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Update 7.8.0


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So after another update, still seems to be some bugs. I just failed an Earth mobile defense mission, and I most definitely did not get xp for my weapons - the mission failed screen showed my Gorgon ranking up to 17 but in my Arsenal screen, it still shows as 16.

Edited by Tulzscha
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Ok, no more fast credit farming, high missions don't give nearly enough credits, alert missions seem to be bugged with their credit rewards, and failing missions ends up in losing everything. Additionally you now reserve you the right to do a non-optional reset...


Seriously, i'm not amused by this patch at all.

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Where is this happening? They should be fixed now.


I've had this happen twice to me. Both times I noticed it happened right before the host migrated and when the new host was chosen during migration, lock-down was still in effect even after the panels were used up. Thus forcing an abort and under the new system, I'd have gotten absolutely nothing aside from some XP because of one person having a bad connection at a bad moment. I'm dreading doing alerts now, as I have to hope I end up as the host due to my super low ping (rarely above 37ms). I'm not kidding, seeing a host migrate during a lockdown when the extraction room is right around the corner and forced to abort is not a fun thing at all, especially when it could have been avoided by being able to hit Play Now to force myself as the host for three people to join.If you don't want people farming bosses and quitting out, then make it so the boss is guarding the extraction room exit. There, problem solved without punishing people for having questionable connections because of a few bad apples. I won't even go into the previously mentioned post about how a host can rage-quit or god forbid, troll the other group by quitting out right before the extraction occurs and suddenly people have no rewards like mods, mats, dropped credits, etc.
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If there's a reset you get all your spent plat back, so you won't be starting completely from scratch


I didn't spend any, but we've been told the reset would be entirely optional. I got lucky on my Gold and Blue potato drops and I'm in no mood to start farming up rank mastery again to make use of the Gorgon. If the reset ends up not being optional, then I'll just uninstall and wait for the game to be released before installing again.
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Just tested Ankyros on every enemy type and even charged it:

Corpus and Infested get their punches as should, but problems comming up on Ancients and Grineers.

Overall damage output of all kind of attack is probably lowest. They lack of armor penetration.

Currently only use of this weapon is uppercut and stealth\takedown. They deal sustain damage and ignore armor.


Speed bonus doesn't worth it, since there is no use of it.

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Is anyone else missing their Regen on their sentinel? I just checked mine and was confused to see why he had 12+ unused mod slots and noticed Regen was gone. I checked my mod list and couldn't find my ranked up one nor any Regen for that matter. Am I the only one? Perhaps I deleted it by mistake?


Also, I just cast Link vs. Stalker and he utterly kicked the crap out of me with it up. Not sure if that is suppose to happen?

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If the reset is not optional, I'm not in the mood to repeat a 110+ hour repeat performance to get the game back to where I had it. At that point, I'd walk away and call it done. Everything else in the patch seems legit enough. I have some minor reservations about the mission fail/incomplete as mentioned by others previously. Predominantly, the host souring and failed defenses netting zero. This will encourage me not to play pub matches and rely more on my clan or friends because they're infinitely more reliable. I understand the reasoning and really have no better solutions though.

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I'm pretty upset that you lose all mods when a mission is failed. My friends and I were doing some defense missions where we collected about 15 mods but then later failed a wave. All of that work lost. I feel like this encourages people to not continue defense missions and end it early. I understand not getting mods if you abort the mission, but actually losing them from failing is a little harsh in my opinion. I hope this could get reversed in the future.

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- Fix slide exploit: velocity boost from slide is on a cool down to prevent macroing.

DUUUDE WHYYYYYY. Some emergent bugs deserve to be considered as a featured mechanic :P! -- Gunz Online haha





I'm pretty upset that you lose all mods when a mission is failed. My friends and I were doing some defense missions where we collected about 15 mods but then later failed a wave. All of that work lost. I feel like this encourages people to not continue defense missions and end it early. I understand not getting mods if you abort the mission, but actually losing them from failing is a little harsh in my opinion. I hope this could get reversed in the future.





Well, I realise some stupid person made some virtual key macro simply using one of those Microsoft kits, but [worse!]why was it so easy to use virtualised input in the first place? Other games I have played have safeguards against these types of things. 
Also, 7.80 seems like a big jump considering all the other bugs still in playyyyy.

Edited by thecurryface
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After last patch, went on 2 missions:



Exterminate : Mobs went underground and could not kill them -> abort


Rescue: All green rooms opened, no hostage, infinite enemy respawn inside the main room (that includes the rescue doors)... nothing I can do about the objectives, they can't be fulfilled

Edited by Artillery
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I think the thing about losing all your mods/etc. when quitting/failing was put in to stop people from getting a drop from a boss, then immediately quitting.  Which was admittedly really lame.  I can't weigh in on the effect it has on defense, though, since I avoid those missions like the plague anyway~

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