframe Slot / Orokin Reactor


Mastery 17: Weapon Slot / Warframe Slot



this way players have something to look forward to when they are playing and it makes them want to keep playing to unlock the rewards and it keeps them engaged with the game

Edited by Rollerlane
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It's a good idea, but I think that warframe\weapon slots are too expensive for first five ranks. I mean, from developers point of view. They need to sell this stuff for platinum, and not give it away. But some kind of blueprints at leats, would be great to receive.

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It's a good idea, but I think that warframe\weapon slots are too expensive for first five ranks. I mean, from developers point of view. They need to sell this stuff for platinum, and not give it away. But some kind of blueprints at leats, would be great to receive.

true, i'll change them since it makes more sense to rewards players actually playing

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I just want a small 5-10% affinity buff per rank to give some small reward for leveling mastery ranks and to make it less painful to keep grinding weapons after grinding hundreds of throwaway weapons.

i dont think they would ever make affinity boosters as rewards to anything since people actually buy a lot of those to rank up

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I feel torn between yes and no on the discounts, because then some people will lose it because they did the test 1 day to soon, and lost the oppertunety to buy the discounted plat (assuming you meant plat, if you meant store IDK how it would impact the game)

discounts always count towards buying plat

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You currently get an extra loadout slot per 2 ranks, but that does seem a bit... tight.

I'd actually suggest expanding that idea, rather than stuff that we buy with plat.


More loadout slots overall, 1 per MR

A "D" loadout slot for weapon/frame loadouts on MR15

Extractors, maybe change it to +1 every 4 ranks.

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I have a hard time parting with money with a 20% discount...I still do.... but a 5%,10% and 15% discount is laughable.


As per the weapons slots and warframe slots, it would be better to have these given as rewards early on.


So that players can advance their collections sooner giving newer players more options to choose from without having to delete a weapon or warframe to make the room and having options without having to pay for them immediately is a good way to keep players happy and coming back to the game.

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Although it´s a good idea it is a bad idea too, because it would cause more people to rush towards mastery which will result in even more people with high MR and no idea about this game.

So what?Mastery rank never meant anything anyways,except which weapon you could equip.

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You currently get an extra loadout slot per 2 ranks, but that does seem a bit... tight.

I'd actually suggest expanding that idea, rather than stuff that we buy with plat.


More loadout slots overall, 1 per MR

A "D" loadout slot for weapon/frame loadouts on MR15

Extractors, maybe change it to +1 every 4 ranks.

loadouts slots are pathetic and are the most redundant thing ever in Warframe

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There are some good and not so good points in here. At its core the MR should be changed to give people the will to push up all the way. Right now it is about achievements TBH, because after MR8 you don't really get anything but more daily trading capabilities.


With that said in terms of Frames/Weapon slots it can easily be noted that you are given what would be a solid F2P game loadout. By this I mean look at some other F2P games they offer similar if not even more restrictive starting slots. Sure everyone gets 50 Plat and can just but a few extra slots, but most new players have no clue and quickly spend it on other things before the realization hits. 


Yes you can buy everything in the game but some things require you to hit the trading market and this for a new player is a very discouraging area and usually leads to being turned off quickly. Honestly I feel that starting a player with 3 or 4 frames slots & 5 or 6 weapon slots is not going to break the bank at all.


In terms of what each MR would give that is honestly a tough spot because you won't ever be able to satisfy everyone.

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OK, your entitled to an opinion.

But they cannot be "redundant" if anyone uses them, and people use them.


Also, more redundant than Intruder?


Edit: Wow, I just realised you were the OP, way to promote healthy discussion on your own topic!

Edited by Egg_Chen
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Big NO to the warframe/weapons slots and potatoes.   DE needs to make money some how and those are great ways, and besides, its not like it is hard to make plat through the trading system.  Besides if you are playing the game enough that you are getting to the higher mastery ranks you should buy some plat to support DE for making a game you are putting a lot of time into.  


Should Mastery rank play a larger role, Yes.  But, giving out freebees like that, No.  The coming focus system, that has been delayed pretty bad, is supposed to tie in with the mastery rank system as well, so at least there is something to look forward too yet with regards to mastery. 


Right now Mastery unlocks:

-Exp locked weapons.

-Loadout slots.

-Number of drones you can have deployed at one time.


And like I said the Focus system will also tie into the Mastery system, so there is more to come.  DE has been saying for a long time that they want mastery to mean more than it does, it is just taking them time to do it.

Edited by ClockworkSpectre
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OK, your entitled to an opinion.

But they cannot be "redundant" if anyone uses them, and people use them.


Also, more redundant than Intruder?


Edit: Wow, I just realised you were the OP, way to promote healthy discussion on your own topic!

i dont use them, my friends dont use them, they arent necessary and to me they are just for looks. and i wasnt disagreeing with you, all i said was they are useless. having them as rewards for spending the time to earn mastery ranks isnt rewarding at all. im open to all opinions, but im not going to 100% back up every single one of them

Edited by Rollerlane
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Big NO to the warframe/weapons slots and potatoes.   DE needs to make money some how and those are great ways, and besides, its not like it is hard to make plat through the trading system.  Besides if you are playing the game enough that you are getting to the higher mastery ranks you should buy some plat to support DE for making a game you are putting a lot of time into.  


Should Mastery rank play a larger role, Yes.  But, giving out freebees like that, No.  The coming focus system, that has been delayed pretty bad, is supposed to tie in with the mastery rank system as well, so at least there is something to look forward too yet with regards to mastery. 


Right now Mastery unlocks:

-Exp locked weapons.

-Loadout slots.

-Number of drones you can have deployed at one time.


And like I said the Focus system will also tie into the Mastery system, so there is more to come.  DE has been saying for a long time that they want mastery to mean more than it does, it is just taking them time to do it.

"DE needs to make money" followed by "its not hard to make plat through the trading system" :/


and as someone said earlier, giving players more warframe slots and weapon slots wont break the bank. infact it would probably get them MORE into the game itself, because when i first played i saw how limited to everything i was, and it made me dislike the game and i quit for about 2 years, i only came back because i got a better computer. and its not like you get them right off the bat, you have to work for them. they already give out potatoes a lot anyway lol, but right no theres literally NO reward for ranking up, nothing to interest you, nothing at all

Edited by Rollerlane
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Cant really agree on the weapons slots, and there should probably be only 1 warframe slot reward, reason is that you can earn weapons slots in events, as for warframe slots i agree on atleast 1 slot reward, it gives more gameplay flexibility for new players as you normally use 1 slot to level other warframes for mastery xp.

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